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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. This is an abstraction of course. It represents them using a tree branch, boulder or something like that to rest the gun on.



    Sure, it'll look wierd in open country, but that's the price you have to pay for abstraction.

    I've seen them fire from standing position as well. No screenies until my Photobucket account reset son May 1.

    Use tinypic instead until it resets. Works fine as an interim hoster.

  2. Sorry for my bad English...

    I didn't recognize the same backgrounds optionnal... going to relisten them sorry if i was on mistake...

    I don't think your backgrounds were not good enough. in fact the are well done.

    What i wanted to tell is that i'm looking for one set of backgrounds typical for normandy firefight and ambience, one set with more sicily sounds and one for russian ambience (in this the last by default in the 1.5 is very good).

    Quick question: Why don't you just use the ones you liked from 1.5?

  3. It just struck me (not litterally) when testing my new sounds just how dangerous riccochets must have been during WWII...

    If you look at this video where I try out some new ppsh-41 sounds, you notice that the unit I'm looking from has some near-misses by riccochets fired from those machinegun units that are pretty far away and with alot of cover between them and the unit.

    Is this an accurate portrayal of riccochets?

  4. Looking at the Allied Dealership scenario I made for CMRT, there aren't that many russian tanks left to mod. I'd say there's a good chance you will mod everything in the game before the expansion is released.

    Long before actually.... :D

    assuming you keep this pace up of course :)

  5. The US Army found its towed tank destroyer battalions to be, overall, less effective than the self-propelled TD battalions, and by 1945 was replacing the former with the latter as quickly as they could.

    I agree with Jason C here... the US were almost constantly attacking and we all know how effective AT-guns are on the attack :/

    It's no surprise that the US found them lacking.

  6. If you have a strong CPU, I would go with Bandaicam. FRAPS, DXstory, and a whole lot of them are loss less recorders which spares no expense in quality at the expense of HDD usage. Video encoding from loss less video will take at the very least an hour and a half for about 30 minutes of video for internet quality at least. Then you'd have to spend the time uploading. With Bandaicam, it'll encode as it goes, the quality isn't as great however it doesn't really make a difference for internet video.

    I get an almost 1:1 ratio of rendering on Sony Vegas Pro 12.

    That's at 1080p done for youtube.

    So 30 minutes of material will usually take around 30 minutes to render.

  7. Could it be an external hard drive?

    I guess... as long as the connection is fast.

    The thing about FRAPS that most people complain about is that it is "a resource hog" and slows down your system.

    But most people don't realize that it's because it saves in such a raw quality and such large files that if you save to the same hard drive as the one you have the game on, there will be alot of extra work for the HDD.

    Splitting the load over two HDD's will significantly lower the load on the system.

    BUT, you have to have a fast HDD connection if you want it to be an external one since it still has to save as fast as you are recording.

  8. Mostly everything,....It's not hard to mod, I guess I got fed up with the Ausf Ds and 250 NEUs after dozen of hours of weathering them and I needed fresh air...

    Heh ok. Just looks really wierd having a misture of your modded D's and the unmodded C's on the battlefield. I guess I could always pretend that some of them were factory fresh (although they are actually the older model)

  9. If you do end up using FRAPS I also advice you to have a separate harddrive dedicated to recording.

    If you record to the same harddrive as the one you have the game on, you can get serious stuttering because the HD needs to both load the information for the game and save the recorded footage at the same time.

    When I started recording the storylines in Star Wars: The Old Republic I bought a 1Tb HDD just to record to and it removed all the stuttering I've had before.

  10. SdKfz 251 Ausf Ds are usable in MG , SdKfz 251 Cs are unmodded Oddball,...in fact, I hate those stretched textures, so I didn´t bother to mod them,..

    Dang, I always get those mixed up.

    Which textures are stretched on them? Just the rear or other places too?

  11. Fuser Thanks for your beautiful skins !

    We need some additional skins for Market Garden module: 251 Ausf C for example are very clean and shiny !!!

    Have you a project to complete the line after CMRT ?

    Take your time ...we enjoy !

    You do know you can use the 251 C from CMRT in CMMG right?

  12. They are, due to a quirk in how the game engine works. The dust cloud kicked up by AT guns firing obscures them, but enemy units can't see the dust cloud unless they spot the AT gun.

    So what would in real life aid spotting is actually making spotting harder in the game?

    That's a little depressing :/

  13. They are certainly not easy to spot from a distance.

    I think they might have increased the difficulty for spotting an AT gun, but that is also coupled with the fact that the distances are alot greater in CMRT than they were in CMBN.

    In the mission I'm currently playing, I have lost three out of six panzer IV's to AT-guns and only spotted two of them clearly (and those went back to being unspotted pretty fast) and the others are either not spotted at all or simply a sound contact marker.

    All my tanks were unbuttoned and they seem to panic alot faster than they used to because the fire is coming from unseen enemies.

  14. The AI area firing in the direction of sound contacts or 'last spotted' icons (or intuition) has been on the wish list for a long time. But it might be one of those 'be careful what you wish for' features. A Russian SMG squad choosing to area fire on intuition would translate into a Russian SMG squad with no ammo pretty darned quick.

    Yeah, IIRC the reason the M16A2 used three round bursts instead of full auto was from the experiences in Vietnam where the grunts would use up all their ammo way too fast when making contact with the enemy.

    A panicking grunt can use up all his ammo in an amazingly short time.

  15. Glad you ask, well, some 3D mappings (what goes where...)are very weird in CM. In this case, the T-70, what you see in the bitmap texture is not what you WILL see ingame, I mean,it will be stretched, changed in orientation, mirrored, etc. So, if you apply a good looking dirt texture to the bitmap, once in game it will be rubbish, so, what to do? Well, ....let's make it look rubbish in the texture so that it looks great ingame!...not easy if you know what I mean,...is not the quality of the layers alone, is the way you DISTORT them so they fit the 3d model appropiately.

    Aaah, but who doesn't like a challenge every now and then eh? :D

  16. Aris, you complete me!

    Well... you complete the game anyway :)

    Without your mods, I don't think I'd have liked the game as much as I do.

    Don't get me wrong, the graphic in the game by default are nice, but like I said before, it feels like playing with models whereas playing with your mods makes it feel real :D

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