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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Since I happen to own the Connolly book in question, and have gone through it carefully in search of what you find so objectionable, I conclude as follows: On page 40, it's clear Connolly is simply using "pikeman" as shorthand for a phalangite or Carthaginian heavy infantryman. A pikeman is something well known by the British, and Connolly is himself British. Assessment of objection? Yawn.

    Assessment of your assessment - fluff.

    Firstly he doesn't just call them pikemen - he illustrates one. Naming conventions can certainly vary - and if he's just said the carthaginians were pikemen and illustrated them as looking like Romans (as we are told they did at Cannae for example!) then that'd be sloppy .......but not what I'm talking about.

    Connelly subscribed to Livy's description of there being 6000 Macedonian heavy infantry at Zama - ie Macedonian pikemen like 'wot Alexander had. Phalangite is specifically a Macedonian pikeman - NOT a carthaginian heavy infantryman, who are normally referred to as Africans or Liby-Phoenecians.

    The mention of pikemen at Zama is propaganda by Livy to help demonise Macedonia and justify Roman wars vs it.

    you analysis that "Connelly knew of pikemen therefore it's fine" is just rubbish and ignores everything that is actually known about Connelly, Livy and the Carthaginian army.

    horse armour - well duh...yes horse armour was known around the ancient world..........so now show that Carthaginians actually used it?? And remember of course that their cavalry was 95% Gallic, Spanish and Numidian....of 10000 cavalry at Cannae, for example, only 450 are supposed to have been Carthaginian.

    the Osprey work? "Armour has been around since (whenever) and so it is logical to assume (the Carthaginians) used it.." - bull. Romans didn't use it, other Greeks didnt' use it, Gauls and Spanish didn't use it....it is not logical to say that it happened unless you have actual evidence!!

    (oh and the "Sacred Band"....well it's only known to have been INFANTRY!! And the last mention of it is prior to the 1st Punic war......and it usually got wiped out in battle! Some Osprey works are quite good....others...like this one...are of little value!)

    Assessment of your objection - pure straw man - you never mentioned Carthage once.........

    Oh and I own the book too .......have done for at least 20 years.

    But if you want some much better research into the Carthaginian army then you cannot go past Duncan Head's "Armies and Enemies of the Macedonian Wars" - also getting on now, and the author does acknowledge there's some newer research that supplants his, but much better. And you can quiz the author on the AncMed yahoolist discussion group (AncMed = Ancients and Medieval military history)

  2. My favorite example is one in which James Randi, in an effort to defeat a psi demonstration attended by eminent scientists, basically called on his followers to concentrate negative energy on (curse/hex) the proceedings. Thus, he was using a power or force outside of the 3-Space Reality which is the ONLY reality CSICOP recognizes.

    and thus we see the power of circular logic - fear me all you square heads, for I am round......

  3. Hannibal's own history is prety well known and there isn't a lot that anyone can add to it AFAIK - so the much of the "analysis" comes down to the war and it's strategy and internal politics at Carthage.

    Delbruk is somewhat obsolete AFAIK - and also very old so best avoided for any real insight. But he's a classic on the topic and apparently quite readable although superseeded now.

    Definitely get Livy and Daly - the former for the "feel" of the war (I have had it for 30 yrs & it gets referenced roughly monthly!) and Daly for some detail on how the war was fought at the battle level.

    those are the ones I know of.....Hoyos et al "Power and Politics...." looks like it might give a good overview if it sticks to its title.

  4. Just curious- what are your top 3 reason why you like it better than XP?

    I bought a full-priced XP home a couple of years back & got a Vista copy as part of the deal for NZ$30 or so (IIRC - not much anyway....NZ$30 = about US$22) - haven't used it since...

    but just got an upgrade for an old P3 box my kids have been using & it has unregistered XP put on it by the shop for their purposes, so Vista will get a run in that unless #1 son wants to put Linux on it (he's 14 & types C++ faster than I type English.......these things are important to him...)

    So in a few weeks I may have some reasons.....or not.....the new box has a 2.8 GHz dual processor & 2Gb Ram, 256Mb video.....

  5. You'll have to do better than that John.

    you didn't say anythign about your proposal being "the video suggests that..." followed by what you think - you put it forward as your idea, and you're being criticised for it - rightly so.

    And you still haven't actually made a statement about what YOU think of it...unlike everyone else...

  6. I found something interesting, in no way said I believed in it,

    And yet you put up a suggestion that there's a causal link between it and the economic crisis, and suggest "it would be fair to characterize it as powerful and influential"

    By putting this forth as a possiblity you try to disguise your real opinion.....

    so what is it John - do you believe this group is "powerful and influential" or not? do you believe in the causal link you have put before us or not?

    Your post is one-sided - it starts by putting forth that you not knowing of this group means it's something special. you then "suggest" that it is linked to the economic problems, and then proceed from that "possible" link to it being part of the problem.

    You do not anywhere suggest that you believe that the link is non-existant, or that the group is irrelevant.

    One is therefore quite entitled to think that your "suggestion" is actually what you think - especially in light of your record here!

    And BTW I completely think there is a link between Vatican finances and the crash - they've got billions invested and will lose much of it along with everyone else. And they're trying to avoid that.

    Just like everyone else including me...except for the billions bit!

  7. None, if by money you mean the profit motive.
    How about if by money I mean corporations and individuals whose wealth is more than that of some "run of the mill democracies", or who's collective dealings can cause the world's biggest economy verge on bankruptcy??

    But there is a big difference between the media and the information it produces in an open, democratic society, and the media and the information it produces in a totalitarian or even authoritarian society.
    Yeah - it's easier to spot the rubbish there - we're stuck with stuff that may or may not be true and we don't know most of the time!
  8. Costard as I understand it (and I'm definitely a lay person!!) the US is mortgaging itself to pay for current consumption - ie it's borrowing to pay for day-to-day living.

    It can do this mainly because of the petro-dollar - as long as oil is (mainly) paid for in US$'s then the US$ will retain value and be in demand.

    But there are vast sums of US money held by foreign Govt's - I seem to recall a year or 2 ago there was some discussion about the implications of China having US$ 1 trillion in CASH......

  9. Larry you have to read the bill. It's very clear. The Bank of Shanghai can transfer all of its toxic assets to the Bank of Shanghai of Los Angeles which can then sell them the next day to the Treasury. I had a provision to say if it wasn't owned by an American entity even a subsidiary, but at least an entity in the US, the Treasury can't buy it. It was rejected.

    The bill is very clear. Assets now held in China and London can be sold to US entities on Monday and then sold to the Treasury on Tuesday. Paulson has made it clear he will recommend a veto of any bill that contained a clear provision that said if Americans did not own the asset on September 20th that it can't be sold to the Treasury.

    Hundreds of billions of dollars are going to bail out foreign investors. They know it, they demanded it and the bill has been carefully written to make sure that can happen.

    Just to clarify - the Bank of Shanghei et al can't sell ALL of their "toxic assets" to its US branch and get bailed out - they can only sell their US-based "toxic assets".

    Without this there would be no recovery - it would be the same as declaring the US bankrupt as it would be deliberately defaulting on it's debt.

    It's not corruption - it's a fact of life when you have sold domestic debt overseas.

  10. From the E-skeptic magazine:

    Two years ago we reported on the brilliant exposé by Mark Bellinghaus of a Marilyn Monroe hoax perpetrated at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California, where included in a display of the movie star’s personal items were hair curlers. As Bellinghaus reported, famed psychic James Van Praagh used those curlers (and the blond hair in them) to make contact with Marilyn, and he even carried on a conversation with her on the national television show Entertainment Tonight. Well, Bellinghaus tracked down the origin of those curlers through their maker, Clairol. It turns out that those curlers were first manufactured in 1974, twelve years after Marilyn died, so it would be interesting to know just who Van Praagh was talking to! Perhaps there are Marilyn Monroe impersonators on the other side as well.

    Psychics are not the only ones trying to cash in on Marilyn’s irresistible fame. Last April a news story broke about a newly surfaced Marilyn Monroe sex tape (what else?), which was also swiftly debunked by Mark Bellinghaus as yet another fake.

  11. What happens in the US if an asset is sold and the receipts don't cover the debt? Eg $200k is owed on a house, it sells for $150k - what happens to the remaining $50k?

    Does it remain on the asset, or is it jsut a loss to the creditor?

    In these parts debts are not on assets - they are on people with the assets as security - so you personally owe teh debt, and if sale of hte security doesn't cover it then you remain liable for the remainder.

    So mailing the keys to the bank to becoem debt free is not an option.

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