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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. You are going to give them their principle back by cutting back on services to people but keeping the wars going?

    You've got some screwed up priorities there IMO.

    Using your calculator, eliminating Aghanistan & Iraq operations, cutting the rest of the military 10%, eliminating Corporate tax relief, Civilian retirement, aid to low income gamilies and making large cuts to agricultural support (40%), and lesser ones (10%) Govt Admin, Medicare and International Affairs I managed a $400 billion surplus - you could buy back your debt in only 4 years of utter penury....

  2. I stand corrected!

    However I'd note that people are happy enough to put ethanol brewed and distilled by thousands of plants worldwide through their bodies - I dont' see that small-scale industrial production of ethanol would cause a QC problem - Brazil has over 300 plants, and Sao Paulo, possibly the 3rd largest city in the world does not have air pollution......

    Acrage is a problem with corn - but corn is not a good feedstock for ethanol - there are much better. It hits the headlines "merely" because it is what is available in the USA. Brazil uses sugar cane and gets 7500 litres ethanol/hectare compared with 3000 for corn. It is self sufficient in liquid fuels on 1% of its arable land.

  3. oops - yes I mean 100 million - getting a bit carried away with the zeroes!!

    Who said anything about bankrupt? Me - it's what happens when a nation cannot pay its debts. do you think the US could ship 2 trillion $$'s worth of goods & services to China should they decide to speend that reserve?

    it's a concept the US will have to get used to - continue running hundreds of billions of $$'s deficit and you WILL be bankrupt sooner or later. It's not negotiable.

  4. Not forgetting that India, Australia & New Zealand supplied a lot of material directly to Egypt - India had a sizeable ordnance industry able to supply small arms and ammunition, and Aus & NZ mainly supplied food & clothing.

    by the end of WW2 India had 16 ordnance factories - I'm not sure how many they had in 1941 befoer Japan entered the war, and I suspect that after Dec 1941 much of their output went East rather than to Nth Africa, but they would ahve been a major source of small arms and ammunition.

    australia & NZ also had small ordnance industries - but nothing like the Indian ones - their main output was food and clothing.

  5. Tank Corps 1942 - 1945


    Note that the 57mm ATG is more common than the 45mm ATG post January 1944

    Yeah but that's Tank Corps - how many of them were there? 10? 20?

    viz 400 rifle divisions still with 45's..???

    Fact is that "rare" troops such as Tigers and Soviet 57mm AT guns were common in some formations, and completely missing in others - and "others" were the majority of formations.

    Games invariably allow players to cherry pick either equipment or units - I remember well a figure-game competition 25 years ago where the winner turned up with 7 Tiger I's and about a platoon of infantry....:)

    there are attempts to reduce this - rarity is one, the successorr to the figure gaming rules above doubled the cost of every heavy tank unless there was a corresponding medium fielded, and I'm sure we could all think of or invent others.

    none work really well - often because at he scale we play they just don't apply - eg in a small game a single platoon or section of tigers might well operate without associated mediums, and the T34/85 that KO-ed a couple of Tiger II's 1st time the Russians saw them didn't see any mediums or even any infantry nearby......

    Unless you are playing scenarios I don't see an easy way out of it.

  6. With the hostilities ceasing in May the 57mm production (which would not reach troops in time to be used) for 1945 is, say, 2 500 and 45/M42 1 000 pieces.

    I don't think you can simply halve the figures - the production numbers for many of hte gun types listed are already less in 1945 than in 1944, which probably represents either taking a shorter period into account (ie it only accounts for production to the end of the war), or that production rapidly tailed off at the end of the war.

  7. I don't know about that - Germany between the wars printed lots of money in an attempt (successful, as it turned out) to devalue the reparations to be made to the victors of WW1.

    Popular myth unsupported by any facts whatsoever....so reparations were valued in gold - not in marks. 3260 gold marks = 1 kg gold, and annual reparation repayments were to be 2 billion GOLD marks plus 26% of the value of Germany's exports (Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany).

    The fact that the German populace had it's savings wiped out as a direct result was just the colateral damage. After all, the Chinese only hold paper, don't they?

    As long as they hold US treasury bonds (paying about 6%) they have a share in the growth and wealth of the US - I can't see any US government getting away with defaulting on the payments (unless a state of war existed between China and the US). Of course, if the Chinese were to dump the lot... Lars, what would happen there?

    A bankrupt USA?

    Let your imagination run riot - the end of the petro-dollar meaning the end of US Govt deficits, so hundreds of billions of $$'s wiped from the budget - where are you going to take htem fomr? Military R&D I bet - so say goodbye to your super-tech army, net-centric warfare and the like.

    Firms selling tech wherever there's a market will ensure that the PLA has as much tech as anyone in 10 years - and a billion soldiers to use it on.

    Look forward to a police state in the USA (and most other places) - the constitution suspended, civil liberties curtailed, the end of the right to free speech - because otherwise you'll be destroyed by internal discord as privileged groups fight to retain their position at the expense of much of the population.

    I'm sure there's plenty of other ideas that you might not want to think about....

  8. Production of 45mm & 57mm AT guns 1939-1945:

    ...................1939..1940...1941..1942...1943...1944...1945....total.....in svc 22 June 1941

    45mm M1937 4536 ..2480 ..1329 20129 17225.. .200 .....0 .....45899 ..14100

    45mm M1942....0 ......0 .......0 ......0 ....4151 ..4628 ...2064 ..10843

    57mm ............0 .......0 .....371 ....0 ....1850 ..2525 ...5265 ..10011

    From RKKA site

    The russian 76 used by the Germans is the L51 pre-war M1936, and not the shorter M1939 and M1943's which made up the bulk of the Russian artillery park - the M1936 ceased being produced in 1939 because it was too expensive (that bit's for whoever Tero was quoting...)

  9. Too bad the 76,2mm gun/ammo performance is being debated.

    You must have missed this bit:

    No one ever reports 85mm AP failing against plain 80mm fronts, it overpenetrates it by 25% at least, but in game even the 85mm routinely fails against 30+50 StuG fronts due to overmodeled shatter gap and undermodeled Russian ammo, which doesn't correct until 1944.

    With the plates bolted together there is no one caliber gap but beefed up armour is better than not beefed up armour.

    no-one is arguing otherwise, but there were some technical aspects of the post I replied to that I thought needed correcting.

  10. What is the problem with that ? The spaced armour was designed to expend its energy on the first layer of armour enabling the second layer to withstand that much less powerful impact.

    the problem with that is:

    1/ it isn't spaced armour. It is 30mm plate bolted on the front of the normal 50mm plate - there's a photo of one post war here and

    2/ 2 plates of armour are not as good as 1 plate of the same total thickness vs AP (do a search for the topic on the CM1 forums - there's heaps of discussion on it...or see here) and

    3/ Spaced armour was designed to allow the jet from HEAT rounds to dissipate in the gap between - it can have some effects on solid shot (see the 2nd link above) or not, depending upon the exact configuration/spacing of the plates and the size and nature of the shot hitting them.

    4/ most spaced armour consists of a thin exterior to detonate chemical energy shells (HEAT, HESH/HEP), and a thicker internal plate to defeat kinetic energy projectiles - this is because the exterior plate has more area than the internal one, so making it thick enough to defeat any significant kinetic projectiles carries a significant weight penalty. the thin exterior plate would normally have no effect on significant kinetic energy projectiles such as the 85mm.

  11. Macci was a 17th century "archaeologist" - if you'd read the entire article you quoted from you'd have seen that - his account of the battle is De Bello Asdrubalis, Venice, 1613.

    See here for the complete article taken from the English Historical Review of 1898.

    We have no way of knowing what the horse armour he found was, or even if indeed it was armour, or even if he found anything at all or just invented it.

    He certainly intended his work to be taken seriously - see a review by the same author of the aricle above here, however, where the shortcomings in his methodology are exposed - essentially Macci merely took local placenames that sounded liek the names in the ancient accounts and built his work around them, and Bernard Henderson slams him for it:

    it becomes at times so amusing as even to raise the question of the author's good faith, were this not (as I have said) so clearly beyond dispute: but because it is by far the best illustration known to me of the method of this use of tradition and place-names to help decide topographical controversy, and of the extreme danger and uncertainty of the whole proceeding.

    so basically Macci is old, unverifiable, and highly dubious.

  12. as in the case of the RAM you seem to think came from elsewhere. It didn't, and this is clearly explained in the materials I've cited.

    go on John - humour me - give me the exact wording from it that describes the RAM and it's exact makeup....'cos honestly - I dont' see it in there anywhere.

    All I see is an early 20th century aeronautical text expressed in Indian terms, that describes "aircraft" that can't possibly actually fly......

  13. Heard an interesting interview on the radio the other day, of David Blume, a proponent of Ethanol as a fuel, who got stuck into "big oil" for misinformation and propaganda about ethanol and the food price crisis. his interview is here

    But his points:

    1. the US hasa surplus of corn even after ethanol production, so ethanol production does NOT cause food price rises.
    2. ethanol production from corn uses only the starch, leaving the remainder of the grain as a high quality livestock feed that is better than the original corn (because the starch in the original corn isn't digested by cattle and is just hard work for their digestive systems to pass!)
    3. "Big oil" has a history of working against ethanol production - he reckoned that the womens' temperance leagues in the US were funded for millions by one of the Rockerfeller's who owned oil......prohibition subsequently destroyed ethanol production, which until then had been a major source of automotive fuel....but not afterwards!
    4. Cellulosic ethanol (which I've suggested here should be good value) is "just" an attempt to industrialise ethanol production - "normal" ethanol production is not an "industrial" process - ie almost anyone can do it, which makes it much harder for "big business" to control. A difficult process like cellulosic ethanol production preserves the industry for serious capital.
    5. Corn is poor feedstock anyway - there are numerous plants that can get up to 20x the quantity of ethanol per hectare, including many that can grow on marginal lands.
    6. Pretty much any petrol car built since 1999 can run 50% ethanol right now with no modification. Modifications for 100% ethanol (aparently 98% where he is, with 2% petrol to stop people drinking it!) normally only take a couple of hundred $$'s, or many new cars can now take 100% with juts a change to the computer settings.

    All-in-all the guy reckons that there's a majore push by "big oil" to prevent the establishment of relatively simple ethanol economy where farmers might contract directly to local distilleries who supply local gas stations.

    they're doing this by misinformation about the effects of ethanol on food prices, effects on cars, etc., etc - promoting scientific studies that support their point of view, highlighting press stories that do the same, and so forth - pretty much the same tactics that Tobacco has used for the last 30 or 40 years to "stay alive".

    as far as conspiracy theories goes this one seems pretty reasonable to me....I can't replay the interview ast het moment for various technical reasons, but I think I got the gist of it above...feel free to expand or explode my points as required! :)

  14. The academy had been commissioned by the Aeronautical Research Development Board, New Delhi, to take up a one-year study, 'Non-conventional approach to Aeronautics,' on the basis of an old text, Vaimanika Shastra, authored by Bharadwaj.

    Though the period to which Bharadwaj belonged to is not very clear, Prof Lakshmithathachar noted, the manuscripts might be more than 1,000 years old.

    NO NO NO NO - the whole thing is built on this foundation of lies!!

    1000 years old?

    Its earleist existance is 1918 - end of story, period!

    You can't say that something is based upon ancient writings when those writings do not exist - it's a lie. Your constant repetition of that lie simply reinforces that you have no grasp of reality.

    so someone ins 1918 managed to write some stuff that was imaginitive enough to be similar to real world items today? So what? That's what science fiction is - applied imagination.

    Go read Jules Verne for some rocketry - heck there are columns of fire and smoke in the Bible - does that mean they invented nuclear weapons and rocketry - both of which have columns of smoke and fire?

    People have long "looked" to various texts for inspiration for various things and when they find something that vaguely resembes what's in their source they proclaim that the ancients invented it....no matter how tenuous the similarity - this is no different.....except for there being no ancient source in the first place of course!!

    So stuff in this new "source" replicates stuff in Hindu texts that ARE known to be "ancient"?? Well...er....what's surprising about that please? The ancient texts are...well..ancient - they come before the con-job - the author knew of them and so incorporates them......that the con-job replicates them doesn't prove the con-job....heck John - that's truely pathetic reasoning!

    What you have here is:

    1/ a text that is not ancient

    2/ which was "discovered" by "channeling" - a form of communication with the dead that cannot be shown to actually exist

    3/ providing circular "proof" of it's own legitimacy and

    4/ general statements of a science-fiction nature

    5/ and when one or more of these statements come anywhere near being similar to something that exists today you claim it was invented as a result of ancient writings, and

    6/ using similarities in texts that are actually ancient to show the new text is also ancient - despite that the author of the new text knows of the old ones before he writes!

    How many errors are there in your reasoning? About 1 per step.......except for step 2...in which there are 2!

    It's really quite pathetic that someone who claims to be an investigator can fall for such an obvious pseudo-religous con-job.

  15. RAM is RAM, and it either works or it doesn't. If properly working RAM came from something channeled even in 1923, that places it way before even rudimentary German work on Stealth commenced, in the form of radar absorbing coatings on the snorkels of late WW II U-boats.

    correct - but note hte proviso you included - IF

    Thus, you either have to posit that channeled material from 1918-1923 provided RAM effective today or that it was found in ancient texts thousands of years old.

    No you don't - you still haven't shown any connection at all - the leap here defies description - "illogical" doesn't even beging to cover it!!:eek::rolleyes:

    Here's an alternative - you can posit that well known and documented advances in physics over the last 300 yearsd lead to the development of RAM. You'll find lots of documentation about it all over hte 'net......none of it channeled!

    And this little side-track....

    One might also ask why, if there's nothing to all this, did the Indian Air Research Development Board not only devote a year of concentrated study to the subject, but then task other organizations to do applied research and testing?

    One might indeed - except htey didn't devote a year's concentrated study - one man did.....he's not the entire board nor even a major part of it.....have a look at some of the topics at the Ft Leavenworth site - you'll find students doing research purely for the sake of showing they can do research.

    there - if someone chooses to ask the question you now have an answer.

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