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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. JonS

    1/ if you don't know what I'm on about why did you comment?

    2/ Let me explain it to you....someone made a reference to the GM Firefly jsut after Serenity's Firefly. The GM Firefly (Pontiac) is a copy of a small Japanese car which I think we know in these parts as a Suzuki Swift. Hence I was surprised that it was teh 2nd connection to Firefly that otehrs made, and not the Sherman Firefly.

    Bloody heck I hate it when I have to connect the dots for you!

    Meaty - tag......

  2. BP, and almost any organisation, are very susceptible to the rewards & sanctions that _actually_ exist.

    and basically if they are getting away with stuff then that becomes learned bahaviour. Same with employees - if they get bollocked for insisting on operating in accordance with safety manuals they soon learn to not bother.

    It's really basic, simple human behaviour that exists across all endeavours - the pilots ofhte NWA flight that overflew their destination because they were busy with their laptops, the routine at Piper Alpha that allowed it to be destroyed, Bhopal, Air NZ flight 401 into Mt Erebus in the Antarctic, the London underground fire that was caused by dust build up in escalators - all of them show the same thing - learned norms/habits that go against basic good practice.

    the only way to stop such things happening is to have an utterly ruthless regulator that is well resourced to do whatever it needs.

    For example the US's aviation authority has half of that formula -0 it's f-ing ruthless!! any infraction will cost you $1000/flight - so if a major airline screws up somethign across its flet & flys for a couple of months with an error on board most of it's a/c - that'll be (say) 6 flights per day, x (say) 60 days x $1000/flight = $360,000/aircraft....multiply that by 100 or 200 or 500 aircraft......

    And yes they have done that to the likes of United & continental ocasionally.

    they usually use the resulting figure as a starting point and negotiate it down for good behaviour!! :)

    But the FAA is not well resourced to go out and proactively find such things, so they don't happen often.

    But even so airline execs in hte US are extremely aware that they _could_ happen.....and so do actually...generally...pay some attention to safety.

    Contrast that with BP's experiences with whatever authority it is that regulates oil exploration in the US - they submitted an emergency response plan that said that they could cope with a much larger spill than has actually happened, and the likelihood was almost nil anyway, so the regulator required them to do nothing!

    I'd be prosecuting the people who perpetrated that fraud - both from BP and at the regulator.....pour l'encouragement des les autres.

    Unlike the front lines in WW1, making examples of corporate fraud & regulatory negligence does actually seem to work!

  3. I'm pretty sure England have a better claim to that title....the AB's don't lose to rank outsiders in the first game of WC's....it tends to be in hte quarters and semis....and I'm pretty sure that's where England has usually ended up in soccer isn't it...since oh...say 1966?? :)

  4. Yep - that's probably as much as we can hope for - getting more points is even less likely.....but a couple more goals as we bow out would be great. Another point (or 3!) would be the upset of the tournament! :)

    Perhaps we don't need a wookie factor - a woolly one might be enough! :):):)

  5. Oh to make the quarter finals........:)....what with New Zealand being the 3rd lowerst ranked team, never been anywhere near a nuke (except those French ones at Muroroa and the occasional visiting US warships until 1984), having no wookie factor at all, and not being allowed to blow our own haka!

  6. I said both had been done for at least a very long time - the gun I linked to dates from 1300 or thereabouts IIRC.

    What I said was that killing people is always easier if you think you have your deity's approval, and people have been invoking religon in various forms for the killing of others for a very long time

    I don't see any attempt there to equate marking of personal weapons with manufacturing them with such markings.

    But since you asked.....come to think of it....no...I dont' see any difference. Both are expressions that your imaginary friend is better than the other guy's imaginary friend and are a sad reflection of the human condition.

    And I applaud the atheists who raised the matter with the US military for standing up the the Military-Industrial Theocracy.

    As a matter of interest.....why did you bring the matter up in the first place?

  7. Yeah so it's wrong....I think everyone has said that since it was first pointed out........I never said otherwise - I said (paraphrasing myself!) that it is a time old practice that is completely understandable - perhaps you missed that point?

    Edit - perhaps the sights with the references on them will becoem collectors pieces??!! :)

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