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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. AFAIK Visa & Mastercard debit cards work exactly like credit cards, only you pay from your account when the bill comes through electronically - liek a cheque - in fact is it probably easiest to think of them as electronic cheques.

    As far as the shop is concerned there is no difference between them and a credit card - they use teh same systems, they get eth $$'s at the same time.

    And that's one of the main points about them - they are exactly the same as a credit card to use, but you have to have the money in your account first, not later on.

    FWIW this is how the fist credit card I ever had worked 30 years ago - it was a VISA, and the money came straight out of my cheque account!

    Preloaded cards also work exactly liek credit cards - except they have a limit to how much can be spent on them - which is the amount you pre-load them for. But this means you can give them as a gift - since het value travels with the card, and is not linked to an account.

  2. Matrix Game have a wide range of turn-based board-game-style computer games available from various developers.

    Try "The Operational Art of War" (TOAW) from Matrix Games, or Strategic Command here from Battlefront. TOAW is pretty complicated but very board-game-ish, SC is less complicated and not as "board-game-ish".

    There are other titles at Matrix too - too many to list really!

  3. Japan never had enough troops in China - they only launched 1 major offensive in 1944, otherwise it was a fairly static front - albeit with many battles.

    And that was with the vast majority of her troops there!

    There seems to be a fundamental problem with China in SC - historically they lacked the ability to "walk all over" China - but in SC they do so with monotonous regularity!

  4. Something I think the game could do with is restricting how you can use loot/captured resouorce points.

    Eg the Japanese in China struggeld to get enough troops to fight after 1942, and used 700,000+ chinese tropos in rear areas - but in SC the chinese resources they get can be spent on "good" Japanese troops - IMO it would be better if they could only use them for inferior local levies.

    I'm not sure how much chinese resources (industry, food, minerals, etc) contributed to the overall Japanese war effort - there might be info out there on that, and if so a suitable proportion would be allowed to be used for Japanese production. Given there is no consumable supply in SC there's no reason to make allowance for them sustaining Japanese armies in China.

  5. The tank is supposed to be a King Tiger & in a commentry somewhere they say that they know that there is no evidence KT's ever had armour skirts as in my link....but hey...there's no evidence that they didn't either!

    But then it's a fantasy film in a vaguely historical context....(...not going to mention anyone by name....must....bite.... my...... tongue) not a documentary! :)

  6. why is the italian unit in east africa a special forces unit? Those troops were terrible.

    Probably because SC is a very linear type of game (ie units are all "up front" - points are simply killed, readiness reduced, maps are simple, supply is simple, etc) so this is the designers best/easiest way to make the Italian Africans tough enough to give a historical result if hte UK does a "historical" invasion.

    Historically the troops involved were about 75,000 Italian regulars and a bit more than double that African colonial troops - do about 350,000 total, vs 250,000 UK/commonwealth troops - many of them also African, with a substantial number of Indians, and a few thousand Ethiopian irregulars.

    Possibly a better way to handle it would be several low strength poor quality corps, but allowing them to be reinforced might make it too tough for "history".

  7. Well given the inherent tolerances in any manufacturing process, and given direction may have been 1-2 lb more or less than 3500 tons.....so it would be imprecise to say it was 3500 tons exactly :)

    And given it was installed on destroyers (apparently)....they must have had some big destroyers!!:eek:

    And must have made Nagato a bit top heavy given several fitted to her bridge column.....:cool:

    I am surprise no one (cough) has suggested that this is more proof that the dismissal of an Japanese VT fuses in these reports shows that they existed!

  8. We got 3rd in the quiz :)

    Anyway - Inner Mongolia sees the tired Yak 3's (structure 1/1) escort a Sturmovik against 1/2 a tired Ki-84 and an exhauseted 102 - it ends up a draw with all of the Japanese shot down, but an Il-2 damaged so they have insufficient bomb points to get the points - a toughi.

    The Central Plains - a very tough pair of La-7's escorts a single Il-4 - all the Soviets get shot down, but they shoot down 1 Ki-84 and damage 2 others - just as well it's the final turn!

    The last battle is the Eastern Highlands where a single tired La-7 escorts 2 Il-4's, which don't bother 1 1/2 elements of Ki-84's too much.

    And T6 gives me 15 pt to a meagre 2 for hte Soviets, and a runaway victory at 76:47.

    I don't think it's winnable against a competent human Soviet player, but with a bit of care, and dare I say some skill ( :)) ) it's a challenging scenario against the AI, but one which is eminently winnable.

  9. T6 - only 1 bombing target in USSR, so a Bety & Rita go there.

    And only 2 good fighters, with 3 lightly fatigued full strength groups and 2 1/2 strength ones. The Ki-102's are utterly exhausted...but are going to fly anyway!

    3 6 point and 2 4 point targets to defend, and a 2 pt fighter sweep to ignore!

    The 102's and 1/2 strength groups go to defend 1/4's in the 2 Mongolias, the best groups being retained for defence of the troops and HQ's in Khingan, Central and Eastern Highlands.

    In the USSR the bombers are intercepted by an exhausted 1/2 La5 and a tired full one....the 2 better fighters destroy the Betties, while the weaker 1 struggles with the Rita's at High altitude and they make it through undamaged. A good win to start...

    Over Khingan Range a very good La-7 escorts an undamaged Pe-8 - he nearly gets the drop on my, reducing my tired Ki-84 leader to just 1 structure on T1, but after that normal service is returned - all Soviets shot down and the Pe8 leader killed.

    Over outer Mongolia a single tired Ki-84 and an utterly exhausted 102 (the leader has 63 fatigue) take on a fresh single LA-5 and pair of Sturmoviks - fortune favours me tho, and again all the Soviets are shot down with no damage to my flyers - hte La-5 and Il-2 wing are killed.

    Time to head off to the pub - catch you all later...

  10. Tiem for a few games after work before heading out again to a pub quiz :)

    I decide to send both Rita's to the 4/6 in hte NW Highlands, a fresh Betty to a 2/4 in USSR, adn a exhausted 1/2 Betty to a 2/3 in outer Mongolia.

    Defensively I have 4 good groups, and I want to rest some fatigued ones - so 2 good ones defnd the 4/6 in the Central Plains, and 1 good + 1 exhausted Ki-102 in the 2/6's in the Khingan Ranges and Eastern Highlands.

    All my bombers are unopposed - so that's some good points - except the exhausted Betty in outer Mongolia doesn't get any points - not sure why - I thought each a/c was worth 3 bomb points, but perhaps it's 3 for the pair? At least hte Sov's don't get any either!

    The Sov's only launch 1 actual bomber - an Il-4 with a 1/2 La-5 escort in Khingan - they should be no trouble....and they aren't - the Il-4 leader is killed, the rest shot down for no damagge.

    Central Plains has a Yak 9 and a Yak 3, vs fresh A6M5 & Ki-84 - both Soviet a/c are fatigued. The game starts well shooting down the Yak-9 leader, but my lovely A6 leader gets no defence cards and is killed on T1!! Waaahhh... All the remaining Soviets are shot down in hte approved manner, but it's not a good turn...although this near the end of the campaign it probably won't be decisive.

    Eastern Highlands has 2 Yak 9's...which might trouble the exhausted Ki-102, but hopefully the Ki-84 will do some damage. Turns out the Yaks are both exhausted - with only 1 structure before damage. The Ki-102 leader gets shot down - but his wingman shoots down 2, and one of the Yak wings is killed.

    So a very good turn - I scored 18:8, and am now 61:45 ahead.

  11. Yep - looking through some of the Fischer-Tropsch archive documents on fuses, AA directors, radar, etc. tho, they do not identify a lot of new tech except 1 AA director that was linked to radar for DD's and CL's (10mb pdf, see page 47 of the report - Dentan Hoiban) - but nothing about it actually being deployed.

    As for the weapons - possibly they put a 120mm rocket launcher on the ship? It is only mentioned on the web as being used on BB's & CV's tho. I haven't seen any other new tech mentioned that might be misquoted.

    the homing torpedoes - nothing on them either - as I mentioned before the only known Jap homing torpedoes weer electric, not oxygen, and were for use in submarines. The various links for "Long Lances" already provided note that they were often shot off under air attack as the concentrated oxygen and large warhead could do a lot of damage to a ship if they exploded in their tubes!

  12. Sigh.......perhaps he is for some things, but a single statement, unable to be supported from any other source (and indeed contradicted by at least 1), still does not constitute evidence of the existance of Japanese VT fuses.

    It doesn't matter how much you dress it up, or how much you respect the man - it is, and always will be, insufficient evidence for a conclusion.

    Certainly it raises the question - but it does not answer it.

  13. wiki geek:

    The word geek is a slang term, noting individuals as "One who is perceived to be overly obsessed with one or more things including those of intellectuality, electronics, etc."

    Why not a nerd?

    From wiki:

    Nerd is a term that refers to a person who avidly pursues intellectual activities, technical or scientific endeavors, esoteric knowledge, or other obscure interests, rather than engaging in more social or conventional activities.
  14. John why do you keep bringing up irrelevancies? I never said absence of evidence is evidence of absence - what it is is absence of evidence, and making a conclusion in the absence of evidence is illogical. It is evidende that shows something exists - not absence of evidence.

    We know there were V2 mobile launchers because there were lots of examples of them found after the war. We know about all the other stuff because there is, now, lots of evidence for it.

    there is no such evidence for Japanese VT fuses - photo recce of component manufacturing plants? huh? where did anyone mention that?

    All the examples you give are great examples of secrets being kept - there are many more. And none of them are connected in any way to Japanese VT fuses - their existance is utterly, completely irrelevant to that question.

    I'm sort of impressed by your persistance in bringing up irrelevancies as if they had some point - but I'm not impressed in a good way.

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