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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Wahoo - at last we have a serious domestic conspiracy to investigate - Chemtrails over Nelson!

    And as an aside "someone" has rung the authorities for which I work asking for an explaination....which of course I can't possibly comment on 'cos I'm not actually involved in answering it dammit......I wish I was...oh how I wish I was! ;)

    But then if I was I couldn't comment on it anyway as a good public servant does not bleat about such things on bulletin boards.....and because all public servants work for "Fourth Reich government appendages" and cant' admit anything! :cool:

    But anyway...I can proudly state that there are now a few more people who know what "Kettlerian" means thanks to my efforts!!:D

  2. I hate it when it goes down on a weekend and I want to sit inside playing games - the guys at BFC are pretty quick when they do get my ticket...but what with the time differences, and weekends, it's still annoying!! :(

    So, just in case anyone is actually reading this, and is also suffering server problems from time to time, remember to send a ticket to the help desk - www.battlefront.com/helpdesk

    I usually give it a couple of hours at least without being able to connect - not always contiguous hours mind you - for example here's a rugby game I can go and watch now - go Tasman! :)

  3. The tilting for "efficient flight" and "low speed manoeuvrability" means that het full engine power does not have to pass through the tilt mechanism - hence it will be smaller and simpler than one that has to take the whole of the engine power and tilt in order to deliver much of it into thrust. Gimballed hubs are also simply simpler than traditional types - but are harder to make as they require closer tolerances and advanced materials.

    Also the mast tilts - which will undoubtedly also off-load complexity from the drive and hub mechanisms.

    As for a flight control system (AFC) that allows control by non-rated persons...yeah right.....it might enable someone to keep the thing flying straight and level....but it won't tell them how to land into the wind, what pattern to fly on approach to an uncontrolled landing site, what the "road rules" of the air are, or how to navigate.

  4. Sadly Algy didn't last long over 1000 kills...on 1024 he found himself without ED, without any defence cards, and without life!

    There is another star in the heavens - powered by 90 VC's, 40 DSO's, 1 DFC and a VIS participant award!

    He will be missed!

    But his replacement won't have to fight his way up through Gladiators and Buffalo's, so I'm anticipating a better kill ratio from a new guy :)

  5. Well, if the artist's impression is anything to go by, we'll have developed a means of transfering power without the use of gearboxes or drive shafts. Fantastic stuff.

    Nah - old hat for helicopters

    And since the system shows a ducted propellor for thrust, the rotor doesn't need a lot of the mechanical stuff that is associated with having to tilt it for that function. There seems plenty of room in the concept drawing for power transfer to me.

    ME - yep - it's going to have a pilot, not a driver!!

    I cant' se any great advantage from it - it'll be overly complicated, and probably won't do either job as well as a "proper" vehicle of the appropriate type would. So, if it does ever get built, my prediction is as a technology demonstrator impreactical for any "real" use!

  6. Pretty stupid thumbnail analysis. Lightly or unarmoured? do they mean just like every other light helicopter in the world?

    fuel in self-sealing wing tanks is a problem? I guess that makes every other combat aircraft in the world useless too?

    And the idea that any ol' grunt will be able to fly them is equally silly.

    I doubt there's going to be any need for them so they'll never get built in numbers, but as "blue sky" research into technologies it seems like quite a reasonable idea - right up there with the thousand other aircraft only built as prototypes, research designs or small production runs ever since time began.

  7. IMO points systems are a cop out unless looking at limited scenarios outside of a wider context (eg something like Kursk or el Alamein).

    This is WORLD WAR - you should have a pretty good idfea who won and who didn't!!:D

    And if it ends with allied victory some time in 1945 it is a draw.

    A long time ago I got berated soundly in htese forums for daring to suggest that vistory/defeat/draw should only be measured agains the historical situation - I must be a sucker for punishment 'cos I still hold that view, and I still think that games that are "rebalanced" to give hte axis a 50% chance of winning are poor simulations :)

  8. And, at an even longer last, there is another - Algy makes the unlucky 13th pilot to reach this milestone.

    A long way behind various other no-lifes of course ;) ....but we're probably going to pass a few over the next few weeks.

    Thought somewhere on the leader board for each pilot it recorded the date of award of each medal (as opposed to the record of the last 20 missions) & I was hoping to figure out the amount of time Algy had since his last outing prior to this year....perhaps my memory is playing tricks - never mind

  9. Diesel actually you should probably add to the civilian count for Afghanistan, as it is more likely that some of the "Taliban" or "Anti Government elements" that get killed are civilians.

    As for Mexico being destabilised by "a friendly power" - AFAIK it is not US policy to encourage the drug trade, so in what way is the US destabilising Mexico? Do you use this perjorative language because US consumers create the demand?

    Arguably it works both ways of course - 22,000 Drug deaths in Mexico over 3 years? How about 17,000 deaths from illicit drug use in the USA per annum - many of htem caused by Mexican exports.

    And 22,000 annual alcohol related deaths in the USA per annum.....

  10. The Taliban did eventually cut poppy growing....but only AFTER they oversaw the largest ever crop in Afghanistan in 1999 - they changed their minds in 2000.

    and in 2010 NATO rejected a Russian proposal to aerial spray poppies....citing concern about the income of Afghani's, and now the US military ignores it (it is not central to anti-terrorist strategies), both the Taliban AND Kharzai regimes grow it - one fighting against the US/NATO force, the other fighting with it.....

    Of those 22,000 Mexican dead, the Mexican president said that 90% were drug traficers & othe gang members, 5% military/police and 5% innocent bystanders and no-one has put up any other figures (but then no-one really knows, so pick a figure.....)

    so civilian deaths in the Mexican war on drugs are 1100 or so over 3 years. Afghani civilian deaths in the 1st 6 months of 2010 are 1271 - roughly 7 times the "official" rate of civilian deaths in Mexico.

  11. by highlighting only 1 country of consumers and 1 country of supply you focus on them to teh exclusion of others - the intent seems to be to put blame on a single nation for a situation - otherwise you would ahve identified myriad other supply/consumption patterns.

    How about this one - Europe is to blame for the situation in Afghanistan, because that's where the largest portion of Afghani opium heads to - and there are a lot more deaths in Afghanistan than in Mexico per annum.....

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