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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Remember the B-1 self-defence concept? with 3 rotary weapon bays 1 was going to hold AIM-120's or AMRAAMS or whaterver they were called, 1 PGMs of some sort and the 3rd PGMs of some other sort - maybe bigger or smaller to provide a different capability or something like that.

    For Air Superiority all 3 bays were going to hold A-A missiles! :)

    I vaguely recall it from a decade or more ago & ther are a few hints on google...nothing much substantive tho.

  2. I find the interface a bit clunky - it is a common complaint - the naval one is particularly "not good".

    But they aren't actually bad either. the game has completely different concepts in many areas to the common ones in such games as SC & it's rivals, so it should be no surprise the systems are different, and with different systems comes a different interface of course.

    but it is very simple once you get into it.

    I'm currently playing a German and a Belgian - & they are both of the same opinion even with ESL.

    I played SC for years - I prefer GOA. I also played CEAW and AT. FWIW I have the same interface problems with pretty much every new game - I remember them with SC and CEAW for example, and then again with AT, and TOAW......

    IMO the interface is not as slick as some, but it is perfectly useable, and the game mechanics are to die for.

    there are other WW1 games on teh cards using "common" WW2 mechanisms - I probably won't be buying them because I am sick of games that do slick mechanics/interface and bad history.

    As long as the interface is good enough I'll take the good history every time thanks.

    I'll run you through a game if you like! ;)

  3. Hang on - they are getting rid of some Tornados, all of them eventually, and buying more Chinooks......and somehow this is unbalanced or evil? Tornados going, chinooks coming......SO shaking his head wondering what hte problem is...

    I mean given that there ARE going to be masive cuts in defence spending, it seems to me that going ahead with any increase in any area of defence spending is a fairly powerful signal that it is considered more important than an area that is going to suffer cuts!

    Seems to me that what has actually happened is that the "pointy nosed fast movers" have been cut to enable all sort of othe things to be not cut - including more slow whirly-wings to be fielded.

    And of course the tornados are in use in Afghanistan too, and wasn't someone just pointing out that the troops on the gound are always complaining that there's never enough airpower?

    Presumably then there's a need to retain some of the pointy-nosed-fast-things.....for a bit at least......'cos they can carry bombs that the slow-whirly-wing-things can't?

  4. Ted Raicers "The Great War in Europe" together with the expansion "The Great War in the Near East" would be my choice of "best WW1 game ever".


    That would be a board game - I've only palyed a couple of WW1 board games - 1 was S&T's little one in their mag 30+ years ago which was simplistic but surprisingly good. the other was a massive multi-player affair with counters beign 1 division each played on a WW2 map (I think) that was left setup at my then local wargames club for over a year!

    I prefer the smaller one! :)

    GOA is a computer game.......sadly not fully developed, but still IMO a better set of game mechanics than any other strat level game I have played

  5. How many batteries and squadrons did he think was "enough" against how many enemy light infantry I wonder?

    That's the trouble with the west today - the infantry is pampered & has lost the will to assault! I blame it on the yanks of course - too much bloody artillery in WW2 - that's where it all stems from.....

    (ducks for cover......;))

  6. Whatever the U.S. government's current rhetoric about the repressive nature of the Taliban regime, its long history of intervention in the region has been motivated not by concern for democracy or human rights, but by the narrow economic and political interests of the U.S. ruling class. It has been prepared to aid and support the most retrograde elements if it thought a temporary advantage would be the result. Now Washington has launched a war against its former allies based on a strategic calculation that the Taliban can no longer be relied upon to provide a stable, U.S.-friendly government that can serve its strategic interests.

    didn't we know that already??

  7. Pak we don't get the Sun down here - one of the few blessings of being an isolated outpost of civilisation :)

    Yes the pilot did well.....wouldn't take anything away from him at all.....but let's face it - what else are you going to do?? I don't think any half-decent pilot would have done anything different - even a mouthy yank would probably have done the same thing:)

    And apart from the helmet and a/c design, how about the ppl who designed and delivered the training that the pilot used? And his cricket team captain at public school??!! ;)

    There's a lot goes into making a good pilot who can cope with the unexpected in this manner - certainly the man himself......but an awful lot has been done to make sure he _is_ the right person, with the right gear, on the right job too.

  8. "His escape is nothing short of a miracle...the bullet ricocheted off his flying helmet"

    Duh - no credit to the helmet then....not acknowledgement that if the pilot gets incapacitated the co-pilot is there for a reason....no mention of the design of the helicopter to take damage...

    Not to denigrate the guy's efforts, but apart from the actual facts, the reporting is sensationalist drivel! :(

  9. oh - fair enuf then :)

    Haven't had anything more on the original point of the thread - that is me having an excuse to browse the net about chemtrails - I imagine it will be a week or 2 before all the official responses get back to the questioners (they cc-ed the letter to several ministries and agencies), then they will have to get outraged & start with the press campaign or something...I'm sure there will b something about it here.

  10. Yep - well..nothing surprising in resistance.....just like mosquito resistance to DDT....it's a product of monoculture/using a single method to control the bugs.

    GM doesn't make smart farmers, or smart multi-nationals, or smart governments or their agencies, and if they farm dumb they reap what they sow, as it were :/

    As for the other bit about pesticide interaction...er..yeah..OK..I can understand that....and how does it relate to the original point you made?

  11. A quick response from the guys at BF - yes it's a bug, but they don't know when they will be able to fix it & have refunded the experience points to the pilot.

    The uncertainty about when it might be fixed reflects the fact that the game is a bit old now & presumably not generating much interest or cash - which I still think is a great shame, but them's the facts of life.

  12. I've just noticed that close fire-power doesn't seem to be working for one of my pilots.

    I have a new pilot now on Hurricane 2, so 0 bursts, I decided this would be a good purchase for him, & have played a couple of games with it but he doesnt' seem to be getting the promised extra burst when he's at the same level as his bombers.

    - this is the first time I've bought it, so wondering if I've missed something?

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