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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Shame there's no summary function so we can easily post how we do.

    I got it down to a mere $30 billion shortfall in 2015, and $118 bn surplus by 2030 – mostly in medicare of course.....tax changes generally sem to impinge on the more wealthy (I don’t’ buy that they are all the employers – in these parts small employers usually earn a lot less than the top rates!), and getting rid of some subsidies & payments off the taxpayers teat for people who are supposed to be earning a living.

    Anything that seemed to add simplification got an automatic tick if I spotted it – closing loopholes and lowering rates will always get my vote.

    Cut foreign aid in half

    Eliminate earmarks

    Eliminate farm subsidies

    Reduce military to pre-Iraq War size and further reduce troops in Asia and Europe

    Reduce the number of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan to 60,000 by 2015

    Enact medical malpractice reform

    Reduce the tax break for employer-provided health insurance

    Cap Medicare growth starting in 2013

    Reduce Social Security benefits for those with high incomes

    Tighten eligibility for disability

    Use an alternate measure for inflation

    President Obama's proposal (for existing taxes)

    Allow expiration for income above $250,000 a year

    Eliminate loopholes, reduce rates (Bowles-Simpson plan)

  2. There is a day-by-day war diary about Saipan that I found when this came up earlier - there was 1 raid where, IIRC, a coupld of B29's were destroyed and several damaged - there was also video supposedly of burning a/c on Saipan but I think there weer some obvious probelms with the identification.

    (Edit - found the post that references the war diary & video here)

    I am glad John realises the difference between a bomb and a shell. Now if he could only realise the difference between evidence and hearsay.....

    John the section of Baldwin you have already quoted does NOT say that they developed a fuse for shells - it says that they developed one for bombs, and that they ordered 20,000 fuses - and that they fitted them to BOMBS - here it is copied from you previous post with my emphasis added:

    Just got some data independent of Hara which confirms the Japanese had proximity fuzed shells. Source is Ralph B. Baldwin's THE DEADLY FUZE, written in 1980 where on page 50 he says (Fair Use) "...the Japanese did develop a proximity fuze for shells and successfully dropped one (proximity fuzed bomb, J.K.) on Saipan." On page 64 he amplifies his remarks by stating that the bomb weighed 1700 lbs., fuzed properly at 35 feet height of burst and destroyed or damaged scores of B-29s. He further states (Fair use)

    "The Japanese navy ordered twenty thousand fuzes to be manufactured. Twelve thousand were eventually produced. Many were fitted to bombs and stored secretly on Kyushu for the expected invasion."

    Specifically note "Many were fitted to BOMBS and...."

    And from this you then concluded:

    So, a primary source, scientist Ralph Baldwin, who worked in the very same Section T under the brilliant Merle Tuve that developed the VT fuze for shells, has told us not only that the Japanese did have proximity fuzed shells but also produced militarily significant numbers of what appears to be a proximity fuze with multiple applications.

    That is ridiculous - the sections states that fuse is for bombs, and it was fitted to bombs - how you get that it was therefore a VT fuse, with "multiple applications" is beyond me.

    Indeed the quote is so obviously NOT a VT fuse that I have unkind thoughts as to your ability to read accurately!

    the US intelligence report I have linked to already states that the bomb fuse was known to be used operationally and could be fitted to 2 sizes of bomb.

  3. What a ridiculous article - "It's obvious that our oxygen needs are not being met." Really?? So we are all suffocating?

    "Let's look at several conditions that seem to respond especially well to H202 therapy." SEEM to?? What - you cant' actually show that there is a link between improvements and Hyd Per??

    Typically vague drivel from the quack brigade to hoax people out of their cash!

    Just like your other hoaxes.

  4. The prox fuse for bombs is mentioned in the allied reports on technology referenced a long way back in this thread, and would not be any use whatsoever in a n artillery shell - being far too large and fragile - it depended upon reflected light, so included a light source and a mechanical means of shuttering it IIRC - I'll go look up the reference again & edit this psot or include it in a later one.

    Yet again JK fails.

    I have decided that I now think JK and his ilk are not "conspiracy theorists" - as far as I am concerned they are hoaxers.

    I believe their irrational and illogical rantings have the potential to cause actual harm through downstram actions by others who may be fooled by them, so they are both dishonest and dangerous.

    Edit- found it - bottom of page 16 of this thread, or alternatively here - 1.3 mb pdf file - it does not mention how many were made, but does say that it was used operationally and that 18 were shipped to US BuOrd & CniCPac for testing.

  5. Yes Jon I rtfa - hence the edit in my post above.

    The articles seem to be saying exactly the opposite of the first sentence in teh 1st post of this thread, to wit:

    The US Justice Department is looking at the granting of patents on genomes. Another words the US Patent Office has given US companies patents on the normal DNA of humans. Roughly 20% of the human genome.

    Which I read as saying that patent protection was allowed.

    when DT wrote "The US Justice Department is looking at the granting of patents on genomes. " it read to me that it was about allowing the protection of genomes, and the articles did not tie up with that statement.

  6. they patent the actual gene??

    How does the system justify patenting something that was not invented or created by the entity claiming the patent, and which, moreover, has been created by someone else - specifically the ancestors of the person carrying the gene (all the way back to the protozoa) + random natural variation?

    Edit - having looked at he links above I'm even more confused - as far as I can tell they say that het court has over-rulled patent protection for "natural" genes, while protecting tests, man-altered genes, and othe things for which patent protection seems perfectly reasonable??

  7. Apparently the NWO is also proven

    Here's some others that seem like strange "conspiracy theories":

    gulf of Tonkin incident (or lack of it....)

    "Main Core" - extensive database of people thought to be threat to national security

    Rex 84 - I think the conspiracy here is that there are "regular", presumably secret, repeats of this?

    Counterintel programmes vs activists in teh 1960's. No really - that's a conspiracy!

    Operation Northwood to drum up public oppositin to Cuba in the 1960's. Heck - who would ahve thought of that!

    Smedly Butler et al....never mind that Butler spilled the beans to Congress in 1934.....

    1944 conspiracy to assasinate Hitler....dunno why he didn't mention the other dozen or so attempts or planned attempts....

    NATO "stay behind" teams in Europe.....wow....who ever thought of something like that?!

    CIA assassinations

    1919 World Series fixing

    The Round Table (ie the modern service club) is trying to take over the world

    the Trilateral commission

    The Federal Reserve Bank

    Now I guss I may jsut be a sheeple, but it seems to me that

    1/ Half of hte above are jsut plain criminal acts, most of which are conspiracies in het legal sense, and of which you can probably find 100's in courts around hte world on any given day, including CIA assasinations and some other illegal "Govt" activities I did not include, and

    2/ Most of the others are well known Govt agencies/functions, that run some stuff in secret, but are generally well known.

    I'm wondering what the defintion of conspiracy is supposed to be for this exercise?

  8. Noltyboy wrote:

    I think this is very unfair on the RN. GB and the RN were the leader's in engineering from the 1850's till near 1920. After this there was a major problem with "resting on ones laurels" coupled with a major problem of shipyards that were against change. Throughout the depression and recovery little money was put into UK ship building practices and yards, there wasnt any.

    If US WW1 vintage destroyers were so much better than RN ones then the problem predates any spending crisis, and the account of Hood's turret being unable to turn due to rust on the bearings is simlarly independant of the overall situation, while making the Dido's top heavy with low water & fuel is bad design - possibly due to cost constraints, but still bad design.

    So no, I can't see how you can say it wasn't the RN's fault - these are things that shuold have been gotten right by one of the most experienced navies in the world at any time.

  9. An obituary for Vice Admiral Sir Louis Le Bailly has shown an unfortunate side of the RN before and during WW2 - it seems basic engineering was neglected by the RN between the wars, to the extent that when the RN tried to operate with the USN in the Pacific in WW2, the RN was only keeping ships at sea for 8 days at a time vs the USN's 90 days.

    There are other examples of the RN paying more attention to spit and polish than grease, metallurgy and design fundamentals in the article - well worth a read.

  10. I sent DVG an email a few weeks ago asking about the update Dan mentioned here a while back - I didn't really expect a reply, but lo and behold I did get one, and here it is:

    We are looking into updating the PC game with the new tabletop DIF rules. We should know soon.

    All the best,


    I await further developments with baited breath! :)

  11. Ah yeah - blame it on the socialists.

    In that case...the US & Israel regularly ignore UN resolutions, so why get down on the Taliban for doing it too? :P

    my point is that this is all BS - spurious justifications for reworking the world in the Neo-Con vision of peace, liberty and freedom for all.

    Yeah right! :(

    Most of the world is sick of the claims of the US that they have ben hard done by - right after 9/11 there was a lot of sympathy - heck even Iran offerd to come onside, to be rebuffed by the now infamous quote "We dont' talk to evil".

    Sharia law requires evidence - if the US didnt' think it could get a conviction then presumably it lacked the evidence to stand up in court - the link you give above says that "Governments have concluded" Osama is guilty, etc...and they KNEW this by 14 November 2001 2 months after the attack already..... so not actually a trial, and if the evidence is good enough to go to trial then why not do so?

    The Taliban insisted they wanted to see the evidence - AFAIK the US never provided it to them. They also said that they wanted him tried in an Moslem country - there are plenty of those outside Afghanistan - but the idea was never broached - AFAIK no negotiations weer entered into - the effort was never made to take them up on the offer - even to call their bluff if you will.

    Why didn't the US say OK - we'll send over some American Sharia scholars, or get some Saudi ones, or try him in Saudi, or Kuwait or Egypt?

    Is this a rant? Too damned right it is - against the stupidity of the Bush administration, those who still refuse to see that it did wrong, and, worse, think it actually did something right and needs to be replicated in some shape or form. As far as I'm concerned Bush was a global disaster!

    and it keeps going on - it'll take a lot more than 1 or 2 presidential terms to recover the US's reputation for the whole sordid Iraq/Afghanistan saga, let alone the financial collapse.....and yet people are already blaming Obama for not fixing it all up after 2 years?

    God save us from the ficklenss, stupidity and arrogance of the US public! To be fair no other public is any better....but then no other public has such an effect on the rest of the world so we dont' need saving from them! :(

    and that will probably ensure the end of this thread 'cos I'm pretty sure I've strayed into forbidden political grounds.

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