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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. There's a great example of machineguns used in WW1 in a 1939 booklet "Infantry in Battle", available as pdf from the Combined arms Research Library - it's about 4.5 mb.

    Page 73-77 has an excellent example of a US unit attacking with a MG barrage...albeit it is not indirect.

    the whole of the rest of the book is fascinating too of course.....relatively detailed accounts of actions from WW - mostly on hte Western Front and from a US, French or German perspective.

  2. Here's a site with basic engine data - but not date of introduction.

    I note that Germany, the US & UK each only have about 2 or 3 basic engine types that get 2000 hp or thereabouts - but in the USA's case they have a lot of sub-marks of the R2800 especially that seem to inflate the numbers! :)

    UK: Sabre, Centaurus, Griffon (3 completely different styles of engine - H, Radial sleeve-valve, and V!)

    USA: R2800, R3350. The R2600 almost makes it at 1900. All are Wright radials.

    Germany: BMW 801F (development halted by end of war), DB 603 & 605 (a radial & 2 V's)

  3. I'm not sure that the initial premis is justified in the first place - it's just been made as a statement with no evidence.

    So perhaps a beter way to get back to the question is to provide a list of the evidence?

    However things we do know that might ecxplain it if it is "real" -

    1/ better fuel certainly helps

    2/ simply more engine development. This is a result of greater industrial capacity and a "deeper" aviation programme - but which I mean looking at more types of a/c (eg 4 engined heavy bombers), from more manufacturers and having started development earlier and/or kept it going rather than cancelled it.

    this is also related to the German successes in 1939-40, which saw a plethora of projects cancelled as "not going to be needed" since they were going to win the war anyway, whereas the Brits & US were just starting to get going.

    there's a book out there "Luftwaffe Strategy for Defeat" by Williamson Murray that gives a good overview. I have a pdf of it from somewhere but cant' find it on the net anywhere except amazon reviews, etc.

    also for a case study of engine development there's a 1945 article/lecture about Merlin developement 1939-1945 on the WW2 Aircraft performance page that might be interesting.

  4. Oh no! The US Army is run by Christians and your position on religion may affect whether you get promoted!

    This has been the case since the Revolutionary War, and is nothing new. Maybe Harper's ran an article, or someone else did a expose, but at the end of the day the military tells the media to butt out and goes on with its business.

    Or maybe not:

    In response to the incident, the Army said Friday it will investigate. "If something like that were to have happened, it would be contrary to Army policy," Army spokesman Col. Thomas Collins told The Associated Press.

    I thought you yanks were quite hot on the "establishment clause" that the Govt shall not promote religion? And AFAIK isn't the military part of the Govt....so active prostilysing by the Army (forcing soldiers to xian events)would apprear to be a pretty obvious breach of the constitution?

  5. There's radio control of missiles by both the Germans and US - German glider bombs, Fritz-X & AA missile (Wasserfall?), and US Azon

    USA & UK - digital computers (Colossus & ENIAC respectively) Germany was also devbeloping them - see Konrad Zuse....but wasn't using them AFAIK.


    4, 6 and 10 ton bombs



    Swept wing

    Air-independant propulsion for subs


    Acoustic torpedo

    Wire guided AT missile

    IR sights

    AA mssile

    "Assault rifle" concept

    Invented here & Developed there:

    Bazooka - US & Germany

    VT Fuses - UK & USA

    Radar: UK & everyone

  6. I've updated my original ticket....but I guess it's still Sunday for the folks at BFC so don't expect to hear anything back until tomorrow morning my time.

    In the mean time I hope y'all are enjoying my forum necromancy.....bringing posts back from the dead! :)

  7. JC's theory is flawed because the Austrians did not quite the field due to casualties - they quit due to their position being turned and not wanting to be trapped.

    It is also far from clear that the French fought with clouds of skirmish screens and hte Austrians all in column - the battle for het bridge and the bridgeheads on both sides of hte bank would have had moth sides in close formation - while the initial austrian defenders of the bridge were Croats - irregular light infantry and not well drilled professionals at all (although they may have been veterans)

    It is also flawed because of the numbers captured in the total casualties - the relatively large number of Austrian prisoners is, as I'm sure we all know, typical of a defeated force losing men in the final disintigration or pursuit.

    He also assumes that the Austrians remained in defensive positions whereas they launched counter attaks - one of which across the bridge was apparently hit on 3 suides, partly by hidden troops.

    The Action at the bridge at Arcola was also not the only fighting that occured - Augerau had crossed to the Austrian side on a pontoon bridge and was attacking along the dike, while at Belfiorie Massena had faced Provera's Brigade also in defensive positions.

    Lastly the appearance of troops to the rear has always had a particilarly deletorious effect on morale - there are occasions in history where baggage servants have routed armies by appearing on one flank as unexpected reinforcements!

    All in all, the French were mostly attacking the Austrians across limited frontages into the face of galling fire....and they mostly lost - hence they had higher actual casualties - there is nothing at all surprising about this and no need to think that being skirmishers or close order had much to do with it.

    At this particular battle both of het main bodies would ahve been out of fire most of hte time - I dont' think that matters weither.

    AS for targeting skirmishers and columns - in this era skirmishers were sent forward to pepper the lines while columns remained out of range - the columns would advance when they thought the enemy was suitably weakened.

    A classic example of this is the French vs Spanish on the Allied left at Albuera - 4 battalions of Spanish in line were peppered by the skirmishers of 2 divisions - those moving aside when the columns got to 50 yards, at which point the whole of each side was engaged in a firefight - perhaps to everyone's surprise the Spanish held and deffeated the assault. Even when attacked in the rear by Polish lancers the Spanish held (although by then they had a 2nd line to fight off the cavalry)

    Later in that same battle a British Brigade under Hoghton faced anotehr divisional assault with a musketry duel - in this case the British suffered so many casualties, that the brigade, closing to teh centre, shrank so that it could no longer cover the frontage of the French column! However eth column itself had been massivey damaged, losing perhaps 2000 men from perhaps 8000.

    Battle casualties were heavy on both sides - 5500-6000 for each from 35000 Anglo-allies and 24,000 French - although the French had suffered 2/3rds of their regimental officers as casualties in that and perhaps understated their real numbers. But neither side was broken.

  8. vCleaner has done it's thing & I can start the game again - but when I try to go online now it tells me here are updated files & when I try to update it gets an error. And of course I can't go online without the updated files.

    Clicking OK on the error & trying a local game gives an different error - another ticket seems likely....

  9. Hmm....after having a good ol' reminisce in the pilot list & campaign pages, I find my computer has picked up GaelicumA from somewhere...can't say that it was because of this....but can't say it wasn't either 'cos I don't think I went anywhere else.....

  10. Everything worked fine - updates loaded...once I remembered my password it remembered me...all my old pilots where there...I was horrified to see The Bride had 200k experience for his top pilot!! :)

    But it wouldn't let me load a game so I've submitted a ticket with all the info I had on the error & We'll see how it goes...

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