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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Except it was apparently based on pictures of US conversions of tractors to "tanks" - so perhaps you should list it under the actual "inventor"??

    At least the Semple tank was recognised as rubbish, rejected by the military, and didn't get anyone killed...unlike the expedient of trying to intercept Japanese aircraft with Wirraway trainers .

    Does using a trainer as a fighter count as technical innovation? Nah...probably not.....

  2. I dont know if someone mentioned this, but the US developped the FIDO acoustic torpedo which homed in on the sound of a submerged submarine and sank 37 in WW2:


    Beaten by Germany on that front sorry - see here

    There is also the HVAR, High Velocity Aircraft Rocket:


    not sure what's unique about them tho' - aircraft rockets were in use in WW1 against balloons, and in US service the the HVAR superseded the FFAR.

    And of course the British RP-3 had been in service for several months before the FFAR, and they had taken some advice from the Russians who had used RS-82's before WW2 at Khalkhin Gol and vs the Finns.

  3. I'm pretty sure there's no "development" going on ATM. Looking at he leaderboard i guess there's a handful of people still playing.

    I get different things not showing at the leaderboard site - like the medals/ranks page pictures - they show fine on the leaderboard itself, but not on the page that describes how you get the medals.

    I did have a brief chat with someone online who was having problems with the campaign system - newly created campaigns weren't showing in his available list to play. But I was heading out & didn't have time to try to help.

    Hoola- glad to be of some use! :)

  4. Deleted my last version & reloaded it all again. changed the update config & it all works now - even had a game or 2 & managed o avoid being shot down!

    Don't think I'll be trying for the most kills for a while tho! :)

    One thing left to do is sort out the campaign appearance - I'm using Firefox & the campaign description overlaps the squadron roster in some cases, which makes it very hard to use. I'll see if there's anything in the knowledge base etc about that over the next week or so.

  5. I still think you are assuming that troops "in real life" would do better extracting themselves from kill zones - AFAIK history tells us that often they are not good at that.

    Troops failing to move to take some advantage (eitehr forward or backward as teh situation requires it) are a constant motiff in military history. Indeed even senior officers failing to order them to do so when such action is patently obvious.

    IMO the search for instant and complete obedience of troops in a game to a player's desire is a subtle but pernicious attack on the quality of "historical" games. Troops did not react instantly to orders.

    The "correct" way to get troops out of kill zones is to not put them in them in hhte first place, and if you do then I see no reason why you should deserve a "get out of the kill zone free" option that tropos would not have if they were in the same situaiton "in real life".

  6. IMO needing to be able to control your pixellated mens' every movement at any time makes for bad simulation - you couldn't in real life, and games are better without it.

    One of the best AI's I've ever used was the old SSI Battlefront series -albeit in limited context of only 3 "formations" in a game, you set objectives and the subunits moved themselves.

    and yes it coudl be really frustrating when they screwed up....

  7. For something more up to date:


    Note their comments on short supply?

    Yep - that the industry has not developed known supplies as fast as expected - ie there's no shortage of helium - there's a shortage of plants extracting it. And release of hte National Helium Reserve has helped alleviate that shortage of supply.

    No doubt prices are affected by/have something to do with that.

  8. Here's another one I'm sure you'll love - Christie from 1932.....

    If you can find a copy of Lt Col Glantz's 1984 study "The Soviet Airborne Experience" online, he has TOE's for Airborne Brigades that include 11 T-38's or T-40's as part of the air landable component in 1940 (Table 4, page 21) - the Brigade had 3 groups - a parachute group & a glider group that weer identical, and an "Air landing" Group that included the light tanks.

    Sadly there is no mention of just where the gliders or transports for them were to come from! :)

    the Airborne Corps of 1941 had 50 light tanks (Table 5) - later reduced to 32 - presumably due to a dearth of transports!

    Actually that's a little unfair - the lack of transports is acknowledged, and efforts were apparently underway to get them...but this was in early June 1941, and things were about to get out of hand with the development of transport aircraft losing some its priority!

  9. You should have read the whole article, and not just the bit about the glider tank.

    The Tetrach wasn't actually designed to be an airborne tank - it was just something that was light enough to fit into a Hamilcar glider!

    By that definition the M1 is an airborne tank now there are aircraft capable of transporting it!

    The US M22 Locust was actually designed to be an airborne tank

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