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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. IMO there's plenty of good music being written and recorded - but it is often no longer limited to the world-wide stars.

    Making a CD is now realtively cheap - all the CD's & music DVD's I've bought in the last year have been by local artists who I know personally & have for years - bar one - Leonard Cohen toured here & I got his live one at the venue :) In many cases these artists have made 3 or more albums, and this is in a city of only about 400,000 ppl.

    Publishing music is no longer the sole preserve of the record companies large or small - if you want good music then IMO you probably don't need to do much more than look locally - if you are in a large city - a million or more population - you should have a massive choice.

  2. There were no "fundamental" changes to operating conditions - the shells still accelerated fast, and spun. Certainly the parameters changed, but that is not fundamental John, and setting up the system to respond to different parameters does not, IMO, constitute a "special fix" - it is, as I said, a job of resetting parameters.

    nontrivial? Yeah - sure. Somehow magical and evidence of anything other than another problem to be worked through and solved? Nope.

  3. It's not just nw foods get caught out - here a year or so ago a high school pupil tested Ribena (IIRC) - a very old brand or black current drink that advertised that it had lots of vitamin C in it, and lo and behold it did not have the claimed levels - none at all in fact! The drink has been a staple kids drink in NZ for decades!

    And sometimes it is not what is lacking - but it is that there is much more than is claimed - which can b a problem too!!

  4. "Industry on Donaldson Rd, Rocklea" - the sewage farm went under, eh?

    Yeah, big, but not as big as when the Mississippi flooded in 93.

    According to news reports almost 12 times the area flooded - 30,000 sq miles in the Mississippi one, approx 350,000 sq miles in Queensland - the usual quote is "about half" of Queenslands 715,000 sq miles is flooded.

    This one says the area was larger han France and Germany combined, but doesn't give a figure - Metropolitan France and Germany add up to almost 350,000 square miles (900k sq km)

    And Pakistan copped it much, much worse not very long ago.

    About 70,000 sq km and 2000 dead, millions homeless

    And we needed the rain - what's the big deal? Oh, right, yeah, a media organisation with a story to tell and people in place to sell, sorry, tell it.

    Aus is lucky it affected an area that is not as heavily populated and is probably better built and drained as the ones you mention, or Brasil for that matter, but it was a very, very large area.

  5. Did you hear about the amazing advances that hey made in aircraft design in the 30's?

    tehre was this one design that has a serious structural problem - the wings kept falling off the aircraft - bit of a worry.

    So they got in all sorts of enginers & tried this & that to fix it, but none worked.

    then little Johnny came along & told them to drill a line of holes along the wing root - and it worked.

    Johny had observed that toilet paper doesn't rip along the holes even way back then, and figured that the principle woudl apply to aircraft wings too!

    Here's a couple of cases of het chemtrail wackos getting their knickers seriously twisted over something that is not that unusual - I posted a reply to the Kaikoura one saying that red sunssets hav been around for a while & are quite pretty - and it was promptly deleted & my account banned!!

    1/ "Photos Of Geo-engineering Over Kaikoura In January

    Posted on 18/01/2011 by Clare Swinney

    Thank-you to Rose in Kaikoura for sending the link to these photos she took over January, 2011. They show a wide range of geo-engineering-related formations – including, aerosols, ripples and the bright oranges the aerosols become as the sun sets. http://chemtrailsoverkaikoura.ning.com/photo/photo/slideshow?albumId=4744723:Album:10615"

    2/ http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=153105

  6. "And the chemtrail one is bravo sierra - certainly in the past populations on both sides of the Atlantic have been exposed to various things more-o-r-less sprayed on them. However the chemtrail hoax says that the spraying is at high altitude and is done by commercial airliners on normal routes.]"

    well that was the point of that segment. that in fact our government has a history of spraying poison on the populace...

    to say EVERY chem trail is poison is of course silly, but to say our government has sprayed poison on us so a chem trail could conceivable be laden with poison is based on our past quite feasible....

    It is conceivable whether the Govt has a history of it or not - being conceivable does not make it true - have a look at all the fiction titles

    (science and otherwise) in your local book store for things that are "conceivable" and not true!

    as for fluoride there are doctors and experts on both side of the debate, its not just wackos versus doctors and experts...

    AFAIK doctors will debate whether it is ethical o treat whole populations with fluoride - they do not debate that it is causing actual harm other than fuorosis.

  7. the "previous" fluoride level in the US didn't "damage teeth" - it probably was a cause of higher levels of fluorosis - which is an entirely cosmetic patchy whitening, often not noticeable except by direct close examination.

    And Fluoride is about as much a poison as iron or oxygen, and less so than chlorine (put any salt on your chips lately?)

    And the chemtrail one is bravo sierra - certainly in the past populations on both sides of the Atlantic have been exposed to various things more-o-r-less sprayed on them. However the chemtrail hoax says that the spraying is at high altitude and is done by commercial airliners on normal routes.]

    So that's 2 that are simply not true out of the first 3 - dunno about the rest, didn't bother going any further.

    IMO this drivel is part and parcel of social-political atmosphere in the US and which is gradually spreading worldwide - distrust and polarisation leading to paranoia, and in some cases action such as the attempted assassination of the US congresswoman much discussed in another thread.

    It is not that any 1 person is responsible for it - it is that the whole society is driving itself in this direction.

  8. An interesting read.

    I guess it depended on teh market - with a total population of only 4 million or a bit more, I guess New Zealand only amounts to 1 or maybe 2 large US counties?

    We didnt' need anythnig like this to have our own property bubble - just cheap mortgages facilitated by foreign owned banks looking to lend all their available funds.

    AFAIK there was no securitization here, no CDU's (or whatever), no interest holidays, no Govt required lending profiles or quota's.

    But it still all went mammaries uppermost - AFAIK because the cheap funds from overseas dried up - for which I guess MERS can take its share of the credit (sic).

  9. I never said it was good - I am pretty neutral about it - although New Zealand can use all the tourist $$'s we can get!

    But the world is getting richer...and the previously poor wanna go travel and see exotic places. The old middle classes may not like cattle class, but the neuvo middle class haven't heard all the stories and aren't going to care for decades yet!

    Chemtrailers will tell you that it is an excuse to poison us too..

  10. I don't think there's any secret about the mistakes, incompetence and stupidity in the well drilling process - the public reports & investigations so far are pretty informative on that front.

    And while the EPA told BP not use Corexit - the wiki page on the substance says BP was able to argue the case that there were no useful alternatives.

    Here's a Scientific American article on Corexit.

    Does the film add anything to this freely available information?

  11. The thing that gets me about the lies, damned lies, and statistics is that people do not actually understand the phrase.

    It is clearly saying that statistics are neither lies, nor damnded lies.

    Of course they may have a perfectly reasonable understanding of the full quote.......whoever it might be attributed to ;)

  12. And Goldman Sachs sold off 44% of their shares in BP a month or 3 weeks before IIRC too.....

    You have to wonder why they only sold 44% of their shares, and why the CEO only sold off 1.4 million (about 1/3rd of his shares at the time) worth if they knew something was going to happen.

    Or you could look at the trading activity in BP and see that there's regular major sell offs - a few million shares - as someone or other of it's numerous major share holders seeks to take a profit or alter their portfolio or change their risk profile or whatever.

    Other asset management firms also sold huge blocks of BP stock in the first quarter — but their sales were a fraction of Goldman’s. Wachovia, which is owned by Wells Fargo, sold 2,667,419 shares; UBS, the Swiss bank, sold 2,125,566 shares.

    Wachovia and UBS also sold much larger percentages of their BP stock, at 98 percently and 97 percent respectively.

    Wachova parent Wells Fargo, however, bought 2.3 million shares in the quarter, largely discounting Wachovia’s sales.

    Yawn......the stock market is apparently heavily dominated by institutional investors - retail ones make a lot of trades, but have low volume.

  13. Perhaps you can sumarise the theory for us?

    Is this the one that BP pumped the oil reservoir full of GM bacteria to generate CO2 so as to pressurise it and get more oil out of it?

    and then they were not spraying Corexit (or watever it is/was) but something else to make oil-eating bacteria multiply and that's why there's all sorts of metals in the water now (or something like that)? And the proof is that the warehouses have armed guards so no-one would actually analyse the stuff to show how evil they were (never mind that you could jsut go out to the gulf and get a sample....)

    Or is it some other list of more-or-less unconnected factoids thrown together to scare us all silly and show how BP and the NWO are killing and/or brainwashing us all?

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