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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Have to disagree that "the Arabs" (or whoever) have lost every time they've fought Israel lately (whether it's "war" or not, and "lately" being since Israel was formed...)

    I'm pretty sure "The Arabs" didn't actually lose 1973...maybe they didn't win either...but suer as heck Israel didn't win.

    The various invasions of Lebanon have never resulted in anything positive for Israel after the initial military sucess in 1982 got them all the way to Beirut and kicked the PLO out....so now the have Hezbollah and 1 million potential christian allies have emigrated from Lebanon - long term screw up there by someone......1993 was a waste of effort, 1996 provided some more motivation for AQ and otehrwise was a waste of effort, 2006 was a total screw up where the IDF couldn't manage to get a clear cut military victory and subsequently was another PR/political disaster.

    the 2009 invasion of Gaza sems a prety clear cut Israeli "win" - both politically and militarily, but has been subsequently undone by the fiasco over the "blockade runners".

    So Israel had a string of wins from 1948-1966 (18 years), and a string of failures or near failures from 1973-2006 (33 years), with 1 win in 2009 that they gave up the advantage from.

    Not that I think it's relevant in the least - just wanted to say.....

  2. The governor of the state of Hawaii, a friend of Obama's, has publicly stated that no such certificate exists, having been "lost". So, the "factcheck.org" which is well known leftist garbage, should at least try to get a believable lie.

    And last point, again, if this is so...why are MY tax dollars going to pay govt attorneys, to hide it, rather than simply put it out there.

    Right - it's "leftist" so it is wrong.......:cool:

    How about this one then? Perhaps the Governor was just wrong??

  3. That's a pretty gross generalisation.

    I'm a civil servant - pretty much everyone in my organisation has worked in private industry or the defence forces -mainly the airforce. I have worked here for 12 years. Before then i did an apprenticeship, left my employer to go to uni for 4 years, went back to work for 2 more companies for a total of 10 years.

    I work with a zimbabwean immigrant and a young chap trying to get his instructor's rating while his family breaks up (they report to me), a 70 yr old "semi"-retiree who worked as an IT professional for many organisations having started as a TV repairman, and my boss started in the Airfoce as a mechanic and went on to fly UH-1's for them, then privately in New Guinea before coming here.

    As I look around other areas I see people who have run their own small airlines/charter companies, agricultural spraying operations and repair shops.

    When I think of the general managers there is a guy who helped design ballistic missiles, another who was the Chief Engineer of one of our larger airlines, someone who has run another airlines and routinely flies Fokker Tr-1 and Pfalz replica WW1 aircraft and used to fly the I-16 and I-15's that were rebuilt here. I think a couple of others came to us from other senior roles in the civil service but not exactly sure where.

    In the policy unit there's not a lot of people - 3 to be exact...including the manager - not exactly overstaffed for policy and it shows - we cold do with a couple more! :( 1 is a former lawyer...well still is a lwyer I suppose, 1 is a "professional" policy adviser, and the Manager is ex-Fleet Air Arm.

    The board is Govt appointed - 1 used to be cheif pilot for an airline I worked for, and was also a GM here then became Chief Pilot for an airline in the Virgin Group before coming back to this board position. another is a "professional director" of several private companies. A third has had a career with BP, including managing director of the local national operation, and similarly in Papua New Guinea, the 4th is a Queens Counsel and partner in a local law firm, and the last has been an independant corporate advisor in finance and industry, blah blah blah.

    Yep - there's a shortage of knowledge of "real life" around here f'sure......

  4. Fortunately lots of people have a somewhat different idea of a fair tax.

    Here someone on $20k a year is probably close to the poverty line, so taking $2k off him seems a bit pointless.

    whereas here someone on $2 million is in no danger of poverty, and his marginal tax rate is 30% - and has been since about $80k pa (or somewhere near there)....but there's still no danger he's going to starve, and even with that "obviously unfair" tax burden he's still actually filthy rich.

    So - tax everyone ethe same and the deperately poor can be reduced to starvation, whereas having a progressive tax system doesn' stop eth filthy rich from being filthy rich......hmm......that's a toughy....NOT! Well at least not for me!

    And, actually, the Government does have the right to "take more and more" if it can get the votes. although in these parts it has been taking less and less for quieet a long time.

    AFAIK the current tax proposals in the US relate to going back to how things weer a decade or go don't they - nothing more than that? The tax cuts foisted by Bush to break the budget only had a life of 8 years, and now that's up? Well you had a holiday, the country is bankrupt....mission accomplished...vast amounts of wealth transfered from the budget to the better off... why the whining?

    (getting close to politics methinks......)

  5. Apparently you do not know what climate change theory is however. Nor do you seem to be educated enough to know these interesting facts:

    1- Glaciers melting? Give me a break...


    Hint - it is retreating right to left.....

    See the article at http://currents.ucsc.edu/05-06/11-14/glacier.asp

    Here in JonS's homeland (yes, we're both pinko's from the Sth Pacific but mostly we argue...) the local glaciers are also a lot smaller than they were, say, 10 years ago. a LOT smaller

    there is proof that dinosaurs walked the the area that is now frozen tundra.. There is also scientific proof that once, long ago before CO2 emissions, the central USA was under water.

    Are you familiar with the concept of continental drift, and the difference in time ascales between geological epochs and ice ages?

    If you are a creationist then I can at least understand where you are coming from, although I think that is fruit-loopery too. but if you are not then your presentation of these "facts" is irrelevancy....at best.

    2-The very same scientists who now are reporting that record snowfalls are a sign of global warming, were quoted by ABC news in 2004 stating that the effect of global warming would be gradually less and less snow,meaning states in the western USA would gradually become deserts as they depend on high mountain snows for water. I am not even necessarily on the side I am arguing here, but I AM educated, and I know BS when I see it, and the same side of an argument cannot use data from the other side that contradicts it's primary hypothesis,and spin the data 2 different ways depending on which direction it goes.

    Global warming will produce more rain and othe precipitation in some places because there will be a lot more moisture absorbed into the air. And in other places it will be drier.

    If they got it wrong 7 years ago for any given area that is nothing more than insufficient understanding at that time. That's what education does for you - it lets you advance your knowledge and thus correct earlier mistakes, and that applies to scientific theories as well as many other things.

    For example that's why we now know that atomic explosions will not proceed out of control and consume the earth, why Newtonian physics isn't sufficient to explain the universe, etc., etc.

  6. Oh...trust me, I hope there is a special place in hell for that guy also.But that guy is not risking our lives now,

    If you are in the path of any islamic attack it is mainly because of the debacle in Iraq, and therefore yes, that guy is directly responsible.

    while ASSange is trying to do everything he can to whip into a frenzy the Radical Islamic groups,

    that's just bull****.

  7. Well, it was myself who said that he was not a traitor, since he is not a US citizen.

    and it was me who noted it.

    During war, espionage takes a much more serious form as lives really are lost due to it. In war, countries have every right to punish accordingly.

    the US legislation I linked to was passed in 1917, during WW1, it had a 10 year penalty then, it had a 10 year penaltythrough WW2, and it has a 10 year penalty now.

    There have also been espionage agents executed in US history, though none since the cold war.

    That would under Ch 794, which you can read here - which only applies in very limited circumstances.

    The powers that be have decided that he cannot be charged under that, and have indicated that 793 is the one they are looking at, which carries a maximum of 10 years.

    other forms of espionage carry maximum sentences of as little as 1 year (check almost every oteh chapter)

    My feeling(emotion) due to the fact that I know lives, even including mine, are risked due to his desire to open up secrets, does probably cloud my better judgment though, I will give you that.

    Your lives were put at risk by this guy a decade or more ago!

  8. Right - yuo want him shot for treason even though yuo know well and full that he cannot possibly be guilty of it, and you want him shot for espionage even tho the max penalty is 10 years.

    Here's your US statute on espionage.

    Apparently supreme Court case law on 1st amendment rights makes it complicated to get a conviction on that too. and there's also the case of the Israeli spies who had their charges dropped in 2009.

    Like I said - you have laid aside your cognitive resources.

  9. Right - so he didn't steal anything, didn't actually break any laws anyone can clearly identify, didn't release anything actually particularly sensitive, and you think he should be executed?

    I guess that makes you another unthinking nutjob along with all the other unthinking nutjobs -some call them zealots, some call them fundamentalists, but I reckon unthinking nutjob is more descriptive.

    They come in all colours - islamists, zionists, christians, fascists, communists, republicans, democrats, socialists, greens, anti-whale, pro-whale....

    the only thing they have in common is they have given up using their higher mental functions and just parrot what someone else has told them is "the truth".

    I wonder if you like being in that company?

    I suspect you don't actualy think about it! :rolleyes:

    However if any injustice system does actually execute Assange that would meet my definition of a cyber-war.......

  10. No Chemtrials :eek:

    Or even chemtrails - this is obviously just another bit of disinformation by the MWO shills - I mean ..."cloud appreciation society"?? come on......no real person would be so dumb - how much are they paying you to trot out their line??


  11. No it isn't.

    It was created by a mate of mine Phil Yates, who was a spotty little teen wargamer when I was gaming with him in the 80's using WRG's WW2 rules, and who thought he WH combat system would be ideal for WW2.

    So he wrote "Warhammer panzer battles", which was an add on to Warhammer - you needed a copy of WH to play it, thus avoiding any copyright problems. You can still find it on the 'net

    He then found (not founded!) or was found by Battlefront - a small company making TTG 15mm "lead" sodiers & some resin terrain, in auckland, New Zealand.

    Somewhere along the way BF found itself in the ownership of a millionaire wargamer who liked the FoW concept and was prepared to put the capital in to develop it.

    they may now have former WH staff working for them, and certainly they have adopted the marketing model with a great deal of success, and the rules themselves were certainly originaly, deliberately, based on WH.

    I know several of BF's former staff personally, including a CEO, & while I do not know all the intimate details, that is roughly the outline.

  12. Flames of War is the most common WW2 game these days in amany parts of the world - 15mm scale figures & models - it can be played with anything of course but htey have gone down the "Games Workshop" marketing model of having "badged" toy soldiers, even tho they can't copyright WW2 - still seems to work very well for them!

    It is more company-Battalion level, and seriously not a serious simulation (;)) - nothing like BF in terms of accuracy, but apaprently lots of fun.

    WRG updated their moderns to 2000 I think, around about 1988, and there is a Yahoogroup that still discusses the rules but they are not poular anymore - very good simulation, but too complicated for most gamers :(

  13. It doesn't show in tineye, and if you google "bananafishbones 8223e788.gif" this page is the only result!

    it is not an album cover for Bananafishbones - they re all shown on the bands home page. It also doesn't seem to be anything to do with the Cure's song of the same name.

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