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Mark IV

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Everything posted by Mark IV

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Brian: I also visit a bbs that has WAY MORE activity than this. It's at http://jeepsunlimited.com <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's an older version of this same software (v. 5.45c). They may just have a bigger server. Thought: Come out with an "upgrade" that saves turns into one single movie, features the Maus and rocket tanks, and has blood. Charge $20 for it. Buy a new server.
  2. Free satellite dish network! R U GUYZ A BUNCH OF WARMONGRZ R WHAT! All your favorite games on Ebay.com. I GOT THIS AOL CD IN THE MAIL ANYBODY WANT TO PLAY? You suk. Yeah, I really miss Usenet. I don't know if this board was the drug or the methadone, but it got me off Usenet and I'm not going back. I did try to find alt.combat mission, or whatever it was, but mindspring didn't list it and I haven't even looked again. One final thought: remember cross-posting? Picture the possibilities... yecchhh.
  3. Binkie, we ARE discussing the game. We are killing each other lots and getting good at it, because we are so motivated. The Outer Board is for discussing why the game is the way it is, whether it is all correctly modeled, and wouldn't it be cool if you could save all your turns into one single movie. The Peng thread is for discussing how we have/are/will use all that stuff to kill one another. It's like we're the Super Bowl/World Cup teams on the field, and there's 80,000 fans in the seats arguing over the rules, wondering what those silly blokes on the field are doing...
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DVN-UK: I happened to glance back (a common mistake I grant you, often committed throughout history, I refer to Sauls wife.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, you refer to Lot's wife, but you're too bloody thick to know it. Or perhaps you've confused "Saul" with "stall", "pillar" with "pile" and "salt" with, ah, "squat". Or somefink. Perhaps you should grow a pair of testaments and do some homework requiring both hands.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mord: If the Axis had won WWII do you think that eventually Japan and Germany would have come to blows?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We would need to split some hairs here. What do you mean, "won" WWII? You mean the US surrendered to the Axis, and was occupied by them? That's a bit much for me to stomach even in a what-if, at least in a 1945-50 context. Let's just take the US out of the picture for a minute and say the world is divided into German and Japanese spheres of influence. Germany has Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, the Middle East, and the Atlantic. Japan has Manchuria/Siberia, China, India, Indonesia, and the Pacific. Both now have the ports/natural resources they coveted, in abundance. The Germans would have the edge over the Japanese in most technological areas. Japan would have access to a little more manpower, and a better surface fleet. Japan did NOT have a stated programme of racial superiority. In fact, many influential Japanese viewed themselves as the racial liberators of the Asian peoples from western colonialism. I believe that most felt themselves as the leading Asian power, which they in fact were, and there was a good deal of disdain for their Asian fellows who submitted to the western yoke. There were no designated racial bad guys in the Japanese program. Even if the Japanese felt contempt for the passive Asians and admiration for the more predatory Europeans (Germany and England), they still saw their crusade as one of racial self-preservation against Euro-American domination. The Japanese had at least a chance of consolidating their empire and motivating it to work toward a common pan-Asian goal. The Germans blew their opportunity right from the start- it was written into their ideology. Both had nuclear programs, but Germany would have had additional access to Russia's research. Eventually they would have corrected the error in the critical mass formula they were using. They were probably ahead of Japan in practical development and experimentation, but Japan had some excellent theoretical scientists and had latched on to thermonuclear theory well before the war even started. All dictatorships are paranoid, and the German and Japanese empires would probably have been on an inevitable collision course here and there along their vast borders. But a "German empire" of that magnitude would be so rife with internal contradictions that it would be forever struggling to maintain its internal peace, at least until it could populate it all with Germans. And Japan would still have a technological mountain to climb, though with vast resources at its disposal. Now, if the US is beaten into a sullen armistice, but still afloat... The US was much further along in nuke development than either Germany or Japan, and you would have to factor this into the equation... the upshot of all this is that the world might have reached the same nuclear standoff that it did anyway. Japan would want to forge some kind of alliance with the isolated US...
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andrew Hedges: the fact that the BAR could get off four five-round bursts before having to change the magazine suggests that it was not ill-suited to its role.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The BAR was a well-designed and well-made weapon. It was simply not designed to be a true LMG. Because it was what we had, we used it. Because it was well-designed and well-made, it worked. It did not hold enough ammo, the too-small mag had to be changed from the bottom, it weighed too much and really had too heavy of a cartridge for a shoulder-fired weapon, and not enough ammo capacity (nor replaceable barrels) for an emplaced weapon. But it worked. It really shouldn't be compared to the MG42 or much else directly, because it is a fairly unique weapon, in a class of its own. It was less effective than MG42 and Bren as a squad support weapon and that's one reason why squads started getting 3 of them. It was still a good automatic rifle.
  7. Originally posted by Croda: MarkIV...what to say. What an ugly map for him. A night attack. My village set out in tiers overlooking a valley. Not a shred of tree-coverage anywhere. He's gonna Die A Lot! Cost of doing business. You've climbed a tree to escape the black bear, laddie. Does anyone know when Meeks is due back? Turn on your night-light and hum a little song to yourself 'til he comes back to you. Do you keep his picture taped up over the stainless steel toilet next to your cot, or what? Oh, PeterNZ! Your big 14" is a classic case of tactile envy. The rest of your strategy consists of running platoons across a large open field, and wondering why my troops aren't out in the open too, wearing neon spandex and lining up for a scrum. What battle do you think this is, Marathon? C'mon in. ROF demonstrations on the hour, and just a few minutes to go... GITom: The Pronoun Whip is just for routine discipline. Keep it up, and you'll feel the Petard of Punctuation, the Spear of Spelling, and possibly the dreaded Hammer of Syntax. I should split your infinitives right here, and rip your dangling participles off with my subjective clause. You'll learn what a meta is phor, boy-o. Just keep it up.
  8. Croda is already cheating, by forcing me to play Allies. No matter, his head will hide that ugly crack on my wall, caused by pounding the peg for Babra's a little too hard. For PeterNZer I should be able to use velcro, but I will place Germanboy's on the mantle, as it is not a load-bearing wall. M. le Broon, you may continue to experience humiliation the slow way through the simple expedient of returning the turn which you have been incubating for several days now. Do so quickly, before it hatches, and little Germans spill out and start nesting in your computer.
  9. I think one of the coolest things about the Early War was that it was when massed armor was king, and could indulge in breakouts and encirclements much more easily. Infantry had very little to stop a tank with ('course they were a little easier to stop back then). One shot, one kill tank types were rare or non-existent. It is amazing how much of Germany's victories rode on the PzI, II, and III, or the early snub-nosed IV. Particularly when their opponents often had superior tanks (or at least superior in many regards). I think it would be highly instructive to all us American players to see how much war there was before we showed up, and how it was fought. You know they gotta model Stukas for this one... maybe even horses...
  10. Malaya and Singapore! Enough tanks and armored cars to keep the motor enthusiasts occupied... I think this one is suitable for a mod. Seems like more of a graphics challenge, than anything in code. "Germanese" set to high levels of fanaticism would work well, and maybe a Lynx or even an AC for the Jap tanks. I think about it lots, though I don't have the time to put into it now. Don't forget the rubber tree plantation mods. And some Aussies set to Veteran.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: And in sixty seconds there was nothing left of the German defence but flaming trees and abandoned machine guns...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ... and a great honking and highly pissed-off StuG. To Babra, King of Pedestrians: The only thing you still have rolling are the heads of your envoys, which I send back down the hill to you. You forgot to mention the squadron of B17s you sent, and the fact that you somehow sailed the Iowa up the Rhein. No matter. For your pains you have 100m of useless forest, carpeted with dead French, and like a VL-and-a-half out of 5 or 6, the rest of which are about a kilometer away. Surrender NOW.
  12. Originally posted by Formerly Babra: From the King of Kings of the East and West, the Great Babra-Khan. To Mark IV the Gerbil, Sadly, Mongols vs. Gerbils is a fairly accurate characterization of this little fracas, making your massive losses all the more inexcusable... At present you are the only enemy against whom we have not exacted our full revenge... It's gonna cost ya. Don't think there'll be too many Greyhounds in that victory parade.
  13. Let's learn from the professionals: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>From the King of Kings of the East and West, the Great Khan. To Qutuz the Mamluk, who fled to escape our swords. You should think of what happened to other countries ... and submit to us. You have heard how we have conquered a vast empire and have purified the earth of the disorders that tainted it. We have conquered vast areas, massacring all the people. You cannot escape from the terror of our armies. Where can you flee? What road will you use to escape us? Our horses are swift, our arrows sharp, our swords like thunderbolts, our hearts as hard as the mountains, our soldiers as numerous as the sand. Fortresses will not detain us, nor arms stop us. Your prayers to God will not avail against us. We are not moved by tears nor touched by lamentations. Only those who beg our protection will be safe. Hasten your reply before the fire of war is kindled ... Resist and you will suffer the most terrible catastrophes. We will shatter your mosques and reveal the weakness of your God and then we will kill your children and your old men together. At present you are the only enemy against whom we have to march.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Even taunting has historical standards. Sadly, this example of the Khan's armies' finest taunting was, Croda-like, the prelude to a catastrophic defeat. Unlike Croda, it was their first.
  14. Any TCP/IP geniuses here? I have the night "off". I would prefer killing any of you, to the ordinary scum that populate the normal board. It's 8 PM in the People's Republic of Kalifornia. Slake my thirst for blood. Otherwise I'm gonna kill a newbie, crack his skull like a melon, and have me a bowl of vanilla Tapioca. I prefer a little spice with my blutwurst.
  15. It's an oversight, a glitch, an anomaly, a curiousity, an abnormality. You did well to discover it; I believe that it's real. The explanation is probably that CM: Beyond Barbarossa is a slightly higher priority that CM: One More MG on the Battlefield Some of the Time. At least I hope so!
  16. I'm not sure how this would work... A tank already is a lightning "conductor", being made of steel, and usually in direct metal contact with earth ground (even if the tracks have rubber pads, off-road there is going to be a lot of metal-to-earth contact). In theory it isn't the worse place to be in lightning, since the charge tends to run on the outside "skin" of any object as it flows to ground. The less resistance it encounters in the process, the better. An AFV would be a pretty efficent Faraday Cage, where the interior of a charged vessel is protected from the charge by the conductor itself- no electrostatic field exists inside the externally charged container. Airplanes frequently get struck in flight without harm to the occupants for exactly this reason. It would be better not to get struck at all, so the lower the profile, the better. Your conductor could only raise the profile, increasing the likelihood of a strike, unless it channeled the surge through a different path to ground than the AFV itself. This is difficult to picture on a vehicle. You could trail chains to improve contact with the earth, I guess...
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Horrido: Anyone remember Empire?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Empire Deluxe and Perfect General (not in that order) would be my whole "short" list. Perfect General was ahead of its time... a real classic in many ways.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: For the rest of you, go fondle with your IP ports.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm not sure if you're occasionally brilliant, or occasionally lucky. In posting, that is. Since I appear to be MISSING A TURN, and assume that you're now so enamored of real-time suicide that you no longer need ME as a sword to fall upon, you can just load up poor old 1.05 one last time, and press Alt-U, making my swiftest victory ever. I think de Maupassant wrote about this syndrome once, called something like "The Duel", wherein our hero, presented with the fatal challenge, ultimately commits suicide as the dawn of the fateful day rises. His imagination did him in before the duel ever took place. Now you have gone this rascal one better in actually showing up (and well before dawn, as we can only see about 54m). And the beautiful night pyrotechnics are nearly as brilliant as de Maupassant himself, one of France's best reasons for existing. But the screams in the dark, your flaming hulks, the flash of my spotting rounds, and the utter lack of damage to my forces, must be working on your delicate psyche by now, and I find you chatting here in the cafe, instead of at your station of honor. I implore monsieur to take one of the only two honorable courses. You must point the pistol at one of the parties (that would be me, or YOU) and pull the trigger. I shall personally return your moustache to your next of kin; I shall consider it an honor. Bon soir.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: There are probably many people who read this thread and who once in a while want to contribute. This thread is subject to the same forum rules as any other.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> HAHAHAHAHAHA. This is a fine example of what's wrong with America, Britain, the Internet, and the Newtonian view of the Universe. You sniveling little parvenu, do you want to parade your little placard here for your rights? You think you have made a contribution to anything, anywhere? This forum is exempt, do you hear me, by special dispensation of Pope Steve himself, from your stupid bourgeois "rules". And your schoolboy washroom humor. And the close female relative you rode in on. You don't have a right to be here, and if you did we would revoke or ignore it anyway. Your silly whining about every imagined crime and bug in CM is truly topped by this exercise in self-righteousness. This is a PRIVATE club in a public place and there's nothing you can do about it. You don't have what it takes- you're not our sort- or in the perceptive words of a previous commentator, you SUCK. You are the king of SUCK. So purse your prim little lips around this, nancy-boy: you were an object of scorn and derision even before showing up here. The most pitiful whiners, thrill-seekers, and soap-box preachers to stop by the Cesspool for their 15 seconds of shame have shown more gumption than you have. "Wah-wah, I'm gonna tell, I have rights, I have something to say..." You disgust me. I won't rip your guts out because they'd soil the Cesspool, and even the rats would wrinkle their little noses in disgust at your spineless offal. Just post a few more snippy and witless observations, get bored, and leave. Yecchh.
  20. Croda: Wipe that saliva off your screen, boy, and let yer old Mark IV tell ya a fink or two. I posted more clever and hateful things in the first 30 pages of the original Pengodrome than the collected works of CrodaMeeksaOFGSetc combined will equal when our sun goes supernova. I used up a lot of hate on the deserving back then, and while hate is a renewable resource I had extensive reserves in those days. Now, we've seen these rubbernecking newbies come and go and we will again. The sheer novelty of an Aussie theme brought them back for another gawk, many under assumed names so their groggy pals wouldn't recognize them in the morning paper, with their trench coats draped over their cuffs, hiding their faces from the cameras. They live in the shadow of the Mountain and every shift in its weather causes them awe and consternation. Their little necks hurt from looking up at our monstrous Thread, their tiny ears ache from the thunder that flashes from our Peak. There are untapped well springs of hate, contempt, and scorn which we have only begun to explore. Fear not, little one. So there, there... everything's gonna be alright. But you're not in charge of sh*t. PUNK.
  21. Oh, Mr. Geier, the dinner bell has just sounded. Your garnish is waiting, about 1.6Mb worth. You'll need lots of kroner to drop in the slot thoughtfully provided by your Scando-collective but I'm sure it'll be worth it. Ummm... eels.
  22. GOT IT! What's TCP/IP? Elvis, are you groveling and licking dust?
  23. So to summarize, PzIV silhouette reduced. Ex-cell-ent. You guys are incredible.
  24. The spec for the .30-06 AP round: "fired at 7/8 inch thick homogenous armor plate at 100 yards, will not be less than .42 inch penetration." .42" = 10.922mm
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