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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Mark IV

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Everything posted by Mark IV

  1. BAR certainly has greater recoil... but it also has a bipod, and shoots great honking (.30-06) bullets that go through pretty good-sized trees, German HTs, and so forth. It is a very heavy weapon, which absorbs recoil, and was designed as a squad LMG. MP-44 is one of my favorite rifles in the game, but it is a shoulder-fired infantryman's weapon and neither as accurate in full auto nor as potent downrange (shooting the 7.92 Kurz, a much lighter load) as a BAR. It is like a heavy AK47. They are just different types of weapons.
  2. Thanks for the link... I forgot about the perpetual funnel cloud smoke rounds, and the hexagonal explosions! I believe sycophants were just coming into vogue, as well...
  3. Remember the excitement in the air? We were SO sure we'd have the game, or at least the Gold demo, by Christmas. That was some truly palpable excitement. None of us (not counting beta testers) had ever seen a Panther. Or a mine. On-board indirect fire wasn't. There were no dead bodies and the subject was a VERY hot topic. We wondered if there would ever be a game with more than a company on either side. A DYO scenario builder was a heck of an idea. No one was sick of CE yet. Panzerfausts were laughable useless things on the unit equipment tables. The Hellcat was the most-feared Allied vehicle (might still be!). I'll bet there's lot's more.... I just wanted everyone to fall asleep after the turkey so I could sneak back to the incredible beta demo. Thanks BTS for the best wargame ever made. You made us wait and then exceeded this industry's wildest expectations. Looking back, this has been the best gaming year of my life (and thus one of the most wasted since I got out of college, but in a more benign way). I would rather lose, playing CMBO, than win playing any other game I've ever owned. Happy Thanksgiving, BTS. I doubt if CMBO was what the Pilgrims had in mind, but Combat Mission is truly something to be thankful for.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty: Topplement of Moriarty by Hiram. Topplement of Bauhaus by Moriarty.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 50% well done, Moriarty. Have a nice velvety Macallan for the un-housing of Bau. 'Fraid you'll have to swish it about a bit, then spit it out, though, for the Hiram thing. But it's the flavor that counts, eh?
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl: I vaguely recall there being one T-shirt/vote...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Offer good while supplies last. Void where prohibited. Some restrictions may apply. Offer not valid to employees of Mark IV, BTS, any lawyers, or anybody who has ever called me an a$$hole without supporting documentation. What's that? Let's have a look at those... oh, ok... fine, send me the shipping address.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier: Your slime eel, forever nesting in your narwhal carcass, gnawing gently at your rotting innards,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, that could've been good, except that I still have no setup. A pity, as tomorrow is Thanksgiving here, and while Swedes have little to be thankful FOR, other than not being an S.S.R. of some kind, one would think they'd take the day off anyway, for an intensive game with a representative of their biggest market for their native pornography and any stewardess with 2 Kroner to rub together. Besides, there's three meters of snow outside your front door and don't lie and say there's not. I'll be at the beach with my inflatable waterproof wireless 2GHz laptop, like everyone in California, which is 2000 miles long and 300 yards wide, if you're interested. Ummm... eels... surf's up, gotta go!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by buddy: I thought I read in an earlier post that when any squad loses it's HQ unit then it performs at a lower level - reaction time, etc are slower.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Operative word is "any". It has the same effect on German squads.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier: So my question is this: Would it make your life miserable if I went ahead and abused Relative conjunctions instead?... Remember, I'm here for you if you need me. Hugs, Johan<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dearest Johan: Thanks for your sincere and heartfelt concern for my welfare. It is quite unnecessary to drag relative pronouns through the sludge any further, since Pawbroom and his charming brood mare now have the whole language hourly on the rack. My quixotic effort to save the damsel "which" from debasement and violation must fail before the windmill of American pop culture... but fail nobly, old friend. Your generous offer of "hugs" must be regretfully declined, as I would rather hug a speeding bus, a diseased cactus, an oozing basket of dung, the offal of a freshly-gutted sturgeon, or a red-hot ingot of pig iron. I know you meant well, though, and thank you for the compassionate thought. As for a certain beating in a certain game, you will be pleased to know that my face has grown back, and has gazed ruefully upon the many catastrophic topplements it has caused since, shedding a tear of remorse for the pain of its many victims. Please spare me further sorrow- don't send me a setup, and add to the many putrescent corpses on my conscience already. Please do not stick your head into the fan belt of the Mark IV killing machine, like a cute little brown and white kitty-cat in an engine compartment on a cold day. Please don't disappear into my maw of victory, like a writhing little eel down the gullet of a narwhal. You're too special, to go like that.
  9. Vikings, of course (since you probably got the thread where you asked the question locked up by now). Lions over the Pats, too.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: Sorry to spoil your moment matey... the day when anything you quote goes down in history is still a longggggggg way away.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dreadfully sorry. In the kinder, gentler spirit of the reformed pool, may I suggest that there seems to be some confusion here? I was referring to your previous sig, a quotation from chrisl which may be found not quite halfway down p.91 of this very thread, circa Nov. 20, and which appears in your sig directly above M. Pawbroon's comment, to which I was responding, and into which your lengthy (but surely not objectionable) proboscis appears to have not only intruded, but rested momentarily on your "g" key, as one so obviously erudite could hardly have misspelled "long". By now you may have pieced together that I refer not to anything I have quoted, but to your quotation of chrisl's original mot. I know that your busy schedule may not permit reading every word of a sentence, much less a full paragraph, but the inclusion of nouns and verbs was not only to add spice, but to facilitate understanding of a complete thought. Hope this helps, and have the nicest day!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Of course, there is also the theory that if you put enough monkeys in front of keyboards long enough, one of them will eventually type out some Shakespeare...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Fortunately, they refrain from posting their earlier drafts, a practice we'd all do well to follow. Oops... I think that's an example of what this thread's about. OK... Pillar, I think you did start some interesting topics. But the doctrine business followed closely on the heels of another interesting discussion gone sour, and the general subject of "doctrine" was a bit vague anyway. The truth is that only controversy garners much interest. If you post something which is clearly true and everybody agrees... end of thread. If you post something controversial and people disagree, you get a lot of discussion, but some of it is flamey. Personally I don't mind. That's what the scrolly thing is for. There are also folks who are much better-qualified to lay down the law on philosophical and technical issues, who find discussing such matters with amateurs distasteful. It's fun to lurk in their controversies, as you can learn a great deal without taking any heat. Most of the CM related topics were done to death in the first 100,000 posts or so, but a more specific topic can still gather a crowd, if it is both interesting and controversial. It's just harder to come up with those. Appreciate your efforts all the same.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: I've seen you've change your sig by the way.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It is very gratifying to me to see my own footnote in history, while I am still young enough to savor it. And this, without having to do something tedious like inventing the cotton gin (a stupid idea anyway, sops up the vermouth) or shooting a Beatle. Thus the lowest-case chrisl, like the anonymous sculptor of Ozymandius, propels me into immortality... my name lives amongst the stars, the constellation Anus Major. Be sure to wear a hat, with something like that overhead.
  13. Shift-W turns off the weather effects, but the LOS penalty is still in effect. Could be?
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder: There is a nucleus of die-hard Pacific War lovers <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Seconded again, for the hundredth time. And don't forget Korea!!! Some awesome land warfare.
  15. See the other thread for my inspirational acceptance speech. This has truly been... my finest hour. Guess I should get out more.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Am I the only one who got away with being nice and staying in the Pool? Makes ya wonder, don't it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, it doesn't. Was slithering in under the door of the Lawyer's Challenge and voting for a non-participant foreigner and well-known agent provocateur your idea of "nice", you obsequious coelenterate? Once again the thin facade of niceness crumbles, to reveal the twisted little gnome within. Now hunch along after your saxon Master and try to bring him the jar with the right brain, this time. And have an extra nice day!
  17. My fellow CMers: I gratefully accept your mandate. This is a time of healing, and time for us all to work together to reach a common goal. A time, not for recriminations and partisanship, but for moving ahead with our agenda for our families and children. Germanboy's entry visa to the US is hereby revoked. Hiram is a free-lance toady and will attach himself like a barnacle to whatever hull sinks near him. No one else voted for Germanboy despite his delusions. Thanks to my many supporters (though in Babra's case, what he is doing to my panzers cancels the preceeding thanks out). You are all hereby admitted to the prestigious "Friends of Mark IV" society. Foobar: I bear you no extra malice for all the awful things you've said in the heat of the election. My normal quotient of malice should suffice. You will be notified when the next round of the Lawyer's Challenge is to be held. Triumphantly Yours, Mark IV
  18. "Tears are for the craven. Prayers are for the clown. Halters for the silly neck that cannot keep a crown. As my loss is grievous, so my hope is small, For iron, cold iron, must be master of men all." One can almost forgive England, if not Marlow, because of Kipling.
  19. PawBroom: OK, snailbreath, this is just to let you know that I am not slighted in the least by your slighting lack of reference to me, despite my having previously acknowledged your existence (albeit in the most slighting of terms). I have to admit that I admire your command of whatever language you happen to be speaking. While I've not yet had the pleasure of pounding you like an imported tent stake, I look forward to it when time permits. Berli: We have had the words, but not the wars. I will be hunting you after Pawbroom, meaning you are lower than the French on the scale of edible mollusks, or by any other meaningful metric. OSGF: My thanks for posting in a feigned dialect so unreadable, as to provide the prose equivalent of a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card amongst the many posts I must wade through each day. May I suggest posting blank returns for a few meters a day, to spare your fingers while achieving the same literary effect? The rest of you lot... err, to all my PBEM opponents... no turns tonight. SHE walks the halls and I may only post while She is in the shower. I do NOT care more about stupid wargamez and stupid emailz than Her. I am lower than a frog, a jarhead, or a scot. I am worm snot. h-e-l-p m-e
  20. My Dear Foo: I do not consent to a death-match for the Cup because it is <FONT SIZE="5">MINE.</FONT> I will (upon receipt of the coveted prize) immediately place it back in jeopardy by challenging you to take it from me. This will give me lots of time to watch it, not rewind it, and spill scotch and sticky food in it. In the highly unlikely event you are able to snatch it away, I will expect you to do the same, to some other deserving soul. Assuming it still works. And thus the legend of the Lawyer's Cup will become a deathless, if somewhat filthy, piece of CM lore. Those are my terms. I am ahead in the balloting and it is mine to lose. When do these bloody results get certified, is what I want to know?
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Monticello: Er... where are the movies? Actually, I want to see the battle plan and movies before I vote.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not sure when the polls close on this puppy (?), my tender little Undecided Constituent. But who cares f-all about battle plans when results are what matters? You wanna guy who's gonna fight for ya, or a guy who's gonna win for ya? Righty-O, you look like an XXL to me... work out a little, do ya? Monticello, I'm gonna level with you. I need this movie. My kid goes in for electrolysis tomorrow morning, and the last thing she said, as they wheeled her off on that gurney, was "Daddy, can I watch 'From Hell to Victory' when I get better?" All I could choke out was "Sure thing, baby"... but all I could think, was that her life was hanging by a hair. I know this doesn't matter to you. You've heard the same old tired song in every gin mill on a dozen continents bigger than this one. But maybe just this once, a miracle could happen... maybe, the truth could make a difference... and just maybe, a little girl's dreams could come true. Won't you please help? And if you act NOW... receive "Highlights of the Lawyer's Challenge", in smash-mouth video or DVD, for only $9.95!!! See the turret-wrenching, gun-buckling action close up, and host the CM party your friends and neighbors have been waiting for!!! Real CM video like you've never seen it before!!!! Vote NOW!!!
  22. You have 3 choices: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Believe a bitter Lawyer, who has been smacked down hard. Believe an honest, working class CM player, who is much like yourself. Greedy as all hell, and chomping at the bit to take what is rightly mine.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Believe someone who is willing to send you a promotional Tee-shirt (which promotion is at the sole discretion of Mark IV, Inc.). Plus had a better score. And is above carping about the outcome of elections, but cannot be held responsible for the remarks of zealous individuals on his staff, who are motivated by a desire to see justice done, but may or may not necessarily speak for Mark IV, Inc. (Offer not open to employees of Mark IV, Inc., nor its subsidiaries.) The choice is yours. Since rune voted twice, once the wrong way, he will be sent one of Germanboy's tee-shirts, unlaundered, with a small fee for shipping and handling (with sanitized tongs). The blood-stains will come out with lemon juice. Sadly, we are forced to issue a Form 1099 along with this gratuity, but I know the shirt will remain a priceless memento for years to come, and a welcome addition to any hearth or home. We appreciate your support.
  23. Thanks, Babs, that was touching. Wouldn't go pronouncing a victory in our latest, just yet. I would like to cast a vote (several, actually) for Mark IV. He had the best score, and suffered the most verbal and least tactical abuse. He has nobly and bravely offered to keep the Lawyer's Challenge alive, by offering the Prize to other challengers. I do not expect anyone's vote to be swayed by my promotional T-shirts in a variety of attractive colors and popular sizes.
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