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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. I guess I was disapointed.. the first half hour was so realistic. Death happened, didn't matter who you were, one minute you're alive, the next minute you're splattered across the beach.. The second half was just cheesy.. loose the main characters one by one.. all the standard stuff from war movies. PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  2. I dunno... last half hour of Saving Private Ryan kinda ticked me off. After the amazing opening, you return to the old cliche of the religious sniper, the farm boy, the pacifist medic.. the silent, stoic captain.. *sigh*. The germans should have used more flames on them, the cardboard cutouts would have been easy to take down then. PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  3. The annecdotal evidence mentioned talks about the flash, surely that's a different issue from the smokeless powder. Flash supressed guns would be difficult to spot, and even with a bit of smoke, surely a tank in trees or ambush position would be difficult to spot even with a puff of smoke. However, in either case, guns that produced flash would reveal the tank. I'm not clear on this issue. And as for arty, numerous accounts tell that the Axis soldiers widely believes the allies had some automatic artillery. Just been reading some accounts from jungle fighting in the pacific where captured prisoners talked about the US 'automatic' artillery as terrifying, and in Italy, one german position was pounded with 1500 shells in 30 minutes. And from memory it was only a single batallion that called in that much firepower PeterNZ
  4. Yeah and options like, word-limits for messages to send each other so you could get command mistakes.. and the inability of command to see and be everywhere.. resulting in perhaps some commanders having to interpret or operate on their own initiative.. for good or bad! (perhaps option to disable alt+tab so people can't use ICQ or whatever...) Anyway.. ouch, not sure I've ever played such a big battle! Make my head ache. PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  5. Don't often play games with multiple companies. You must play 2000pts up eh? Most folks I play tend to like 1500pts or less.. so i guess that explains your time delay thing PeterNZ
  6. the 360 degree thing would ring true with what i saw at the museum. I think once one of those things went off infantry would be VERY unlikely to want to approach the tank again and swarm it like in the movies. PeterNZ
  7. Wha! Germyfreak is cancelling on us!? Bah, that will not do if he can type, he can come and have a drink. Sheesh. No backbone in these continental types. PeterNZ
  8. well the idea would be that the movie files would be freely available, but it seems the idea is not arousing much interest, so no worries. Petre
  9. You smelly horrible stunted beer drinking belching farting proudly and talking about it lot need to go read my thread! Go read concept game bastards thread ok, and tell me if it appeals. PeterNZ
  10. ok have an idea. Half the board on the german side, half the board on the allies side. 1500pts, meeting engagement, custom map that I will make, (some woods, some city some stuff). Create two threads, one German stompin bloody team game Allies stompin bloody team game People choose their side and then go and post and suggest and berate each other, debate, and decide on their orders in some kinda democratic mass team debauchery. I place the orders.. (I think.. or a team representative, voted in after taunting, flaming and abuse), and we all watch the outcome. Anyone like? It would rely on people having honour and those participating not reading the other thread, but passive observers could laugh at both sides I guess. PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-16-2000).]
  11. I think i'll just have to surrender soon. I've still got a sneaky hidden platoon.. but with my global morale so low the best they will be able to do is wet themselves before surrendering I figure. PeterNZ
  12. You can't see 'em you can see their shadow i think, and you can hear their engines. I have NEVER EVER seen the buggers do anything PeterNZ
  13. Nope, I don't think it's unrealistic Oh, an annecdote. My grandma lived in west germany as the allies approached. As they got to a town they'd say "surrender or we'll blow ya up".. and if the town surrendered, the troops would walk in (including scary black men.. scary till they handed out chocolate haha). If the town was staunchly Nazi, then it would just get blown to crap, THEN the allies would walk in. I dont think flatening the town is unreasonable. PeterNZ [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-16-2000).]
  14. You can see pictures of one in hte IWM Pictures thread I started. From its appearance in the Jagdpanther it is roughly 6cm or more in diameter and fired by a pin. as for damage, imagine a large tin can full of nails and explosive exploding some feet in the air to the left or right of a tank or back.. or whatever I guess. That's roughly what it's like, and it's pretty damaging I think! PeterNZ
  15. My guys were in command and had spotted the tank before you started firing at it, and there was the occassion with the armored car AND they were in C&C AND they were a rested untouched platoon. Maybe my global moral is so poor they can't scartch their arse without cowering any more. Still doesn't explain the armored car early on! ;p PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  16. ok hang on, wasn't it 6.30 at the pub? sounds better to me. Dr Al, i'll leave Finchley Road at like, 6.05 or 6.10 or something, ok! Damn, I want a beer now.. mmm that Fullers London Pride was damn damn damn fine. PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  17. After a weekend of sleeping and playing CM I am pleased to report some progress on some battles. Chupacabra: um. Next. Move along, nothing to see here except Germans who refuse to use their Panzerfausts *cry* JD Morse: What amuses me most about this battle is JD keeps doing the tactically right thing, but he always manages to do it 30 seconds too late. That is, He charges a building, i'm in there and slaughter in bound troops. He moves a half track, there are two of mine and his goes booooom, he moves a light tank.. splato. This battle has made me laugh in great heaving chortles as the bodies mount up in the snow around a VL. I think he's getting desperate now so I can't wait to see what he tries. Hopefully it will involve some kind of running into an ambush or throwing himself at my units feet again. Herr Oberst: Ahh, poor lad. I feel almost sorry for him. Two platoons decimated in the first 5 or so turns. There's running, screaming, dying. *sigh* poor yanks, best to just run off the board now before you die alot. Training games vs. Germygirl: Ha! All goes according to my designs. He doesn't know it, but it does! That's the glory of my cunning designs. Very clever of me I agree. Pawboom: Poor lad. I think he's trying to loose deliberately so he can claim the french are a real fighting force. Either way, he's loosing. One light tank with no gun, one dead halftrack 75, and an SP gun and armored car that won't last more than a couple of turns. *sigh* the glory of victory. Now. Back to Chupacarbra who is an evil, malicious sneaky low down son of a mongolian whoremonger. Never play this bastard in a night game, his dark rituals leave your men gibbering wrecks whom he captures in order to sacrafice their souls to his demon gods. A brave attempt by a platoon to free some captives was successful but only at great cost. On top of that, he has some hex which means your panzerfausts never fire! He is evil, smelly, evil and he wears glasses. And he's evil too. PeterNZ
  18. Been playing a bloody night battle with Cupacabra, (fog too), and my Hamsters won't use their PF-60s. I have watched - A platoon stare at an armored car at 23 m for 30 seconds, before the AC got bored and drove off. Note, the AC had driven to within range of the PF and the troops the previous turn, but my guys had refused to fire then also.. so i specially targeted them the second time. - 2 squads in a building, pretty undetected, refused to use their PF on an easy-8 at 47m. One was high, so the chances of a top shot and kill were good. - assorted other passing AC and so on targeted by my own troops by the tac-ai but no firing occured. Grenades are working just fine, what's up with the fausts? PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  19. .... his conscript hamstertuppen vs. germygirl's VETERAN enginners. PeterNZ
  20. arg! what's with all the reposted pictures?! PeterNZ
  21. ****, you're confusing me man! damn.. i'm still at work mind you, I pillaged that link from Chupie with the AARs from units.. and printed them out! It's going to be hard carrying a ream of printed stuff home PeterNZ
  22. Where on earth did you post this man? I never saw it, good work Please, enough of the fanmails, I know i'm a hunka-hunka burning love, but really. PeterNZ
  23. BTS, please do NOT model my units runing wildly from damaged buildings! I can imagine it now, the enemy parks his assests a few hundered meters from a town i'm in and proceedes to shoot up each building in turn, and then i'd watch as my overpriced SS Hamsters ran from building to building in panic. It would be like kicking an anthill and for players it would be VERY frustrating. Remember, you as the commander are saying to your men 'occupy that building!' and any well trained soldiers will do so DESPITE you. Sure, the conscripts and so on will run, but that may also loose you the battle, (especially if it's a key location and the shelling is just to keep your heads down before the troops rush your location). There are so many reasons why making the tac AI take these kind of decisions is BAD.. hard to list them all. If you are in a town, on defence, keep your men back! Don't put yourself in a position where you can loose men, if you do, you DESERVE to loose them. I love shelling people in buildings, makes my day when the other player is foolish enough to put his men in a silly position. More annecdotal evidence: Janes sited a reason why the KLA was a poor revolutionary army was that they didn't know how to fight in towns. The regularly sat inside buildings instead of in foxholes around buildings resulting in heavy losses since the Serbs simply shelled the buildings to rubble. video from Grozny shows that there were trencehs and foxholes dug at the sides of streets by the rebels near where perfectly good houses stood. These guys know how to city fight. On defence I do one, sometimes two things. 1) let the enemy get into town.. they often get muddled and easier to counterattack since their forces often lack cohesion and coordination, (a kinda "we're here now what?" factor) 2) Surprise attack in certain locations to catch the enemy unawares. Often attacking well forward of my defences. Another way of avoiding the 'turn o death'. If you're going to move your guys into a building that may be shelled, pause them and move them in towards the end of the 60 seconds. That way if the building looks like it's going to get shelled you can get them out again. PeterNZ
  24. Sadly, Chupamonkey is right, my arse is being fricase'd, sauced, garnished and presented on a nice silver plate to the slightly-evil one. What can I say, my men are failing to kill stuff! Tell the panzerschreck to open up on the tank, (tank doesn't know PS is there), what does he do? Surrender. Flamethrower sees some bad guys? .. better to keep crawling along the ground than toast them like marshmallows. Infantry storm a building? Better to panic at no casualties and run than shoot 'em. So i've learnt a lot about night fighting! Not bad for my first game I don't think. Taken out an armored car, couple of tanks, (one with a wespe from 50m BBOOOOOMM), killed a platoon or two I think, (or hurt them a lot). I am still going to loose tho, damn that arty barrage of yours is nice for a night-time strike! JD Morse: This turn my minions might actually manage to kill the remaining 4 men of his in a building. I mean, there's only a platoon of my guys, they're only vets.. of course i expect them to run at the first shot *cry*. I did make myself better by counting the number of bodies left after my Wasp's run. I counted 6 in total! JD, What were they? I figure 3/4 of a platoon and some support, not too bad. PeterNZ
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