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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Fred

  1. No, it is an old "pen, paper and dice" rpg from the 80s. It's focus is the US Army, so we somewhat changed the character generation rules in order to generate german characters. It works very well. We started the campaign game in 1938 (game time ) and the first battle was a night assault on a polish bridge at the german/polish border (platoon vs. platoon). At this level of engagement we used the BEL combat rules with miniatures on a tabletop. Now, with the player as company commander, we use Steel Panthers...maybe I find a way to use CM in the current 1940 setting...as long as it is infantry only (and with the Lynx) it could work. Fred ------------------ "I got signals, I got readings, in front and behind of us!" - PFC Hudson on LV-426 mission
  2. The waypoint "cubes" are smaller than the actual unit bases; activate the bases and use them as a visual help for the actual area that a squad covers. This way you see, that you need more distance from certain terrain features and you can set your waypoints accordingly. Fred ------------------ "I got signals, I got readings, in front and behind of us!" - PFC Hudson on LV-426 mission [This message has been edited by Fred (edited 07-28-2000).]
  3. Anyone know "Behind Enemy Lines", AFAIK the only commercial WW2 rpg. Well, I'm gamemaster in an ongoing BEL campaign with a friend who plays a german Wehrmacht Lieutenant and commands a Panzergrenadier company. For fights on a personal level I first used "Soldiers at War", but it does not work (rediculous LOS problems, etc.). For company level engagements I used Steel Panthers, but now I will try CM as the battle system for the rpg campaign. The problem is, we are in France 1940...and no Pz III or Pz II or Char1b.. Fred
  4. Sorry, invalid link. Use this one: http://asl2cm.cjb.net Fred [This message has been edited by Fred (edited 07-27-2000).]
  5. but has it happened historically, that in the scope of a single 1 hr engagement engineers blew houses, bridges etc. to leave a "scorched earth" environment for the enemy?? I think within CM's time scale and focus on tactical firefights this could not be accomplished (it took a long time to wire a bridge for detonation). Fred
  6. Andre, the StuG has a very low silhuette, so use it for ambushes and stay hulldown if possible. Because it lacks a turret, you should rotate it to the most likely enemy route of approach. Then set an ambush and turn the engines to idle (i.e. hide). Now wait until a Sherman shows up... Fred
  7. Giving snipers more ammo would imbalance the game. These guys are highly effective when used right, even with their "10 shots only". I stopped whole vehicle columns by disabling the leading car with a sniper. IMO, they should stay exactly as implemented. Fred
  8. Sure Jeff, Steve and Charles are german secret agents and try to undermine the US war effort... Maybe aliens plotted all this, maybe the answer is... But continue to whine... Fred
  9. The whole thing is very simple. The TAC AI is at the same level for both sides. The OP and STRAT AI only works for the computer side. The AI does not cheat. Steve and Charles said it. Fred
  10. Very interesting scenario. * * * * SPOILER The firefight starts immediately, with both sides surprised. I assigned one platoon to the right flank into the heavy woods, one to the left and one into the rough in the center. The Amerikaner were shocked. The US squads ran all over the place, looking for the nearest cover. My 2 HMG teams wreak havoc among them. Some 300 m away a medium US MG lays fire upon my center. 2 Mortars silenced it soon. Then they killed the Halftrack and the Trucks. Lt. Schwimmer and his Zug sneaked forward on the right flank, destroying all pockets of resistence in the heavy woods. Meanwhile, I took the hamlet on my left flank. A HMG team on the second level of the main buliding surpressed all Amerikaner in the woods on the left, while 2 Züge moved through the woods to capture Buchholz station. Meanwhile Lt. Schwimmer and his Zug took the railroad crossing. His men account for 45 US casualties. This qualifies Schwimmer for the Iron Cross 1st Class. Major Victory. Thanks Martin, das war gut, das Teil! Fred
  11. Excellent Geier! That idea was on my mind too. Maybe I create some nice tables with probabilities (dice rolls) for experience gain/loss, Leader ability changes, equipment changes etc. Fred
  12. Usually they run away, but if they flee in panic, they run for the nearest cover. Maybe they even wanted to close assault the enemy (fanatics?). Stay BEHIND the wall (as in real life), not on top of it to get cover&concealment. Fred
  13. Hilmer, what is a "working copy for evaluation purposes"? You do not want to tell us, that you got a pirated CD? Later on you wrote about "historical accuracy" in relation with "Close Combat"...hey that was a good one. Still on the floor and LOL! Your posting really has some entertaining value! And I understand that it is very hard to see, how an invincible Tiger was killed by a lousy PIAT. You are right, according to my sources, the Wehrmacht never lost a Tiger. Guess that is why Germany won WW2... Hmm, looks like you better stay with your real time Command&Crap clickfeast clones and stay away from consims... Fred
  14. Is the 'stick to scenario defaults' option any good for? Some people say "padlock" is the way to go, but if I load a (designed)new scenario into the editor to padlock enemy (AI) units, the FoW is broken because I know all about the enemy! Is it a NOP option? Fred [This message has been edited by Fred (edited 07-14-2000).]
  15. Dan I'm with you. Counting points? Bookkeeping to beat the system? Playing without FoW? How do these people play a wargame? Simply stated, I never played (or will play) people that re-arranged the counters on the map while I was leaving the room for a moment. There will never be a system without any loopholes in it. This is a fact. And if someones only aim is to find these loopholes to win, he will sooner or later be a very lone gamer. Fred
  16. This guy was probably in "another room" of the house. These factors(building interiors) are abstracted, but they are considered when checking for LOS/spotting. Is this a cool game, or what Fred
  17. Bunkers seem right to me. During Overlord they pounded the coastal batteries with everything they had (including numerous squadrons of aircraft). The overall effect was not as expected, so some bunkers had to be taken up close and personal by the Queen of Battle... Nasty beasties these bunkers, even for da mighty 14"... Fred ------------------ "I got signals, I got readings, in front and behind of us!" - PFC Hudson on LV-426 mission
  18. Salve Praetorian! but no real time never ever... "legio septa Claudia Felix patria nostra" Fred
  19. Ya right Bil, all we olde AD&D gamers know it... a 7th level spell...SUMMON MadMatt... and look at the material components: Beer (german beer, it is) Bretzels (german bretzels, it is) Girls (german...you got the point) Fred
  20. Rex, I'm with you... pre-ordered way before the beta-demo...getting the poster...but no CM Steve answered me to check my post office (which I did...no problems there) and now he is on a one-week vacation (and he deserves it!) Maybe I get CM in a month or two or three... Strange, but I feel a little bit tired and my enthusiasm slowly fades. Fred
  21. I play all three of them, OTR, ASP und Flight Commander 2. The best airwargames around. Fred
  22. next time, in order to receive the game SOON, I will be the last one to order... no pre-order for me again.. Fred
  23. vc.. pre ordered MONTH ago (before the BETA-DEMO!) and still no CM here...all around me guys that ordered 3 weeks ago have it... Fred
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