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Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. I have updated what was the Key Tactical Considerations post and replaced it with the Basic Rules of Combat Mission (link) I think it much better informs the basic tenets that I always try to follow when playing CM. Enjoy!
  2. While I agree that especially for the lighter guns, whether they be ATG or IG, that the mobility is ridiculously hampered, I think the real problem, and this goes for all guns except the really large ones, 88mm and similar, their rotation rates are for me the main issue... these guns, up to 76mm or so could easily be picked up my the trails by two or three guys and rotated in seconds, where now it takes a looong time to perform that maneuver. I have seen it done with a modern 105mm towed howitzer. So improvement could be made for sure.. but really we are talking using the ATGs at very close range where these issues really come to light and are noticed... and if that is where they are then they deserve their fate... excepting for the very small guns (37mm-50mm) these guns should be placed as far away from any enemy unit as possible (as they were intended to be)... then these factors will not be as apparent. I'm with you guys though, there is certainly room for improvement.
  3. My experience with hull down has been the opposite to yours kulik. Hull down, at least in my experience, gives too large an advantage to ignore. I have had tanks in hull down positions decimate enemy armor and never be spotted. Maybe you had a run of bad luck.. or maybe there is a spotting disadvantage for your ACs due to having fewer men in the turret.. who knows.
  4. This AAR is pleasure to read Los, as I've said before. I know your background, but what is the background of your fellow players? Are they retired military as well? Cheers, Bil
  5. I just added another section to the Battle Command section of the Tactical Toolbox. If intrested stop by the blog to read the new Estimate the Situation post. More to come hopefully in the next few days, so stand by. I am also working on the next scenario that will allow you to apply this stuff in a real game setting.
  6. I started a new section on my Blog under the Tactical Toolbox, this series will be on Battle Command Here is the link to the overview for the section: Overview-Battle Command Here is the link to the first entry in this section: The Decision Process Enjoy!
  7. Sorry guys I have not finished this mod for the new games and modules. It will of course work as is for them but some equipment might not have the new icon. I'll get back to it and finish the update as soon as I can. Bil
  8. Los, outstanding presentation. Good to see you getting active again. Next time try this against a human opponent. Cheers, Bil
  9. It was an interesting game for sure. I think both sides were limping off the field after this one, the big difference is that Ken held the town and I was not going to force him out of it with the force I had... with that in mind, even though I decimated his armor early in the battle, I have to tip my hat to Ken and say that yes the final scoring did not lie, and he won a tactical victory. Good job Ken and I'll play against you anytime. Cheers, Bil
  10. I sent the final file to Ken who achieved a tactical victory. I believe the difference was the fact that he held the town objective and the church objective (which I had meant to delete as well, oh well). I did not claim the intersection objectives as those were a mistake also on my part, I made sure they were unmanned. Good job to Ken! He played a great last half of the game. I'll join in the debrief conversation in his thread. Bil
  11. FYI I am going to end this game with Ken. I simply do not have the time to devote to this AAR or the game in general right now.. I have to focus on other personal stuff. I hope we can wrap it up this weekend and do a final debrief. Ken has played a masterful second half of the game.. well done to him. Bil
  12. So for the past two turns Ken's support tank has sat in one spot... he is also pushing some infantry through the Dunes, the halftrack I have had pinned in that area took a lot of very short range automatic weapons fire. This has been the only indication that he has infantry pushing across the fields. Elsewhere, Ken also has a major push moving towards the windmill... Ken's holding the support tank in position for two minutes has allowed me to close the range with my Jpz which will move closer to shutting off that avenue of approach in the next few turns. I am also moving another AA vehicle into this area to provide a bit more firepower.
  13. This is one of the best sites out there if you are looking for specifics on certain battles: http://www.civilwar.org/ Bil
  14. Hey guys sorry for the long delay.. I have some personal issues that are taking precedence at this time. We will resume when things settle down. Cheers, Bil
  15. Owen, yeah you need to practice it to really get a good feeling for the timing... but basically if you are trying to use bounding overwatch make sure you move your teams in short bounds (less than 50m), pause 15-20 seconds before moving the other team to its next position. If you have to, take your time and only move one team per turn.. your advance will be very slow, but at least you will be certain your overwatch will be effective. Bil
  16. Maybe it's your equipment Jason. Because I am very happy with MM, I don't even notice the lack of AA on the hard edges like I did in GL. I know a few guys pointed out some problem areas in my AAR images but I can't see that they are complaining about anything substantial. Maybe I just got used to it. Regardless I will never go back the garish colors of the normal rendering mode. Bil
  17. Has anybody had a chance to try these yet in MG? If so please post your results and if possible whether the pre-reading helped in any way. Cheers, Bil
  18. I have been able to spot very little.. this is why I have been trying to get some dismounts in position to get me some spots. I am getting a few.. but far too few really to make a difference. Armor alone will not last long against a determined enemy like Ken in an urban environment. I don't think so.. I started my move after Ken moved his tanks out.. before that I was being careful to avoid the town and was concentrating elsewhere because I didn't want to get shredded by keyholed AA tanks and the support tank. Perhaps I should have just left the town alone.. feinted towards it and continued my original approach. I do not have the manpower or the correct force to engage in house to house combat so I should have stayed the course. Lesson learned. Bil
  19. A last minute objective rush? Not my style... I won't steal those points from Ken if I can't make a move and be certain of being able to hold it. I am failing at being able to suppress him.. so things light end with things in the state they now are in... I am creeping some armor towards the church.. but attaining that will depend on how much I can suppress him so I can bring a few squads in to secure a toe hold. Interestingly, I think my force was ideally chosen for the wide open nature of the map on my side, while I think his was ideal for the close terrain on his side... so far I would call this one a draw and I would be happy if it ended like that, no need IMO to make a last second rush and steal points that Ken has earned. Bil
  20. At the end of last turn my MG at teh windmill saw this PIAT team, with two launchers running towards my Panther and Moebelwagen. This turn he engages them and takes down one of the two.. the other immediately disappeared.. so hopefully he is suppressed.. can't count on that though. On my right, Ken has pulled his support tank back.. the blue arrow shows how it could maneuver.. I'll prepare for either movement. I have a Jpz coming over to this flank to provide some AT firepower.. it was wasted in the assault on the town anyway. My move towards the town has taken way too long to develop and Ken could see it coming from a long way off... so he has a lot of forces in that town.. any dismounts and halftracks I have immediately get beat to ground and attrited.. so I doubt I will be able to push much further here.. I will not push armor unsupported into this terrain. I only hope that my firepower is having an effect. I might try a limited push toward the church, I have spotted a PIAT in that area... but it isn't PIATs I fear.. its his heavily armed paras... close in they could be murder on any armor I send in...
  21. Ken's support tank has advanced down the road... my 3rd Platoon Leader's 251/10 fired first at its flank... it missed.. the support tank did not. Ken's damned support tank is causing havoc on my right... it has now killed a 251/1, 3rd platoon's leader and 251/10 and another 251/10 that belonged to 1st platoon.... this amounts to a major part of my firepower on this flank. I have the Moebelwagen in a nice keyhole position in case ken brings that beast further down the road.. there is an infantry team in position with a PF and I am maneuvering the panther in as aggressive manner... hoping to get Ken to rethink this madness I am reversing my Jpz deeper into the rear of the map... I wasn't feeling too good about its previous location and it was feeling kind of like a sacrificial lamb. Truthfully I think Ken is fighting an inspired battle, and my hat is off to him.
  22. Ken's support tank came out between the field of death and the Dunes.. it immediately engaged my withdrawing Moebelwagen with MG fire... hmm... no damage and my vehicle pulls out of sight relatively quickly. It was inevitable that I eventually run in to Ken's PIAT defense.. my Wirblewind ran into it first.. it gets hit and ;penetrated twice this turn.. damage? Radio was knocked out.. oh, and the commander was killed... still operational though. Ken also dropped a few spotting rounds in this area.. so time to pull back for a bit.. I also identify the locations of at least five of Ken's teams this turn. Also.. I know where that PIAT came from.
  23. You are going to have to point out to where specifically you are seeing an AA problem because I just reviewed most of the images I posted in my AAR and can see no examples of an AA issue in any of them. Bil
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