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Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. Section 1's Panther did spot Ken's Cromwell on the hill, unfortunately Ken backed this tank off the hill and just when the Panther went from Aiming to Firing, it lost the spot. Dammit. This Cromwell was later spotted moving down the Dune towards the other two Cromwells. Section 2's Panther pulled into position and spotted one of Ken's hulldown Cromwells, fires at turn end.. and misses high... DOUBLE DAMN!! I don't feel so bad about this one, as the Panther still has a spot and should kill this tank next turn... it should.. but you never know with this game. Well this is interesting... a total of three tanks, one support tank and two AA tanks (twin 20mm) are heading into the heart of the town.. of course these aren't spotted by my armor overwatching this approach but by infantry that can't do anything about them.
  2. While Panzer Section 2 moves forward (should be in firing positions next turn), 1st Squad/1st Plt/10 Ko. (1/1/10) retires to its jump off position near the buildings. Now I only have two units stuck forward of the lines, HQ/1/10 and 2/1/10. Check this out.. I had the Wirblewind fire on one of the farm buildings where c3k has some troops holed up... click this link for the video showing both the giving and the receiving of this fire: -- note: if anybody can tell me the code to embed videos in this forum I'd appreciate it. The current situation shows a lot of enemy contacts primarily in the center and my left (opposite the town)... could this mean that Ken is intent on capturing the buildings in the center as his first priority? Or are they simply there to interdict my forces on the outskirts of the town while his main effort moves on the town? It's curious that I have no contacts on my right yet... Note: a third Cromwell showed up on the Dunes this turn... it is sitting right on one of the spots being overwatched by the Panther from Pz Section 1.. hopefully the Panther will get a spot and get me a kill next turn. That would make up for the loss of the halftrack last turn.
  3. The Wirblewind was a calculated risk... it was only in place where a tank could see it for 20 seconds... and was moving off that spot before the tanks really were emplaced. It did not fire, and no harm done. Well I have Pz Section 1 providing overwatch on the approach to the town and I do not want to ignore that approach.. ...however I do have Pz Section 2 on their way at top speed to cover the Dunes area and hopefully get some firepower on to Ken's tanks.. don't know if they will still be in position or what else might develop while they are making the trek... we'll see. One thing I do not want to do is to start maneuvering solely in reaction to Ken's moves.. that is a perfect example of him being inside my decision cycle and seizing the initiative, basically dictating the flow of the battle. I am still waiting for more intelligence before I really start to commit my forces, but I am moving to assembly positions in advance of that information. Thanks for the questions! Good ones.
  4. I had one halftrack with a squad in the middle of the open area between the windmill area and the town... in the eventuality that Ken did in fact take Option 1 with his Cromwells I halted this vehicle and dismounted the squad. I would rather lose the halftrack than the squad. It didn't take long once Ken's tanks were in position to knock out the halftrack... at least the squad was unspotted and thus unharmed. I now have this unit (two squads and the Platoon HQ) out on a limb and in a very fragile position.. nice going there Bil. But this presents me with an opportunity as well... time will tell whether I can capitalize on it.
  5. FLS, well I will do what I can to better describe what I'm doing. I appreciate the interest and am happy that you are enjoying the AAR. Bil
  6. Okay, after "walking the ground" I have pretty much ruled out Option 2 from the options Ken's tanks have, that option is full of risks and unknowns for him. I think they are after 1/10 that is rushing across the field toward the town (Option 1). Unfortunately there is precious little I can do about it for a few turns. So I have my one major asset, the Wirblewind, moving forward slightly to get a view on the ridge where I would go hull down if I was commanding his armor... this ridge gives him a commanding view over the field leading up to the town. I am using the Wirblewind here, carefully I might add.. for two reasons, 1. It is here... and 2. I want to see the damned thing fire at something! I think what might be developing is a battle for the center... I have a good force for a long range fight... but I don't know what he has available so I have to be very careful. I am setting up one pz section in an overwatch position over where his tanks must exit if he does in fact choose option 2... they can also see somewhat into the appraches into the town. The other pz section is rushing forward, not to engage his Cromwells, but to take up positions and be in position to react to events. Elsewhere I am moving a few squads out on recon duty to get some better visibility over the areas of the map that I am a tad blind on right now.
  7. Phil, these screenshots look much better with shadows, thanks for turning those on for me. I sometimes look at a turn too quickly, make a guess as to what caused such and such of an event.. and sometimes get it dramatically wrong.. its only on a second viewing that you sometimes discover the correct answer. So, it isn't just you. Bil
  8. Okay I talked it over with Ken and we decided to just press ahead with the objectives as they currently sit. He wants to come over to my side and have tea or something like that.. so asked me to reserve a table at each of those intersections for him. So sorry for the hiccup on the objectives.. but we are here to try to give a good show and show off what the game has to offer, it'll all sort itself out in the end. Bil
  9. I didn't know that... wonder how that happened.. hmmm. I'll send Ken an email and see what we can come up with. Bil
  10. Well.. seeing as I'm the Germans, killing the Germans would not be the way to victory in this particular game.
  11. Yes check Ken's AAR, I'm sure he showed his objectives.. he should have three road intersection objectives (all the same objective really) on his side of the map... if he doesn't then something is wrong. As I said earlier I meant for those objectives to be the enemy's.. so he would have intersection objectives on my side of the map and I would have them on his... but I goofed when setting up the objectives, obviously. The town center objective that is near my setup area I am ignoring as if it didn't exist.. another error on my part in my rush to get this AAR going, must have been an errant mouse click. So to wrap it up.. we each have road intersection objectives that only we can see.. we BOTH have the town center objective to capture.. the only one I will fight over is the one in the town itself, the other I will not occupy and will avoid like it is a body of water. All clear now? Bil
  12. As my HMG team entered the windmill they came under long range, ineffective Sten fire. So now I know this team has been seen... that means they will have a short stay in this building. Once at the top they do spot two Cromwell tanks, buttoned, moving fast into the dune area... Ken is doing a fine job of using the terrain, his tanks are sticking to the gullies and behind ridges as they maneuver. The foremost tank had its turret facing 1/10's location on a covered arc. That might give me a hint as to their intent... What are their options? Option 1 - attack 1/10 and the windmill area at the center of the map. To me this is the most dangerous, he could do some major damage.. but on the other hand, I'd like to see what kind of damage the Wirblewind could do to these tanks. Option 2 - this could be an armored reconnaissance aimed at the heart of my setup area. If that is the case then these tanks will run into my Panzer platoon, which would not go well for them. Regardless of which route he takes I need to prepare for all options and get more eyes on to the field. I haven't given orders yet for this turn as I received this turn very late last night and have to head into work now. So I'll post more this evening with my thoughts and movements.
  13. Wind from beans... We HAVE to get some more turns posted this place is starting to smell.
  14. The game against Ken is for fun and will highlight the equipment more than any other improvements. There are probably going to be two more AARs.. one of which is HEAVILY urbanized, the second (me on defense versus pnzrldr) will also have some urban fighting, more town fighting than city which will feature in the first AAR referenced above. The first is in progress and they are setting it up, expect that one very soon. I want to give the first two AARs (the one against Ken, and the city fight) plenty of time to get going before starting to post the AAR versus pnzrldr. Bil
  15. FLS, thank you for honoring me with your second post.. hope to see you post more. As ZPB II said, if you haven't found it my current AAR is: Market Garden Module BETA AAR
  16. Got the word from Ken today... he is still traveling but expects to be home tomorrow and get me a turn tomorrow night. So another day or so until this gets back on track. Bil
  17. Hey I'm enjoying this AAR as well.. but those images without the shadows turned on are hurting my eyes.
  18. Thanks Heinrich! Just for the record, my troops also have teeth and can bite back.. even at close range. Bil
  19. Sorry Buzz, doesn't mean as much coming from you. Re the windmills.. yep stationary.. but really unless they were operating they wouldn't be rotating.. and I can't picture the miller in there working his equipment with soldiers and tanks shooting at each other outside his door.
  20. That means a lot coming from you Frederico. I love hearing from guys like you who don't post much but are obviously ever present. Cheers. Bil
  21. The recon team that I have overwatching the EAA 1 approach has taken up its position. Nothing sighted yet along this approach. The HMG team will be in position in the windmill next turn... The first halftrack from 1/10 (1st Plt/10 Ko.) has arrived at its overwatch position as the follow-on units make their approach. Note the enemy teams in the bottom image... they are indeed paras, and two of them moved into the buildings on the farm. Note also that there are now four contact icons... I think two of those are echoes.. but I won't know for sure probably until next turn. Now that 1/10 is moving into position near the town I am moving one Tank Section up to cover the approach on the other side of the town... they will also be able to cover the Dunes area, which is another high point on this map.
  22. I'll let you know as soon as I use it in action.. this is the first time I have used any of these AA vehicles. I might even, if you guys are nice to me, post a movie of them firing, unless they are not yet ready to show (still in BETA after all) in that case I won't be posting any movie files. Bil
  23. True a scout team would do.. but I wanted something that could interdict his movement if necessary. Even if I have to reposition them often.. which I'm sure i will have to do.
  24. If his troops are wearing stilletos then their feet are going to be killing them.
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