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Bannon DC

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Everything posted by Bannon DC

  1. True. They might have fixed this in CMAK. I've noticed that the engineers will take one rifle shot at the mines. In CMBB, I know they just keep firing away. Anyone know if this is correct?
  2. Maybe you could do this by getting a row of assault boats across a wide river, to simulate a pontoon bridge? Sorry, my boat handling skills in CMAK are every bit as bad as they are in real life, so I apologise in advance if I am talking drivel! Wun PS I still reckon it was an opportunity missed, not putting the whole range of 79th Armoured Division vehicles in the game. Then you could have seen what Engineers could REALLY do! </font>
  3. I really enjoyed Beda Fomm. I played as the Italians against the AI. Had a rough go of it a points. One of the first CMAKs I played.
  4. I recently posted a scenario to TPG where engineers need to "build" a bridge. I placed several daisy chain mines on a bridge to represent the work that needs to be completed. Of course, you have to do this under fire. This is a CMAK scenario. (Shameless plug :eek: ) "Bridge Building" at TPG
  5. That does it! Why don't we declare war on grammar!? It is obviously a problem in this country (the US, that is). We declare war on all our other problems... so let's get to it! Commas... CRUSHED! Periods... POUNDED! Intransitive verbs... now require a direct object! Gerunds... that sounds French to me! Diagramming sentences... 2 years in jail (Mandatory Sentence!) Priests that help illegal aliens... now a felony! (oh, wait... wrong rant) Introduce "Newspeak" immediately!
  6. The distance is 25m (max). The manual also says "The number of engineers and their experience affect their speed in clearing mines. Generally a near full squad is needed to accomplish clearing a particular mined area." And all that condition stuff will apply as well (pinned, cautious, etc.). I've noticed that often the first satchel gets tossed fairly quickly, like within the first minute or two, but the next one often takes longer. If you have a reduced squad with a satchel or just tired of waiting, you can target the ground and hope the explosion does the job. Not certain, but the presence of friendlies in the area might inhibit the action. This is definately not true ALL the time. :eek: Be careful of nearby buildings as well. The blast could take them down. I had an engineer unit inside a house, toss a satchel at an anti-tank mine to clear it. The explosion brought the house down on top of them and killed all but two of the squad. Briliant! The manual doesn't state it... but 10 meters might be too close. They might injure themselves with the blast. Move back 10 meters.
  7. BCW -- Point is if you post stuff like that people here will expect you to at least defend it. Since that was ultra rubbish, you went looking for a fight and you found it. Extreme exaggerations, quotes taken out of context in order to subvert their original meaning, and neo-nazi trash tend to incite a lot of push-back on this board. Newcomer or not, when half-baked stuff like that gets waved around and you don't rise to add your defense or opinion about it, people will quickly associate you with the **** stuck to the soles of your shoes after you walked all over the carpets. Bannon edit: typo... no surprise [ June 27, 2006, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: Bannon DC ]
  8. 'Tis true. But the CM community is always wonting and wanting something. Be careful about praising 37's skill too highly. It's his opponent's defense that was lacking. :eek:
  9. Don't worry, be happy and look forward to the new CM as it's bound to be worth the wait I'm sure! </font>
  10. You have "starred" a topic, but you have contributed nothing to it. You have not attempted to explain or defend the "controversial" (hair brained) issues in the link. At this point it appears as if you are incapable of using any sort of reasoning ability at all. You have let likes of 37mm with his rubber knife-wielding wit eviscerate you. (Really, 37, I mean it at a compliment ). Your feeble retorts leave the community wont of a real contest. You rang the doorbell but you could not figure out how to work the handle to open the door. Now that we have dragged you in, let’s see what you’ve got. Can you support any of the remarks in the link? Your failure to respond will be an admission that it is pure bunk.
  11. The fixed positions in battle one will apply only to battle one. As long as a tractor is available at the set up of battle 2, you should be able to move them. By move, you should be able to place them freely at set up... or embark them at set up. You probably know already that an 88 is not embarkable once the battle has been started. Now... something I just thought of. There are two types of 88 AT guns... plus the Flak gun. One of the 88 ATs has wheels; the other a base. I would assume you would be able to move the wheeled 88. Don't risk that tractor unless necessary. If lost and you have no others, your 88s will be stuck in future battles.
  12. I don't think you need to embark the gun at all. You have the option to set the gun in place between battles as long as the transport vehicle is on the map. Of course, if you don't have a good place to set it up during set up, you can transport it (embark). Also, as far as I remember, you just need one transport cabable of moving the gun. You could have three 88s and one tractor and still be able to move (place) them all during the set up phase.
  13. Well... what is your take on it BCW? Do you believe every word of the story in the original link? Do you think something like a few million deaths after the war was over could be just glossed over by 60 years of history? Wouldn't the Germans hold a deep grudge against the western allies? Wouldn't this deep grudge surface in some sort of writings, historical research into the subject, into the German culture? Yet, the Germans seemed to have become very close American allies after the war and hold a very favorable opinion of America up until recent years. I've read a few first-person accounts of the war including the occupation period immediately following. Writers often open expressed regrets about killing... even in combat. Often the lax control of the German prisoners is mentioned. The killing (murder!) of SS guards of slave labor camps is even openly mentioned. I think a slight reference to the inhuman treatment of millions of German POW in the hands of the western allies might have come up. Something doesn't add up. What is it, BCW?
  14. Not even going to click on it. I saw that same domain on the 7th Wizard site. Plus I recently saw both of these sites earlier in the week when I was seeking a site to debunk 911 conspiracies. I did find a good 911 myth buster site, BTW. www.911myths.com. (I was seeking that in order to set a friend straight due to a discussion on the wonderously inane "Loose Change" paranoid-imentary.) What is pointless? Your original post or your attempt to "open our minds to the cover up?"
  15. I sometimes use a couple of trenches placed in depth to simulate "breached" anti-tank ditches. Yes, you can cross them at some risk.
  16. BCW -- don't you check the sources of the stuff you read? Looking at the home page of this site should be enough for anyone to suspect the "history" as presented by a new age cult. "Dream Catchers of the Seventh Fire are authentic DreamCatchers based on the Prophecy of the Seventh Fire, and our Dream Catcher kits are found in Ojibwe museum stores. We have Dream Catcher history, drums, music, Dream Catcher legends, and Dream Catcher Stories . The Seventh Fire News provides news and diverse sources to help you see behind the illusion and disinformation of the contemporary scene." Come on, dude. Don't eat the pudding or drink the kool-aid.
  17. If molitovs were that dangerous all the time it would be plain silly. But they aren't. Believe me, when your side is the one throwing the molitovs you'll want them to be much more dangerous. But the lesson should be learned... tanks need to respect infantry! As for your guys getting pinned and panicked, make sure you keep them under command of their HQ. Especially if the commander has a moral bonus (the heart symbol). Under command is always better if even if the HQ has no bonus. Avoid placing guys where they are totally exposed to the entire map. The more fire you are taking the more likely to panic. Don't be afraid to pull back from exposed positions. You may loose men in the process but better a few than all. Use the "withdraw" command if cover is nearby (better to be under command). As someone suggested, play QBs with match ups that interest you so you can learn what beats what. Or how to beat strong units (like Tigers or IL-2's). Start playing 2 player games when you have figured out the basics. Good luck.
  18. Given a choice, my first option for the use of artillery would be to blast the enemy and take some of his men and guns out. For QBs... no doubt. Blast the enemy. When you close you may have some craters. "Clearing the Field" is also a scenario. Objective is to blast a path through a thick mine field and attack a German position. Without the artillery, you would most likely get bogged down and chewed up. (At TPG) Here is the scenario I mentioned earlier. Just finished it (at least ready for playtesting). It is called Combat Outpost Ukraine This is a battalion level attack on a fortified defensive position across open steppe. This is designed to give your artillery planning skills a test.
  19. They also seem to be allotted more ammunition. So if the scenario designer maxed out their load, they could be used as a base for laying down suppression fire. Downside is that they tire more quickly than regular troops. I suppose because they are carrying more equipment.
  20. Good timing (for me). I'm nearly finished with a scenario where this will be a very beneficial tactic in overcoming an outpost in the middle of the steppe. Very few trees, mostly flat terrain. When the fighting gets nitty gritty, your troops will need some cover. In regard to gamey... definately not in my book. First, with light caliber arty, chance of a crater is minimal. With medium, you still have a only a slight change. Never tested it (although I'm sure somebody has!! ), but my guess is that you have less than a 20% chance to make a crater with 105. Secondly, this is a realistic use of artillery. In addition to making craters, an additional benefit to dropping arty "off target" is to clear a minefield. (This does not actually clear mines in the way a satchel will, but it reduces the effectiveness of the mines). Now, this I have tested. I posted an analysis on TPG. Clearing the Field As for historical tactic... yes. A quick example would be the shelling of the D Day beaches. Goal of the shelling was to destroy wire, mines, obstacles and make shell holes for the advancing troops. Really went wrong when the wrong beaches were shelled and the troops landed on beaches that hadn't been touched. I'll post the scenario I mentioned within a day or so. Don't have a name for it yet... but it will be something like "Combat Outpost, Kiev." (Basically the position to be attacked is part of a line of defenses in front of Kiev). Look for it on TPG in the new CMBB scenario. Shameless Plug: If you like open ground fights -- I've got a good one for you ready now at The Scenario Depot. Bad Harvest at Stubienka Terrain is mostly flat and covered in wheatfields. Semi-historical situation. Bannon
  21. I second this. Same reason, same effect over here. Gruß Joachim </font>
  22. I hope you are playing head-to-head games against human opponents. If not, you have missed most of the experience.
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