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Tactical Wargamer

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Everything posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. Need some large maps 2x2's or larger....any sugestions. Have poked through the maps files. Not all have sizes on them. Any scenarios that have very large maps? Use them in our campaign using the board game by GMT Battle for Normandy http://www.gmtgames.com/p-213-the-battle-for-normandy.aspx Thanks
  2. New V2.0 looks great...... I take it no changes in the MP play from CMFI? One still has to request a pause and your opponent has to see it and then determine if he will give you one....even then maybe not in a timely matter? Or is a pause like in most MP games instantaneous? Well one can wish
  3. Check out drop box.....this is what we use for our Campaign games.
  4. Fionn was a great wargamer no doubt. He has worked on many a wargame over the years. That being said I have seen him being very insensitive and out and out ignorant to others.
  5. Sry guys have been away for a while. Will this patch add all the CMFI features? Thanks
  6. Sounds like a good idea. Any other experiences with the Pause in MP games?
  7. ok not to underestimate the amazing new pause feature.....A big thank your to CHARLES!!! I do have a question. Is there a faster way even a "hotkey" to get a pause to my opponent? As it stands I have to click on the menu, browse the list, select the type of pause I would like to request and then wait until my opponent then hits the pause key or delete key to deny my request? Had a few LAN games in the same room and even with voicing a pause sometimes it would go unnoticed by my frantic opponent working on his movements. All 5 of our players still think to request the privilege of pausing a concern.....All agreed that if their opponent wished to pause then just do it. It was even a hassle sometimes for the requested player to accept it. At the minimum could one just get a key stoke for a pause/request? Could one just select the pause option they wanted at the beginning of the game rather than having to browse the list every pause. We paused at least 50-90 times in a 45 minute scenario (s)....depending on the size of the scenarios. It can become a large micro management issue IMHO. Just curious does anyone use on a regular basis the limited pause features? In 4 scenarios we played only had one drop when the host was pausing and the remote CPU was placing an combat arc. Very stable. Just idea for discussion for future MP improvements in the years to come..... The pause feature was so popular at the bar afterwords 2 of our non players (since CMSF) wanted to join us in our next gaming session!!
  8. Thanks Jon I will try to find a copy of it on Vassal. Hey do you have a copy?
  9. It was fun thanks guys! Just had 4-5 players that we LAN with on a regular basis. We would hotseat for the evening, & setup with PBEM to continue the battles that were large and would take longer than 4 hours of RL time we had.... Had to go home to our wives eventually! Any battles that were not too close or exciting we just computed using the CRT's. The game is at the Battalion level so it wasn't too hard to translate units into CMBN OOB's. Found some excellent sources (and from the forums) on the German OOB's for the counters in Battle for Normandy (GMT) using VASSAL operational map displayed on the 60" Had some pencil and paper for some losses but usually just went with step loses on the operational map and converted them to losses in CMBN. Some battles were huge 3+ CDN battalions in a 2x2 km hex was fun. We were amazed with the ARTY that was able to called in!! Had a great time. Just fighting outside of CAEN with the big bad 12SS. Man chewing up the Shermans.....but they just keep coming.
  10. Our little LAN group is closing up its CMBN Sword operational game using the board wargame Battle for Normandy. Any Sicily/Tunisia board/PC wargames you can recommend that would be conducive to an operational level game? Thanks guys!
  11. Have a active wargaming group that get together for LAN wargaming on a regular basis. With CMFI coming out thought we all could meet up, talk about the game and have a few beers/soda pops/mineral water. I have a local tavern we could set it up on the 80'' and check it out? Any takers? Good just to get a few contact info also for local gaming. Most of us are in the Hamilton, Ontario area near Toronto. Always better I find to game with friends than online strangers Cheers
  12. I agree.....unless it is problematic for Charles to code. I have never seen any MP game or wargame with a mutual consent option. Hey if you don't like how your friend is pausing then hey don't play with the guy Our groups plays regular MP wargames say hearts of iron III. 8 players and hey someone has to pause they do no big deal. You show respect and not abuse it. Lets face it the Multiplayer community is still small (no doubt this option will increase it YAY!) so you play with respect and monitor excessive pausing.......just my two cents. That being said any pause is GREAT!! I was expecting another 2 years for this feature!!!!
  13. Ok Whew!!! Still think mutual consent is not the way to go....but beggars can't be choosers.....or something like that I'm sure this feature will indeed increase the number of MP games happening. Thanks so much Charles/Steve!
  14. Sounds promising. Did they mention there would be demo mj? OR will it be after the release?
  15. Curious, why this unique (never seen this before) system. Why must I be at my opponent's mercy to have a pause when we agreed to have a pausable game in the first place?? Seems like a hassle for both players IMHO. Any wargames or simulations using this system? Even several or a few seconds can mean a lot no? Why not let each player pause when they need it? So if I don't want you to have a pause I just decline? Or ignore it while the other chap is screaming for a pause? Or happen to have a delay cause "hey I was busy too" (which could be quite true)..... Obviously there must be a good reason for it I just can't think of it yet
  16. Say no more.....John has lots of quantity but not so sure IMHO of quality wargames....
  17. Question about the new amazing pause for TCP/IP games..... Can I just pause the game or do I have to ASK permission from my opponent? Requesting permission/pleading for a pause seems strange. The obvious delay could defeat the whole idea of needing a pause ASAP. Wasn't sure if I read up on the different pause options correctly. Most wargames seem to allow anyone to pause instantly. ie. Jutland, or Hearts of Iron etc. Waiting for a request seems like micromanagement from both players. I may be busy with my own commands thant to have to click a box or something to let my opponent have a well deserved pasue. Now if the guy is pausing every 2 seconds well not cool and you would discuss those issues before/during play. I hope I have the request aspect wrong That being said it is FANTASTIC that any sort of pausing is allowed in BF games. Well not the old WEGO invented by BF it is light years ahead of what we presently have of which I am (and our wargaming group) are ecstatic!!
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