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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. Sorry guys have not tried MP games since the beginning. Real Time was a real bummer. Has there been any changes to this. Is there a way to reduce the speed or pause during a TCP/IP game?

    IIRC PBEM was turned based. We set up a LAN and only one player could work on his turn at a time. Has this changed? Could one play PBEM turns in a LAN environment and work on the turns at the same time? Then transfer the files.


  2. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Heh... haven't seen a new recruit for the Blue Bar Brigade in a while :D


    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I understand I guess. If I wanted real time I could always buy Close Combat.

    The reasons for going with a RealTime game engine can basically be summed up like this (in order of importance):

    1. Once the engine is built around a time concept it can not be converted. WeGo is inherently possible with a RealTime engine, but a RealTime game can not happen if the engine is WeGo. If you were to stake 3 years of development time and another 5 years of subsequent use of a game engine that could only do WeGo or one that could do both WeGo and RealTime, which one would you choose? If you say "WeGo" me thinks you aren't really taking the question seriously :D

    Steve </font>

  3. Sorry didn't see anything to this effect in the search I did. Any chance this might be an option for MP games in the future? Or possibly a variable speed option in the realtime MP games?

    I really miss playing with friends in a WeGo format. I (neither can they) seem to operate the real time MP game option.


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