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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. Originally posted by gundolf:

    Variable timer control would solve this problem, things get heated ahead 1/4 please.

    Actually varialbe speed and time compression would be preferred to actually pausing and ordering.

    I agree 100% especially in MP games. It really is not very fun if someone is constantly banging on the pause button.....Variable time is the way to go IMHO.
  2. Originally posted by Reichenberg:

    There will be a mission editor - as editing xml files is the way to handle it in ToW. So you can change forces, settings and so on.....

    Although there will be no map editior included. Battlefront and 1C are thinking to include a full editor (not only xml) in an add on. This way editing scenarios is easier and more self explanatory. But I am not sure, if a map editior will be included then.


    Ahh good news smile.gif
  3. Originally posted by RCMP:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Arsenal:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

    nb: I dont know what Sabot has done to justify getting banned when ppl like arsenal with their sig line arent. if sabot was to be banned, ppl with such sig material should be banned hundred times over.

    It's a joke you uptight git, get over it. </font>
  4. Originally posted by Arsenal:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

    and as such took part in Desert Storm even before he was born - quite a feat, if you ask me.

    nb: I dont know what Sabot has done to justify getting banned when ppl like arsenal with their sig line arent. if sabot was to be banned, ppl with such sig material should be banned hundred times over.

    It's a joke you uptight git, get over it. </font>
  5. Originally posted by Moon:

    Given 1C's track record with IL-2 and ours with CM, I think it should be a given that providing an editor (and modding support) are very high on our list. It's just too much to bite off for the initial release unless you want us to delay until way into next year. Creating a user-friendly and supported editor is not small task. And no, you cannot simply slap together the developer tools into a package, not unless you expect people to know how to program a game yourself.


    Well thats good I too was worried no editor is in the works. Thanks for the update!!

    I definitely will invest in this product now!

  6. Well I seem not to have a problem copying it on my machine to other files. I did make a copy onto my flash card/drive and dropped it off for a printing/binder for quick reference. They just called and stated they can't access the PDF I copied onto their machine from my flash drive. Just to print and then they were to delete it smile.gif

    Hmmmm maybe this file is protected. It's ok if its on my machine take it and copy to someone elses machine and "no go"? Maybe its the printer people just don't know anything about Pdf's?

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