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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. Well this is a comment my buddy sent to me via email......I was going to tear a part about his comments but I was hoping to have some higher degree of knowledge from the pros here on the forum :)

    Are his comments justified? If so I will have to "eat some crow" I guess. If not can you help me shoot him down just a little :)

    "I don't mind the combat mission series its just that the world war II series had funky ammo load outs and weird numbers for their guns.......I mean giving T34's cannister rounds NEVER happened ever. The Russian 85mm gun is no better than the American 76mm and it comes across as a can opener. Anyone has access to this information or can at least find info on WWII armor as it is all unclassified. Heck you can go to Historicon and talk to guys like Steven Zaloga and David Glantz or go to work with me in Ottawa and talk to Gen. Rick Hillier. (shameless plugs aside)....................."

    Well any comments?

    Thanks Gents

  2. http://www.latibulum.com/pvk/cmbbc/campsys.htm

    Ok was looking at an old site from PvK (above) where he ran a campaign game using HPS. I don't think he is around anymore? :(

    Just wondering on a personal note.... I would like to run a small operational game for a group of friends using PvK system/idea (using HPS games) for the operational aspect of things. Does anyone have any experience with the editor. According to PVK one should be able to conduct turns using HPS games and the edit the results of tactical battles from CMBB and edit them within the ongoing scenario.

    Has anyone used this program before for such an endeavour. Are their any other programs one could suggest besides the CMMC materials?

    Pls note this has nothing to do with the excellent work Hunter is completing with CMC.

  3. Well installed it on my old laptop again. Indeed it was licensed. So I tried to uninstall the license but received a error code 13. Continued to uninstall the program. Installed it again and it did not have a license. So I thought maybe it worked anyways. Went to my new laptop try install and no joy on the license.

    Will try your email for technical help. Thanks.

  4. WeGo TCP/IP is something we hope to get in soon. However, there is no way we're going to attempt to have it work with playback. That's the reason it isn't in the game now. The best we can do in the short term is have WeGo TCP/IP without the ability to replay the action portion of the turn. This is a compromise solution between the current RealTime only and CMx1 style WeGo TCP/IP. Obviously it isn't the best, full solution for WeGo players... but that's as good as it can get for a while.


    No problem sir I'll take it!!! Sooner the better :)

  5. OK have installed my CMSF Battlefront version on my main machine and laptop. Uninstalled my laptop copy and now have reinstalled onto my new laptop. When doing so I get an error re licensing that I do not have another license. hmm does an uninstall (on my old laptop) not immediately unlicense the program from that machine?

    Appears not in my case. Is there some how one can unlicense a uninstalled version of CMSF?


  6. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    You can certainly replicate PBEM that way.

    Just use file sharing or FTP or whatever to move the file rather than as a email attachment.

    This wont give you MP, if your definition of MP is “I control the Infantry on Blue and you control the tanks on Blue against an AI controlled Red” though.

    Right ok thx. One player would be blue the other red. Could one though work on their respective turns at the same time?


  7. Sorry have not tried an MP game for several patches. HAve two machines with a LAN connection. Neither of us can really manage real time games......wondering can we just transfer the game file to each other? Is it possible to work on the turns concurrently on both machines and then simply transfer the files to compute the combat phase and the repeat.

    Originally only one player could work on a turn at a time leaving the opponnent kinda bored smile.gif

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