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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. Yes Hamachi is a GOD send for online play. It is free and harmless to load.

    As per MP games until they do WE GO for online play forget it. How can anyone command a Company in real time?? It is almost impossible. Maybe for platoon sized engagements.

    I'm sure they will re implement WEGO for online games. Pleasssse smile.gif

  2. IMHO I find it very strange that this option has been removed. File transferring........wow I just purchased a low budget matrix game that the one man designer mentioned the exact same solution (reasoning being he could not afford the programming time to do TCP/IP) :)File transfer is a little old for a modern superiour wargame such as battlefront.

    That being said I'm sure this is something that will be implemented as a simple feature fir the future.

    Great New engine from Battlefront. I can't imagine how exciting the improvements are going to be over the next year or so!!!

  3. OK maybe I missed something but how does one play WEGO turn based scenario head to head?

    Please tell me I am wrong in thinking that is only offered in acrade mode (RT) smile.gif

    If so would it be possible to have a variable RT option to at least slooooow done the turns.

    Love the idea of future add-ons/patchs being coop!

  4. Originally posted by Barrabas:

    The game is available for download at Paradox's Gamers Gate. Perhaps our downloads could be activated too?

    I just received their email....... however I made sure to purchase via Battlefront more monies to the guys that count. Was it just a Prue release or is it indeed open for download?

    Being a big supporter of Paradox and a beta for most of there recent titles I must say they have dropped the ball on this title big time. First they leak out extra copies and then allow D/L before Battlefront.........haha

    All kidding aside they are though an excellent game design company. They always stand behind their products and you see patchs for years sometime for their titles constantly fine tunning their product for their customers. Almost as good as Battlefront does smile.gif

    OK can we D/L YET??

  5. Originally posted by RCMP:

    Drat so if one has a Nivida Card one should expect issues with the Graphics. I take it 1.02 patch is coming out ASAP?

    Can hardly wait no matter what the reviews say Battlefront is "THE" wargame designer on the planet. Hands down. I have supported every product they have published and don't regret one title. Can't say the same though from Matrix Games :(

  6. Drat so if one has a Nivida Card one should expect issues with the Graphics. I take it 1.02 patch is coming out ASAP?

    Can hardly wait no matter what the reviews say Battlefront THE wargame designers on the planet. Hands down. I have supported every product they have published and don't regret one title. Can't say the same though from Matrix Games :(

  7. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    Forgot all about this. Well, it was actually more of a "man-date" than a CM:SF preview. A fellow from the ASL boards wanted to get together to play ASL. Haven't played with cardboard in 15 years or so. I had a real date the night before; for her I put on a wrinkly t-shirt and we went walking by the river. It seems odd to think that I was more concerned with impressing him; I cleaned my apartment, vacuumed and even considered scrubbing the toilet. The CM:SF preview was a bit of an afterthought while he waited for his fiancee to pick him up after our game (she went shopping for shoes or something while he was enjoying my clean apartment). He was impressed but wasn't a huge CM fan so it was a bit wasted on him.

    Steaks in TO are inviting. I've eaten beef in Ontario before, though, so I'll bring the meat. Actually, I've been to Ontario in the summer before and the humidity almost killed me. Perhaps when CM:Juno comes out we can arrange something. Play your cards right, maybe you'll be on the beta team, and I'll be visiting you.

    Anytime your in the Toronto area email me. Take you out on a real run on the city! I have a sailboat so the humidity isn't that bad on Lake Ontario!
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