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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. OK still never really use CM:SF for MP games. Just curious has there been any change/updates in the real time version of MP games in the numerous and very fine patches. Can one pause at all? IIRC there was no pause originally. If there still isn't wouldn't it be a nice feature?

    Would it take much to add re. programming?

    I always play my CM2 products head to head TCP/IP. It was a shame that even PBEM assumes only one player can enter orders at a time.......

    Oh well hopefully CM:Normandy will have features with real time TCP/IP (pausable) or turn based WEGO computations and WEGO re. Orders.

  2. New to scenario design. Quick question how would one go about printing out say a top down view of ones map. Looking to be able to print the map and let other look at it and provide input re. orders. Demo'ing CMSF at a local wargaming CON.


    oh another if I may. Can I export the write ups for scenarios to say WORD?

  3. Ok I have written down my license key for CMSF. Trouble is I think I have an written error in it. It is working fine and all. How do I retrieve my license via a working game? I want to port it to another machine. If I uninstall it will it provide me with my serial #? I have my marine one ok just not the original :)


  4. @huhr

    about the game, well it would be my first CMx2 multiplayer game. i refuse realtime and i refused PBEM till now :D

    i guess i have a test game with a friend of mine today or tomorrow, we gona try to send the stuff per skype.

    the thing is, me and my friend really miss TCPip wego with replay becouse we where playing battles in single 3-8 houers sessions(CMBB that was). that was awsome fun, after 5 houers of planing and stuff you where really worn out, but so was the enemy commander. this had a fun effect on the resulting gameplay.

    however i cannot see the point behind playing a single battle over more days or even weeks. thats why i said "the only way to recreate TCPip wego", wo gona try to have smal to medium fights and play them in one go in PBEM as there is no other way to do that right now.

    I agree 100%!

    Refresh my memeory has MOON ruled out WeGo TCP/IP until the WWII release. I did a search but I thought Steve said (months ago) maybe a TCP/IP WEGO but with no replay was possible. Has there been anything on the forum's lately about this?

    Thanks Guys

    Hope you all had a great New Years!!

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