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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. No that feature has not be installed and if I recall it will not be. There is also no turn based TCP/IP gaming, nor pausable Real Time. What we do get is real time action which IMHO is not playable and PBEM via email is still playable. Mind you only one person can work on a turn at a time vs. previous PBEM features in earlier engine builds.

    Looks like CM Normandy might rectify some of these but it unfortunately not so on release IIRC. Other MP features will be added at a later time.

  2. I'll restate our positions :D

    1. We are not putting in TCP/IP WeGo with replay any time soon. Absolutely, and without any doubts, it will not show up in Normandy. Not even as a patch later on. There's no chance, and I mean less than zero, that this position will change. We've been clear about this for 2 years now and as we get towards the end of Normandy's development I can say for sure that this absolutely will not change. Period.

    2. We are still hoping to get in TCP/IP WeGo without replay for Normandy. Ideally it would be in the initial release. It is still our goal to make this happen, however it is not something that we will allow to hold up the release of Normandy if we find we can't get it into the initial release.

    3. We do plan on having a dynamic pause feature for TCP/IP RealTime. The feature will have rules and feature constraints (determined by the players) as to how often and how long pauses can be made. There will be an option, of course, to have no restrictions on this and just let the players sort out for themselves their own rules. We have no specific timeframe for this feature, but personally I would like to see it implemented as soon as possible. At this point "as soon as possible" is Bulge, not Normandy.

    4. Eventually we would like to see TCP/IP WeGo with replay. The desire is definitely there. The problem is finding feature requests to sacrifice from our development schedule in order to free up the significant programming and testing resources to make this work. Our schedule is full and will always be full, thanks to the thousands of requests from you guys :D Therefore, taking a month or so out of our development schedule to get this working correctly (assuming we can) means major sacrifices to the rest of the game. Obviously people who are fanatics about TCP/IP WeGo with Replay might feel that such sacrifices are worth it without even knowing (or caring) what those sacrifices are. However, we think the majority of our customers will not be at all happy with such a development sacrifice. Which is why we currently have no plans on putting in TCP/IP WeGo with replay EVEN THOUGH we definitely (conceptually) want this feature into the game.

    Knowing that fighting with reality is a bad idea is step 1 in developer enlightenment. Knowing that a fight with reality can never be won is step 2 in developer enlightenment. We're at step 10 or 11 by now :P


    Well I guess we will have to wait on #2. I guess I should work on my speed on the keyboard for the initial release. For the life of me I cannot no matter how hard I try and set up the keys have any real tactical control of my units in larger battles. I find even controlling a company in realtime a "click fest". I guess at 35 I'm getting older..... :rolleyes:

    I take it there is still a PBEM? Would one be able to complete turns simultaneously?

  3. A few random thoughts on this...

    For me it's not really an issue as I can still pass a memory stick back and forth when I play in a lan situation, however that form of sneakernet kind of ignores the technological advances of the last ~20 years...

    Well that is what we LAN guys have been resorting to. Problem is only one person can do a turn at a time. The other chap is stuck staring at the wall :D

  4. RCMP,

    I also bough the Paradox version of CMSF originally, and the best thing I ever did was to buy the modules and use the Battlefront patch from there on.

    I mean, if you like the game (and you probably do since you're here :D), there's good reason to buy one module or the other (or both) and besides the new toys you get to play with, you don't have to worry over the delayed release of the Paradox patch ever again. :)

    He he I actually have them all. My other machines in the "lab" though only have CMSF base from paradox. :(

  5. OK so I'm still a little confused. I always play LAN games with friends and really have made over 10+ converts to the platform using TCP/IP turn based. The problem that I really have with CMSF is that one cannot have both MP's completing their turn simultaneously. Instead one has to wait what 5-20 mins in order to complete it. I take it WEGO turn completions is completely dead? (if it was ever alive?)

    So if WEGO gets killed or WEGO light isn't happening PLEASE can we get PRTMP.....

    Not sure what hang up is for Pausable Real Time Multiplayer. Is this a real big coding issue?

    I mean if you agree to allow pauses with your opponent what is the big deal if they use them say every couple minutes or in stressful situations every 20 seconds? I mean we don't want this awesome tactical simulation to turn into a click fest do we? I hope BF allows user settings with this regard. No one likes being rushed. If you think your opponent isn't quick enough just don't play them :)

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