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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. Is it just me or is PT Boats ridiculously hard?

    I'm playing on normal difficulty, did all three tutorial missions, understand the concept of the game and purpose, but hell... the first mission is killing me, ON BOTH SIDES...

    When I play the Germans, I spend almost an hour protecting the convoy, and going out to meet the targets, but then the mission ends with a failure due to the convoy being spotted...

    So then I play as the English, I understand moving slow, spotting the convoy, identifying the vehicles, but then 5 tries and the German PT boats come after me, I sink one but the other gets me...

    and whats sucks... is that, thats all you can do... you can't do any other missions besides the tutorials again or multiplayer... so if you can't get past a mission, your dead in the water.

    Is this game too hard, or is it me?

    I hate scripted missions. Too bad.... :(

  2. I think the case he made was a UN outpost clearly marked on the all maps and sent to the IDF. They had a direct hit from a 155mm to a observation post that had been in place for years. Manned with mostly NATO countries and armed. No bad guys firing form it. They took out the whole complex...a major from my town's regiment Argyle and Sutherland Regiment of Canada. Tragic and needless error. It happens though unfortunately.

  3. Yes, the mode of game play did not change from TOW2 : Africa to TOW2: Kursk. As the title implies, it's largely the same base engine at work, albeit with many new features and a whole bunch of improvements, too. So you can play RT (with auto-pauses etc.) as with the previous title, but not turn-based in the classic sense.

    What preference someone has obviously is a matter of taste. I am not fond of RT myself, but I find that TOW gives a fairly good balance between real-time action and the ability to pause (or to adjust the game speed) for myself.


    So is it pausable then at least also in MP games?

  4. Don't count on it. That was from gibson's wish list, which regrettably will differ substantially from what BFT will actually put into the patch.

    BFT have made it clear that there will be no major changes to the CMSF game engine. 1.21 will see minor tweaking only.

    Oh well. Back to HistWar I guess. Thanks though for the clarification.

  5. I do so wish that WEGO makes it back for TC/IP in the Normandy game.

    I realise that many here have said that they now prefer real-time, I just wish I knew how they can cope with a large battle?

    As one advances in years the click fest of real-time just becomes too much for enjoyment and on larger battles is impossible.

    I have no idea. Never been a click fest guy but I tried my damnest from day one.

    Just can't find any enjoyment (well OK, a little it is a battlefront game) playing RT. All my wargamers buddies who are quite open to new ideas and jumped at the chance for CMx1 family just gave up with CMSF. Even a "plausible" RT option I could live with.:rolleyes:

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