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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. Can RT multiplayer games be paused? I don't mean saved like a singleplayer scenario (which would be cool too) but only paused for a few seconds if there's too much happening at once and you need a moment to consolidate...

    I agree a pausable or variable speed RT is acceptable in my opinion. Last I heard it was way down on the list or not at all :(

    RT MP is one speed fits all :eek:

  2. i am not posting a lot here at the moment, but i feel like saying something here.

    seems to me i am one of the last people still asking for TCP/IP WEGO(with replay) as this was the perfect mix for me.

    it was a direct H2H game, no game drawen out over a few days or a week, it was one session of CM up to 8 or 10 houers long, in WEGO with a human opponent. i liked that A LOT.

    RTwP in multiplayer is no substitute for TCP/IP WEGO with replay.

    in the end i think TCP/IP WEGO with replay was more played in CMx1 then people think. especially in LAN setups like i did with a friend of mine, and it hurts CMx2 MP that it is not included.

    with the options we got now to conduct MP games, i can more then understand why CMx2 is rather dead in multiplayer since it was released.

    dont get me wrong here, i am still playing CMSF against the somewhat questionable scripted AI at times, becouse i like the game!

    but i have no option to play a relaxing and fun MP game and this frustrates me a lot about CMx2 so far :(

    and yea, i want more cowbell too! i better say this to keep MeatEtr from posting the traditional pic after i whined about TCP/IP WEGO :D

    Couldn't agree with you more!!!!

  3. MP Huge Scenario?

    Can one recommend one. Having a buddy over that can't stand the Real Time CMSF so he wants to play a very very large scenario. Can anyone recommend one? Something that can compute turns on a modern machine at say no more than about a 60 secs?

    Thanks Guys

    Oh just reloading CMAK. Is 1.03 the latest version?

  4. As a long time CMx1 player, I am anxiously waiting for CM: Normandy to be released (-and to see what features it is released with.) Its been a long wait indeed since CMAK, but I have no desire to play any modern era games at all -ever.

    With that said, I for one will not be playing CM: Normandy as a single player. I look forward to (hopefully) someday again spending my Saturday mornings gaming against my best friend who lives 2600+ miles away.

    BFC, I've supported you for quite a while, but if you will not return to WeGo, I just cannot see how I can even buy your product. (My apologies.)

    IMO, RTS sucks. It always has. I don't want to waste my time trying to rush around a battlefield -trying to make sure that I remembered all of my forces -and then find out that the one crutial unit I should have moved, I didn't move. If I want more pressure in my life, I'd stay at work 24 hours a day. Gaming is a way to relax, have fun, and make friends.

    You guys made important inroads with WeGo. The pause at the end of the turn makes BIG sense. Please don't throw that away.


    online pause and save please :D

  5. Well you don't need to sell me on it.

    Using it in a classroom as a training tool (as I do) means that the "quasi PBEM" work around does work and it gives you the "replay" facility for AAR / Lessons Learnt.

    But I'm not "the guy". :)

    But are you basically waiting for each turn and is this not just like archaic hotseat games? I hope I have this wrong. It would be very nice to have a work-around of sorts :)

  6. ARGH!!!

    TCP/ip WEGO "without" replay!? i have to sit down for a moment... ;)

    oh well, change is everywhere, i have to take it :(

    unfortunately i see no real point in haveing this system without replay as the replay makes the "point" behind it.

    i dont know what to say anymore...

    "At least not the initial release"

    at least not all hopes are shattered. its like the replay is essential to WEGO, otherwhise its really no different to RT with fixed pause. you cant look up all the cool stuff and drool about you local victorys and failures. whatever, i know you know exactly what i mean as all was said X tousend times befor.

    its just like i play this great game single player since its release and i really would like to play a human and i hoped for classical(with replay) TCP/ip WEGO for the normandy game so much. ...RT is no option for me, and PBEM, well its PBEM and doesnt make for a good game played over one evening in some, or some more houers.

    now iam really sorry for this whining but i couldnt do else right now, i have nothing constructive to say right now but wasnt in the mood to not answer the thread i created.

    "A solid and fun multiplayer CMX2 "will" attract a new base of players..."

    it does already, for some it started with the release, for me it started right here and right now, feeling like something old wich needs replacement(heck iam 25) :(

    thanks for the honest answer steve;

    I would have to agree with no replay it makes it very less interesting. I guess RT with variable speed settings and Pauses would be nice. Beggers can't be choosers. :rolleyes:

  7. For CMSF look for a file named 'receipt.txt' in your root directory of CMSF. The line that says "Order ID" is the license key. For the Marines and British Forces modules a similar file can usually be found in the '..\Modules' subdirectory where those executables reside.

    Thanks I found the receipt but the # I see is the Marine Lic # or at least what I was thought to be the Marine # indicated as a Order ID #.

    I have a order ID # and a hyphen one a few lines down starting with a rc24- ....would this be the CMSF base game lic #?

    Under my marine module I do not see any file re. a license.

    Thanks for the help though.

  8. Trying to find my license for the base game I have. A friend can't find his license anymore and I was going to lend him mine so we can get a LAN or PBEM game going. Problem is I can only find my Marine license within the game. He does not have the marine module. Can I locate the license for the base CMSF within my directory or is it overwritten by the marine module. OR does the marine module work also on two machine and I could let him use my marine # for PBEM games??


  9. with auto-pause, how bad can it really be? Although I havent played it in a long time, the Close Combat series were my favorite games and in my opinion way ahead of its time. I feel that real time with auto-pause is the right direction to go with considering the scope of Kursk. Id say its a single to multiple company-sized force vs another, right?

    So are you saying by chance that there is a pause feature during MP games?

    Or an adjustable speed during the game?

  10. Well it seems to me to be a tad difficult to navigate some areas of the site. Not sure if it is the colours or the text. Never have problems with other sites must be just me and my buddy I'm sure. Then again your very informative "red light" special site was awesome in the day.

    Oh my buddy did not take note of the password as he thought he was making a one time purchase of $1.00 for the patch. I know what can you do with your good friends ;)

    Is he out his grand $1.00 for the patch?

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