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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Glabro I've found this and fixed it for 1.04, thanks for reporting it. It related solely to Belgium as a cause, and hopefully German unit morale should recover within a few turns.
  2. Hi In some of the smaller scenarios the setting is to play for Objectives (e.g. capturing point x) and this turns off the surrendering of countries. In reality Belgium would have probably surrendered once all support from Britain and France had been driven off, i.e. as a consequence of an Entente defeat in the Race to the Sea scenario. It feels more appropriate to keep the Belgians fighting on during this scenario, so that players can launch counterattacks and possibly regain the initiative. Historically King Albert did make some peace overtures to Germany during the war, and if the Entente had been driven off then these would undoubtedly have been made in more earnest. Hence in Call to Arms if all their three capitals are taken then they will surrender, though any Belgian units in France will continue to fight on.
  3. Hi Glabro Surface vessels will also automatically carry out unrestricted naval warfare if they are placed on those tiles and you have said yes to carrying out unrestricted attacks, as it wasn't just submarines that carried out commerce raiding: The raiding mode isn't taken into account if a naval unit is occupying these locations, as the decision to use unrestricted naval warfare and the location of the naval unit is paramount. The Lusitania may be sunk if the Germans have opted to carry out unrestricted attacks and have a naval unit on the route between Ireland and the USA. However, I will correct this so that only the unrestricted trigger points can result in the Lusitania being sunk.
  4. Good points all round and I am implementing things into the campaign that will hopefully address most issues, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the changes impact on the campaign in the Caucasus. There are quite a few things to be tested on our end, including an idea to give the Arab revolt a bit more oomph, and I'll take a look at Karaman in Turkey. I'd also like to say thanks for all the feedback, it's impressive and very useful indeed!
  5. Just to confirm, there will be an announcement soon about the tournament and then we will set a new deadline.
  6. That isn't right, please could you send me a turn to: bill.runacre@furysoftware.com Also please let me know which patch you're playing with so I can load it up in the right version. Thanks!
  7. It's exactly the same sized map, and you can always test it out in the demo before buying: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php...818&Itemid=318
  8. Hi Mathias You certainly could change the Majors, e.g. having Spain instead of France or Italy. Things like that will be editable, though of course the French or Italian unit graphics and flags would also need changing. In SC WWI, the engineer units are there but to use them you would need to set their Build Limits in the editor to a positive figure. The reason they aren't available in the main campaigns is that in the WWI engine they build Fortresses like Verdun, and I considered that it wasn't necessarily right for those campaigns to be able to build new Fortresses like that during the war. But if you increase their Build Limit and set a reasonable time period for them to build the Fortress in, then they can be used. In SC WWI it is approximately 20 miles or 32km to a tile. I'm not 100% sure of the Gold version's ground scale, but it will be the same as in Global Conflict. Bill
  9. Hi Mancspartan i) When you select a unit that can Forced March, if you look on the right hand side of the screen (where the interface buttons usually are) there will be an image of a man with an arrow pointing to the right. Click on this and you'll see that the range of movement possible for this unit will have increased. ii) If you right click on a unit that is on a railroad then providing you have some MPPs, and the nearest resources have a strength of 5 or more then you should be able to Operate it. You will be asked if you want to do so, and advised of the cost, and if you say yes then you will then be able to deploy it elsewhere by left clicking. iii) These numbers denote research upgrades that the unit has been equipped with. If you right click on that unit and select Properties, it will bring up a screen showing that unit's combat statistics, and the research categories applicable to it along with any upgrades. I hope this makes sense but don't hesitate to come back if you have any further questions. Bill Edit: I see that the Kommandant posted too!
  10. Here it is: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=31&Itemid=26
  11. Hi A mirror game is where you play a scenario twice against the same opponent, switching sides so that you both get to play each side. It'll be my first ever internet based game tournament so I'll have to let others explain the mechanics. I'm just looking forward to some good games, and we may all get a good trouncing at some point!
  12. It's only a minor change so shouldn't affect balance too much. The new requirement for the Germans to keep some troops near Warsaw after Russia has pulled out of the war will have more effect, but I have compensated for that somewhat.
  13. Hi Peter What I can do is to decrease some of their starting units' experience. This will delay their increase in experience to the level you've experienced, and should reduce their initial combat power against the Russians slightly.
  14. The mode shouldn't affect it. Can you ask your opponent if they are able to reinforce theirs ok?
  15. It's in the works but it would be wrong for me to give a timescale, and any changes will need some testing first, so I guess in the near-ish future is the best estimation I can give!
  16. Hi The tournament has now begun, with 40 players in 8 leagues! The preliminary rounds are being fought using the 1914 Race to the Sea; 1915 Gallipoli and 1918 Kaiserschlacht campaigns. Subsequent rounds will be played using the larger campaigns, with the semi-finals using 1917 Fate of Nations, and 1914 Call to Arms in the final. A big thank you goes to Lucas, aka the Kommandant, who is organizing the tournament. Good luck all, and let's have some fun!
  17. Yes, good suggestion because not only should a connection between Oltu and Sarikamish solve the problem, but although there isn't a road there as such, the Bardiz Pass between the two locations was Enver Pasha's approach route to Sarikamish in December 1914. Hence it isn't a fictional route, which is something I was hoping to avoid. I found more evidence on this in Caucasian Battlefields: A History of the Wars on the Turco-Caucasian Border by W.E.D. Allen. It's available in preview mode on google books and looks pretty good, as it included a map of the battle of Sarikamish: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=oDb6P0HXwIcC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
  18. Hi I've just taken a look at the scripts and Greece will always swing between 10 and 15% towards the Allies if the Axis declare war on Yugoslavia. Plus there is a 50% chance of Greece swinging to the Allies if the UK has supported the pro-Allied coup in Yugoslavia. For Turkey, there is a 25% chance of a 5-10% swing towards the Allies in response to an Axis declaration of war on Yugoslavia. As some of these events only have a % chance of happening, they won't be seen in all games.
  19. That is odd. The carriers can only be reinforced at the start of your turn (i.e. not if you've moved or attacked with them) - could that be it? Otherwise, providing their supply is ok, and in Japan if it isn't being bombed then it should be, and you have the MPPs to do so, then reinforcing the aircraft shouldn't be a problem at all.
  20. Thanks, this is an interesting idea and I have one or two ideas along this line that will hopefully see the light of day before too long.
  21. I'm currently looking at the terrain in the Caucasus and comparing it with my books and maps to see if there's any potential for changes that could open up some opportunities without looking out of place. Edit: One thing I have found is that one of the Russian offensives in the Caucasus in 1915 was launched in the region of Mount Ararat, and a map of the region from 1922 shows a road from near Erivan, passing to the north of Mount Ararat and leading off to either Eleskirt to the north west or Van to the south west. Here's an image of the proposed route: It would now mean that there are four roads (highlighted with a blue line) between Ottoman and Russian territory, making it harder for both sides to defend them all. The question is, would this extra possible invasion route for either side make a significant difference?
  22. Thanks Ludi, I think I did make a change to port defense but will take a look at this again because it might be that more can be done.
  23. That's an idea worth exploring, and I welcome suggestions on any specific terrain changes that are both realistic and will make a difference.
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