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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Kommandant This is far less true now than it was in earlier versions of the game, and Russia surrendering has only very little effect on US opinion. Very well put, this fully explains why it can be worth doing it, even if just for a little while!
  2. I have had the Italians break through against me, but only if the Austro-Hungarians are hard pressed elsewhere. The Austro-Hungarians will always suffer from a slight performance decline due to handing over the cities, but you are right in thinking that the main effect wears off pretty quickly. Ivanov gives some good advice on when to cede the territory, and when not to. I've done it both ways quite a few times and there's no right or wrong answer, it all depends on the situation and how capable you feel of dealing with Italy. Correct, only diplomacy can activate the Italians if the territories have been handed over. This is because they've already achieved any potential war aims so they have little to gain from entering the war.
  3. Hi Russkly There isn't a tutorial as such but you may find the Strategy Guide useful. You can find this in the Manuals folder. If you have any questions as you play then feel free to post them here and I'm sure that we'll all try to assist too. Bill
  4. Hi Sharkman Are the games you mention prior to the 1.02 patch? Only some significant changes were made in 1.02 to make US entry far more dependent on German actions, and it would be good to know to check that everything is working as desired, i.e. if your experiences are from 1.01 then things should be different next time around. However, by mentioning German actions above, if the Germans choose to send the Zimmerman Telegram then they are making a big risk and it could explain US entrance, and this is irrespective of the patch in question. My advice to all Central Powers players would be to not send the Telegram unless the USA is already fairly close to entering the war at the start of 1917. Unless of course you are feeling lucky! :cool:
  5. Just to add that the terms of a surrender would normally require that all troops within the country lay down their arms, and that only units that have already left the country in question may continue to fight on.
  6. Hi A7V21 In addition to Xwormwood's suggestions, I would strongly recommend researching Trench Warfare as your number one priority. Heavy Artillery will be very useful but for France in 1914 too much investment in things like this that will only become useful later in 1915 might not be a good idea. But it all depends on the situation and once you've halted the initial German advance you may be able to start researching these areas. But also ensure that you don't run out of troops. There's a fine balance between purchasing units and researching to improve them, or doing other things like investing in diplomacy. Bill
  7. It's just that engineers would build Fortresses rather than entrenchments and given that they take years to build in real life, the ability is there in the game to use them, but for the default campaigns they are turned off.
  8. Hi It is correct, it's a fairly new feature to prevent naval units from blocking crossings like that without taking any damage in return.
  9. The build limit is set to zero in these campaigns, but if you wanted to allow it then you can increase their build limit in the editor. The fortresses they build will be tough, and given the entrenchment in the game I thought it might be overkill to allow the construction of more, Verdun style fortresses during the game.
  10. Yes, it certainly should be possible. Are there any particular circumstances where you're not finding it happening?
  11. That wouldn't really work, but perhaps the RSI should automatically join the Axis, if it doesn't already, and it shouldn't have any Partisan settings as the Partisans were pro-Allied?
  12. Hi Ulver Yes, being entrenched is definitely an advantage because it will provide you with some bonuses when attacked. But as you get the tech levels it will just become much more of an advantage, and more vital too. So do dig in, but research it too! Bill
  13. If they aren't destroyed quickly by the Axis then yes, it may be possible to buy them back cheaply. There is a strong onus on the Axis launching a powerful Barbarossa.
  14. Got it. I'll have a think about this to see if there's a way to boost up the Arabs.
  15. Good points, I'll take another look at the scripts and see what can be done to fix this!
  16. Hi Even if Aqaba is captured, Lawrence only turns up if the Arab revolt is in progress, i.e. after the decision event relating to that which fires in November 1915. So, if you've captured Aqaba before that point then he should deploy later on.
  17. Hi Ulver There are a few things in the Options screen that you can try: Untick the Show Moves/Combat option, and tick the Quick Logic one which is further to the right. You could also untick the Messages (AI turn) box. Plus if you haven't already done so be sure to have downloaded and installed the latest 1.03 patch as it includes significant AI speed enhancements. Bill
  18. Hi Ulver There are a number of AARs around. Here's one I played a few months back: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97266 There have been others, including one by Airboy on the wargamer.com forum, and a number by German players on the si-games forum: http://www.si-games.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=117 Not forgetting of course the first that took place when the game was still in beta. Start at the bottom of this page: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=154&Itemid=418&limit=20&limitstart=60 If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Bill
  19. Just out of interest, what Russian territory have you liberated?
  20. Hi Ivanov The main issue is that the Central Powers start the scenario having already captured a lot of Russian territory, so this, coupled with industrial unrest and similar will cause a steady drain on Russian morale. However, you've raised a good point and I will add in some objectives which if liberated by the Russians could significantly boost their morale, so that with good gameplay the Tsar might remain on his throne and Russia in the war! Bill
  21. You won't need to, because any resource set to fire by a resource script will automatically start the game at zero. If that's not working then paste the resource script here along with the location of both the resources and I'll happily take a look.
  22. Hi Thanks, glad you like it! As some of your questions have already been answered I'll just add a few more comments to some of them. Bill It is to the target area plus one tile around it, and you will also spot everything under your flight path, and any aircraft with recon capability can do this. The supply and HQ rules are the same, but it could be that on the bigger map as you move further away from friendly territory it will suffer more. However, to compensate for that the maximum supply value of Soviet cities under Axis occupation has been raised from 5 to 8. They are now more like the Nebelwerfers and Katyushas, so their range won't increase with research but their effectiveness will. There are loops off the east coast of the USA which you should be able to use, and they should save you a lot of time moving your units.
  23. Hi You will need to use a Resource script to activate the mine and town when the Germans choose Yes in the decision event.
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