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Everything posted by PseudoSimonds

  1. wat teh hel r u takin abowt.? </font>
  2. Take your time. Planning where you want to surrender is an important decision and you shouldn't rush it.
  3. Lets start at the beginning: What do you mean by "then"? </font>
  4. Then don't order your guys to do it. What's so hard to grasp about this?
  5. Gimme infantry battle, maggot!! Anything to stop the creepy Big Brother updates. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  6. From the screenshots, it looks like these AARs are still with the old engagement ranges. I wonder how differently it plays with the realistic ranges.
  7. I have it from reliable sources that it's going to be a bumper car simulator.
  8. After 3.5 days of having you work for him, I'm sure the stint on Big Brother will seem very "normal" to him. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  9. That would allow for some pretty gamey tactics for the Syrians, no? You could just start leveling some buildings and have it count against the US victory points.
  10. With any luck we'll be able to do our own AAR's within the next couple of weeks. :cool:
  11. Bah, we're just gently nudging them along the path to self-empowerment.
  12. You'd prefer to have the exact same questions asked over and over and over? Wait until the demo. I'm sure there'll be loads of questions and comments to read then.
  13. Ah, then it's not really surprising that you came up with the same material. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. Hello! Welcome to the forum! The best place to introduce yourself is probably here.
  15. Oh, so you're drunk enough to post in here, are you, maggot? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. My profession is delivering newspapers, so that almost makes me a postman. The answer should be obvious. :mad: ' Newspapers ? NEWSPAPERS ??? I'LL GIVE YOU FRIKKIN' NEWSPAPERS YOU A$$HOLE !!!! *loads the weapon, lights TNT, takes aim* AAGGGGGGRRRRRGGGGGGRRRRRGGGAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGRRR GRGGGGGRRRRRR GGGGGGRRRRAAAAAAGGGGRRRR GGGGRRRRAAAAHHHHHH RRRRGGGGGGRRRRAAAAAAGGGGHHH !!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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