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Posts posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    Ouch Tom, you're only 512 megs? You are definitely their benchmark 'minimim capabilities tester', a post i held while Beta testing CMAK.

    Yup that's me, I am bordering a "special needs" computer user, and I don't really know windows XP all that well either, however I have learned a TON about what makes windows work testing and playing the game in windows everyday now.
  2. This is why I like beta testing:


    " The beta team is weighted heavily with real world military experience, so testing of functions tends to be in that area. Gamers pick up the product and do things - "gamey" things - that beta testers from that background might not even think about doing. "

    Gamey things, trust me I am there for one reason only, to break things that shouldn't break, and complain about how my gamey exploits work or should not work.

    Don't worry there are gamey/computer geek video game testers there too.

    Some stuff is reported as a bug and well, maybe it is not a bug but an "undocumented feature" (Limitless spotting rounds in CMBO comes to mind, some gamey gamer figured out you could never run out of spoting rounds, as they did not originally count against your limited number of rounds or arty available, so yes bad example of an undocumented feature, THAT one was a bug)

    As with all BFC CMx1 and now CMx2 products you can count on post release patches to fix new bugs when they become glaring and obvious and need attention.

    I would not worry too much about bugs and beta testing, my sense is the whole thing is completely under control.

    As for breaking things Elvis and I like to break things together whenever we can like um oh lets see.... what takes 2 crazy beta testers to break it? :rolleyes:

    Um PBEM and TCP/IP (Yup we have tested both) smile.gif

    (...oh and I am A MAC guy running on a borrowed PC windoze laptop with possibly the least amount of RAM of any beta Tester, 512 megs)

    [ July 19, 2007, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  3. And RAM Lots of RAM

    512 megs of Ram is the absolute Minimuum

    1 or 2 Gigs of RAM will make a world of difference to your RealTime fun FPS action.

    I would like to speculate the ANY decently fast CPU that was brand new within the past two years will be fast enough to play RealTime if you run with 2 Gigs of RAM and any decent (new in the last two years) video card.

    Bottom line:

    Buy More RAM smile.gif

    (you can also just throw in a FASTER harddrive while your at it and you WILL see and feel a noticable speed improvement in your computer and gaming FUN)

  4. Kelly's Heroes

    Analogy for Beta Testing CM:SF

    "But the photo's show the bridge is there, BUT the damn Air Force blows the Bridge up every day, and the Krouts rebuild the bridge ever night!"

    "That bridge is gonna, be there"

    Is the bridge up or down today?

    What am I talking about?

    The Steve says the game is not ready...

    That means its not ready......

  5. I am not so sure about the "2 player Campaign"

    Maybe I am confused but by definition the concept of the Campaign is one player vs. the AI in a series of battles.

    (mostly BFC has said in the past "You'll Lose!") Despite that dire warning folks seem to want to play and make campaigns, my understanding of the mechanism, is the author of the campaign sets the battles and the AI to defend and depending on how well the player does, he gets another battle to advance or a rematch of the last battle or something like that if he loses. A consolation battlle if you will.

    So my guess would be "2 player" is out of the question.

    Mostly it boils down to "You'll lose!" (really) smile.gif

    But that's just my take on the whole "campaign" thing.....

  6. trust me on this one

    if you are interested in solo play against the AI there will be hundreds if not thousands of scenarios to play with in a few months once folks grok the AI editor in the scenario editor.

    Don't worry about the "Quick Battle" there will be user made scenario's a plenty with REAL human INTEL and deviousness in their AI scripted responses that will vary EVERY time you play them.


    just give it a few months and the number of crazy solo one player vs the AI scenarios will blossom, AND they will be good and they will be challenging and fun to play.

    you gotta trust me on this one!

  7. Originally posted by Sgt.Rock of Easy Company:

    I've got it, we get a headwrapped middle eastern man to make a video of him talking to the camera, telling us how, he and his group of terrorists use it to realisticaly train to fight and kill Americans.

    Then we get him to post it on YouTube, Google Video, Liveleak and Metacafe. After that, we just wait for the media to go nuts, saying its a terrorist training tool and then Jack Thompson would come and say how its realistic depiction of war is corrupting our youth.

    BFC would have more advertisement and sales than they could handle. :D

    Well given the way kids make video's and release them on YouTube now the production cost of this "project" would be about $0.00.

    The game is to be released July 27 so that leaves about 10 days for preproduction, 9 days for shooting 9 days for post production (credits, editing and such) and 1 day to upload.

    If you think about it, the video release should be in re-action to the release of the game so if it was actually uploaded say 5-7 days after the actual release date of the game that would have the most impact I think. smile.gif

    I believe this is also known now as "viral marketing" ! So lets get on it! Now I am not suggesting BFC would or should try this. No, I was just following up on the idea that a fan of the game or someone who likes to do stuff like post home made video's on YouTube for fun, would have about 29 days to work on their next big release.

    -tom w

    [ June 28, 2007, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  8. New Macbook Pro's released today!

    apple.com macbook pro for the news, they claim they are available now.

    AND Nvidia Video cards!

    Video and graphics support

    15-inch MacBook Pro:

    NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics processor with dual-link DVI support, 128MB of GDDR3 SDRAM on 2.2GHz configuration;


    256MB of GDDR3 SDRAM on 2.4GHz configuration

    They should run windows and bootcamp and CM:SF JUST fine! with up to 4 gigs of optional RAM


    -tom w

    [ June 05, 2007, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  9. OK so don't pre-order it,

    Remember, they have said there would be a demo, and they will be an instant pay and download option so what do we have to lose?


    Wait for the demo, play the demo and see of you need to upgrade your computer, you can pay and download the game with a broadband connection (probably overnight, but I am just guessing) and there you go, no need to pre-order! smile.gif

    So don't pre-order, its not problem really. Just play the demo and see for your self.

    -tom w

  10. 3.0 sounds almost too good to be true, they are claiming it works with graphics intensive games.... (or so they say)

    Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac Coming Soon--Pre-Order Upgrade for $39.99 through June 6

    Parallels will soon release Desktop 3.0 for Mac according to a note we received. Parallels is just weeks away from releasing its latest version of the hottest Mac software that runs Windows without rebooting, now with 50+ brand new features. The major new features are:

    Application and file integration with SmartSelect--open any file from Windows or OS X with any program from either OS

    OpenGL and DirectX support for hardware-accelerated 3D graphics in games (Vista Aero support still pending)

    Snapshots for backup and recovery of virtual machines.

    Pre-order the 3.0 upgrade by June 6th and get Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac for only $39.99. The regular retail price is $79.99 This exclusive, limited-time offer is available only for current Parallels customers. Beginning June 6th, Parallels customers can upgrade to 3.0 for $49.99.

    We use Parallels Desktop 2.5 for Mac to run Windows XP and Windows Vista so we ordered the upgrade to v3.0. The support for 3D graphics alone is probably worth the upgrade. [bill Fox]


    •Completely Seamless User Experience:

    Cross OS application & file integration with Parallels SmartSelect

    Offline access to virtual machine files with Paralles Explorer

    Coherence 2.0, including shared folders and UI enhancements

    Linux Tools for seamless integration betwen Mac OS X and Linux

    •Native Hardware Experience:

    3D graphics support to play the hottest games and run the most popular applications

    Expanded support for USB 2.0 devices

    USB connection assistant quickly connects you to your OS of choice

    Shared printers for cross OS printing

    Significantly enhancements performance and audio quality

    •Protection against Mishaps:

    Hit a problem? Quickly and easily go back in time to a clean VM state

    Bulletproof your VMs with SnapShots

    Control the levels of integration and isolation with Security Manager

    Make your virtual machine read-only

    Get virus and spyware protection with a FREE 6-month Kaspersky subscription trial

  11. "I assume OS X users might have a choice to make in July - buy or wait?"

    What was the name of the last Eagles Album released some time ago?

    Hell Freezes Over

    That's how long you will be waiting for a Universal Binary of the OS X vesion.

    There is a post around here somewhere that says they will think about the possibility of an Intel only OS X version but right now I don't think they are giving it much thought.

    If CM:SF runs in Windows ( in Bootcamp, still free) on a Mac OS X computer why would they bother? :confused:

    And yes I am a mac user and I would really like a native OS X version and a Unvirsal Binary would be GREAT! smile.gif , but I won't be holding my breath.

    -tom w

    [ June 01, 2007, 06:58 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  12. The US, UK and France argued that political assassination should not go unpunished, and that the Lebanese government had asked the Council to act.

    'Political killing'

    There was also an argument about why the court was being set up under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, meaning it could ultimately be enforced by military action.

    Chapter VII was used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq. However, the US and its allies argued that only Chapter VII resolutions were legally enforceable.

    Syrian President Bashar Assad has said any Syrian suspects would be tried in Syria and he would not release them to a tribunal.

    An interim UN investigation found Mr Hariri's killing was "probably" politically motivated and has implicated Syria, but Damascus has denied any involvement in his death.

    In 2005, Syria withdrew its troops from Lebanon after a presence of 29 years, following massive domestic and international pressure after the assassination of Mr Hariri.

    BBC news on UN Security Council Vote
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