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Posts posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Originally posted by dan/california:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> FYI, in theory the cost of pathfinding increases with a factor between 2 and 4.6 for a factor 2 increase in resolution, and not more than that. There is no exponential increase in costs.

    This is best understood as follows (assuming some kind of A* algorithm is used):

    - the terrain surface (number of action spots) explored by the A* algorithm for a certain path depends primarily on the cost-function and heuristic used, and will be same regardless of the resolution. In the worst case, this is the full map and contains 4 times as many spots if the resolution is doubled. In the best case, the path is a straigth line, and contains 2 times as many spots.

    - the 'open list' in A* (best interpreted as the out-line of the terrain surface being explored by the algorithm) will be about twice as large, for 2 to 4 times as long a search. Manipulation of the open list is O(log(size of open list)). When 'open list' manipulation is your bottleneck, the cost increase is (worst-case) (4*N * log(2*N)) / (N * log(N)), which is between 4.4 and 4.6 for N > 100 (closer to 4.4 for larger N).

    Steve, meet Charles's new assistant. In our generosity the community will give him one week to quit whatever he is doing and move into Charles's basement and or doghouse like a good apprentice. I recommend a six month trial before his brain is decanted into a jar. :D </font>
  2. Just in case you missed it:



    Member # 332

    posted September 28, 2007 08:38 PM

    Monday is the tenative release date now for the patch. I am going to try and coordinate it so that patches for all three release versions (Battlefront, Paradox and Gamersgate) come out at the same time, or as close as I can make it.

    This time there will be 2 types of patches, Incremental and All-Inclusive. An all inclusive patch which will work on ANY previous version of the game and a smaller incremental patch which will require you to have already patched your game up to v1.03.

    Actually, in reality there will be 6 patches released because we plan to release the Battlefront, Paradox and Gamersgate patches all at the same time. So thats 2 patches (Incremental or All-Inclusive) for each of the 3 published versions (Battlefront, Paradox or Gamersgate.

    By the way, someone asked if the various 3 companies could get all their games up to the same version, not sure what he meant as there are patches out for all versions to put them at the same level and have been for some time....


    from here its officially tentative for monday


    Good-Night Sweethearts!

  3. This issue could be a substantial one if the title of the thread was changed to something like "User Feedback from the GUI about targeting and LOS"


    "Why can I get a target lock, but not shoot?"


    Why are my units seeing something they can't shoot at.

    If the title of this thread was just a little more directed to the issue being discussed here ;) that might help the "cause" a little bit.

    hint hint

  4. my suggestion is you is might find this issue less so in v1.04 unless of course it is the ONLY thing you are looking for, in which case you may have wait 5- 8 years into the future when home computers will have the hardware specs to suport your desire to have a %100 1:1 wargame, the way things are going here you should see that kind of thing (likely pioneered by Steve and Charles and BFC) within the next 7-10 years, BUT not before computers are more then twice as fast and capable as they are now. IMHO smile.gif

  5. How often does Charles post in the forum?

    (not so much right?)

    When he does post:

    posted September 28, 2007 01:56 PM

    Two quick points, guys:

    1. I can't say for certain, but I think that much of what is being attributed to LOS/LOF problems (e.g. he can see me but I can't see him) was really due to some bugs in the TacAI where your soldiers could shoot back but chose not to. For example I recently fixed a bug where soldiers would try too hard to conserve ammo when they really shouldn't. That sort of thing. You'll see an improvement in v1.04.

    2. v1.04 is coming very soon.



    That might give you a hint that he is not coding and has ?maybe? handed ?something? ;) off to some other party to test or prepare to be released into the wild?


  6. Originally posted by Rollstoy:

    When I played the WiC demo I noticed that I do click about twice as often in CM:SF than in WiC, because, as we all know, one has to 'confirm' movement orders with the right mouse button in CM:SF, regardless whether they have only one waypoint or more.

    Is this something that is considered optimal by the majority, or is a traditional 'one-click' approach favored?! I would not mind holding down the, e.g., Ctrl key in order to enter multiple waypoints, especially since a good deal of my right mouse clicks seem to be ignored by the interface (have to click up to three times occasionally).

    Best regards,


    good point

    its sort of annoying that the right click has be made some times several times before you can get it to "stick"

    yes I find that annoying too.

  7. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Yeah, we had a graphics bug that took a while to track down. Roads not drawing was seen as a bit of a problem :D That's all fixed, as are a couple of last minute rough edges. Fingers crossed that it will be out within a couple of days.


    Charles fixes it and the Beta team breaks it, this goes on about once every 24 hrs

    A new patch release and a challenge to beta test it

    the beta testers report issues and bugs that need attention.

    Steve says it should be any day now and I think he is correct.

    (unless the latest patch release has an nasty bug that someone says needs attention because "This one is FOR sure a show stopper!"

    and trust me the beta testers as a team JUST loves to break stuff, I think its in their genes which is why they are beta testers! smile.gif

    or something like that.

    Maybe something by this weekend is a reasonable guess....

    (late friday maybe IMO)


    [ September 26, 2007, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  8. Charles fixes it and the testers break it....

    (or discover or exploit some new issue or bug)

    Testers are under NDA so that's why no is talking about it in any detail, (If Steve has anything new to say I am sure it you won't miss it!) but its fair to say that patching and testing is an ongoing process and someone some where is testing the latest fix/patch 24/7. (Cleary not everyone is working 24/7, but there is always someone working somewhere on testing something.)

    Sometimes when you "fix" something it causes other bugs.

    So basically the longer it takes to release the patch the more bugs that get fixed, look at it that way. smile.gif

    just in case you missed it:



    Member # 42

    posted September 26, 2007 04:22 PM


    Version 1.04 should pretty much close the book on the big issues that CM:SF still has. We know for sure that we need to do a patch v1.05, though, because there are a bunch of "niggly" issues that we need to clean up and haven't since we've been putting our efforts into the bigger issues. I don't doubt a v1.06 or v1.07 will come out over time, but they will probably fix only a few specific things, not the sort of laundry list of stuff v1.04 and v1.05 will fix.

    Another way of looking at this is v1.05 is likely to be the last "fix" patch. The ones that follow are probably better described as "fine tuning" patches. And at some point we'll just say "we're done fine tuning" and cease patching.

    As for what happens when Modules come out... the code changes will be made available to all CM:SF customers. What will not be made available (of course) are the Module specific data, such as TO&E, vehicles, terrain, etc. But things like tweaks to core game behavior and what not will not be restricted.

    The goal here is to not fracture the customer base. If we made some change for the Marines Module that affected gameplay, it has to be available to all or suddenly you get into a situation where people with one Module can't play against people without it. That would be a mess.

    When a player goes to make a Scenario he'll have to select what Modules it will work with. This will filter the list of units and what not that can be used with that Scenario. Anybody without the Module/s required by the Scenario will not be able to play it. So if I have a Marines Module and I make a Scenario using the "Base Game" only, then everybody will be able to play it. If I select "Marines Module" then only those with the Marines Module will be able to play.

    That system should keep fracturing of the user base to an absolute minimum.


    [ September 26, 2007, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  9. the suggestion I was making is that V1.04 should fix many many of the complaints about bugs. The longer it takes to get released the more bugs are being fixed, just think about that for a while.

    Mainstream game reviewers? I don't know? If you don't really love this game why would anyone go back and review it all over again just because some new patch comes out?

  10. bigger maps will hurt you on the release version on an older computer.

    How much Ram do you have?

    How much VRAM is there on your video card.

    (to play the game you should go with their suggested hardward specs:

    System Requirements


    Operating System: Windows XP (Vista is supported)

    Processor: Pentium IV 2.8 GHz or equivalent speed AMD processor or better

    Video Card: GeForce 6800 or Radeon x850

    (256 Megabyte VRAM or better and must support 1024x768 or higher resolution)

    Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible Sound Card

    System Memory: 1 Gigabyte or more RAM

    Hard Drive Space: 1 Gigabyte

    Other Requirements: CD Drive (not needed for download version)

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