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Posts posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Originally posted by dynaman200:

    This has been a problem with CM since CMBB (CMBO has squad keep moving no matter what...)

    My guess is that allowing the AI to know the difference between being able to get to cover quickly versus the cover being too far away is not an easy task.

    if the issue is with the Tactical AI then this is NOT easy to fix at all.

    But I am guessing they are working on it.

    -tom w

  2. I would just like to say we can neither confirm or deny that report, it has always been the policy of the department of osbfucation not to comment on any new or possibly new or rumoured to be new, developments that some beta testors may, or may not, be playing with this morning.

    Let me say this though...

    you might suspect there is actual "work" (play testing) going on RIGHT now on what could be on the rumoured up coming v1.04 patch

    but as you can see no one is really talking about it smile.gif

    at least not without violating their NDA


  3. Originally posted by rogue187:

    Tour of Duty is still memorable since it had the Rolling Stones song "Paint it Black" as the theme song.

    I loved Tour of duty!

    It was brilliant sort of an ICON of the Vietnam TV war series (sort of) Paint it Black is of course foreve etched in mind with the opening of that series.


    I was not so impressed with what little of "Over There" I saw.

    I would say it is NOT worth buying.

    I mindless time waster at best. IMHO

  4. Originally posted by AdamL:

    If they made it so when you held the shift key you could see all your friendly units, with the ones in LOS/command being highlighted we would have the control problem fixed. As long as you don't hold shift it would work the same as it does now.

    I would like to know officially if this is intentional or if it is a legitimate bug. I think it is a band box or group selection bug.

    I hope to heck this behaviour is a bug. (and will be corrected in v1.04)

    I believe it was introduced in v1.03

    is that correct?

    -tom w

  5. With WW2, 1 min is about right. In modern combat, 1 minute can see the bulk of your forces killed outright. It's too long to be out of control.

    It could be added:

    " With WW2, 1 min is about right." for the state of TAC AI control in CMx1 espcially CMAK which was the pinnacle of CMx1 coding IMHO

    IN CMx2 (CM:SF) 1 full minute, (60 secs) is a LONG time to watch your men get mowed down. Heck when those nine guys dismount a styker if you do it in a really bad spot (and I have found just about EVERY spot is a really bad spot!) they turn into "9 red dots" in the space of 10-20 secs. (In Realtime you don't have much time to save them either but it sort of "feels" better if you try.)

    The state of CM:SF coding right now leaves something to be desired when it comes to full 60 sec WEGO turns when you have to sit back and watch for that long.

    So sure I have been playing RT exclusively.

    (its also WAY less time consuming and more efficient in that respect if your free time is limited by work and family obligations) :(

  6. I play real time all the time now and I love it

    but like others here I miss the fun of the rewind or replay.

    For Abbott I think v1.03 has turned the corner, seriously the game is now very much what they wanted and intended in the first release. (three patches later)

    I am guessing there will be a v1.04 and it will only get better.

    I enjoy real time and play it exclusively now. (with Elite FOW which now has a group selection bug in v1.03 :( )

    [ September 03, 2007, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

  7. in Cmx1 on heavier vehicle could push a ligther vehicle out of the way, (good collision detection), in CMx2 one vehicle simply drives right through the other vehicle..

    I hope to see some work on not only collision detection but, like good old CMx1 having the ability for an active vehicle to push a dead one out of the way, for instance in a breached wall situation. e.g. Stryker enters tall wall breach and gets KO'd can another stryker push it out of the way to move it to come throught the breach behind it?

    It worked on bridges in CMx1 so while it might tricky to code we known its doable. (theoretically speaking)

    -tom w

    Originally posted by Darkmath:

    Bumping this thread for requesting some fixes for serious issues (for me ;) ) that you guy must already know (yeah, in fact, I'm just lobbying :D ).

    Along with the LOS/LOF and pathfinding which can't be perfectly solved, may I ask if those issues are going to be addressed :

    *Collision Detection : In 1.03, vehicles avoid better other vehicles when following a path.

    Still a vehicle can always overlap another one to follow its path. A minimal collision detection model like in CMX1 should make this overlapping impossible.

    *Command queuing : Following this thread , we can theoritically put 4 different commands on a same waypoint ; it's not the case right now.

    Stikkypixe have noticed for example the pausing issue ( pause order plotted on a waypoint won't be executed) , but other orders like pop smoke don't work too. Overall, you can't plot more than one effective order per waypoint.

    Also, some orders like cover arc aren't simply followed , which is especially annoying for ambushes.

    *Moveable waypoints.

    *Pause order : 15 seconds delay is too much. Shorter is better ;)

  8. Originally posted by Hawkmek:

    Makes one wonder if coding time could have been better spent on other more noticeable issues.

    When BFC puts out Combat Mission : Portugal to the New World, then a correctly modeled starscape would be a necessity.

    I think that's really not fair, because the sun the moon and the stars were part of the "foundation" of the new engine and probably didn't take that long to set up or code (just guessing).

    They are delivering a new and better patch now about once every two weeks and there was a v1.01 patch available on the release date! What other game company can compare with that? :confused:



  9. We should get specific here.

    I have seen it too and posted it too and notified them as well.

    I believe it is only a factor in Elite FOW

    Try playing Basic or Veteran FOW and post here if there is a problem.

    I have seen the issue where there is an auto dismount, and I suspect this is new to v1.03 (correct?)

    It appears in Elite FOW when the first unit you try to group select is not a leader or a commander with C2 to all subordinate units so they turn into ?'s when the first one becomes selected?

    (correct? are we talking about the same bug? if so they officially know about from a beta tester)

    Are the problems you are posting about in this thread evident in Basic or Veteran FOW?

    I believe I have group selected in Veteran FOW with no problems (but I should re-check that.)


  10. FOW is the fog of war level, sure Veteran is the correct answer..

    Basic Veteran and Elite are Fog of War levels not necessarilly "difficulty levels" it has more to do with realistic spotting, and reporting and C3/C3 behavoir for each unit.

    any way...

    I just played Wadi Scouts right through to the bitter end and went 8 mins over time only to lose a minor defeat as the US, because I did not read the mission objectives correctly, but sorry to say it did not crash. :(

    No problem, we can't save RealTime battles, the beta testors used to have "debug" version of the game code that would spit out a bug file when carshing in realtime, to track bugs, but I am now playing the same non-debug (release) version as you are, so no sorry there is no save game and no bug file.

    The autosave feature is much requested but I understand it is technically imposible at this point (I believe that was the last answer to the auto save feature request)

    I might like to suggest you might want to edit the title of your thread and call it "V1.03 crash or game crash or crash to desktop" or something with "crash" in it... ;)

    (trust me they do take these things seriously)

    thanks for the update

    tom w

    [ August 31, 2007, 07:23 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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