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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Hi Kitty New Screen Shots of CMBB is whats new Speculation about the release date of CMBB is new The modeling contest for CMBB is new BUT you are not new to all of us here who know you welcome BACK -tom w
  2. Some one must have surely already figured this out BUT if there are multipleskins/textures on buildings now maybe partial rubble will look something like this: (Only WAY better!) (After Partial destruction texture swap....) Before Partial Destruction: this should be easy to do by using more and more pink transparency in the Wall .bmps that make up the building as it becomes progressively more destroyed. This is possible now in CMBO BUT then all the buildings look destroyed of "pinked -out" if you start you use transparency on their walls not just the ones you want to see as partial rubble. If there is a different texture for the building to show it in a more destroyed state, why not design walls and roof textures with lots of that lovely transparent pink in them to show the partial walls and roofs missing. the above effort was a quickly mocked up photoshop trick using an image from Tom's Bulge mod and some new rubble pasted in from the new CMMB pics to simulate a building in partial decay. OK I know its rough but I just wanted to try to quickly simulate some transparency on partially destroyed building walls. Yes, it looks real ugly but the potential for partially destroyed buildings in CMBB may be on the WAY!! your comments.. {Hi Dan, Hope you don't mind I "re-purposed" your CMBB rubble for this demonstration. (Good looking RUBBLE by the way!)} -tom w [ March 02, 2002, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. I'm curious about that my self???? maybe somthing like this: ok its a lousy pic but you get the idea I'm sure you have all seen good pics of WWII rubble in the streets from partially destroyed buildings. -tom w [ March 01, 2002, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. OK Thanks for the update Like I said it was more of a philisophical/principle issue if you know what i mean as it does not affect me, up here in Canada Thanks for the prompt reply -tom w
  5. Somehow this seems like it is not in keeping with the BTS manifesto and the true spirit of CMBO in the begining there was ONLY one disk and it had BOTH platforms on it. now CMBO is availabe in retail outlets in a box on a shelf and it is PC only? I am not a European customer so this decision does not really affect me personally but I must say I am dissappointed the Loyal Mac following in Europe has been deprived of the opportunity of a retail purchase. I'm sure there is more behind the scenes to this one than I can imagine, but still it just seems like a real SHAME when the original offering was dual platform as it had the installer for BOTH Macs and PCs on the game disk..... :confused: oh well -tom w [ March 01, 2002, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  6. Doh! AOL is your problem This may not be widely known but it has also been refered to as A-HOLE service.... use your imagination -tom w
  7. "It’s moving, shooting military history." AND it works as promised (mostly :cool: ) AND it is CROSS platform Macs and PC's play Head to Head NO PROBLEM AND it is no more expensive than other poorer quality games. AND it is the graphic elements are user modifiable AND therefore it can be made nicer and prettier if one so desires AND it has a built in Map Editor to allow players to create their own maps and scenarios. AND they patch it promptly when there something is obvioulsy wrong with the game that they did not intend in the first place. AND it has a GREAT community of military history nuts that follow it on a GREAT forum Bulletin Board to keep track of whats new! WHAT more could we want? (Well CMBB I guess? Doh!) happy happy -tom w
  8. They might have said late 2nd quarter but they said "early summer" I guess that could mean sometime in June??? Summer in the northern hemisphere does not OFFICIALLY start until the longest day of the year on the summer solsitice June 21. So thats pretty close to that other June 22 guess. -tom w
  9. check your e-mail at: hijackgmh@prodigy.net for a nice surprise -tom w</font>
  10. check your e-mail at: hijackgmh@prodigy.net for a nice surprise -tom w
  11. Um... it was called IronMan rules before Franko formalized into a complete rule set... -tom w [ February 27, 2002, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  12. You will be assimilated by the CM Borg and you will be addicted to the game. the intiation process begins by desiring the FULL CMBO experience after we tease you mericelessly with the DEMO then you order you can ONLY get the satisfaction of the full version by ordering direct from BTS which means you have to wait for your game to arrive in the mail THEN you are hooked then you get it and start playing and NOTHING else in your life matters as much as your next FIX of CMBO Sound like fun ??? So.... Ready to send in your credit number now? the sooner you order the full game the less time you will have to wait for your first REAL fix other than the fleeting experience of fiddling around with the DEMO -tom w
  13. So when will we see CMBB?? NOT anytime in April 2002 thats for sure! OK any guesses on how much time they will need AFTER March 31 to Finish the game off? I say at least 2-3 months We'll be lucky to see the game sometime in June 2002 now Bummer -tom w
  14. Tom - you are right. A clockwise rotating swastika is an ancient symbol of life and harmony, used by several cultures throughout history. The Nazis took this symbol and then reversed it to reflect their ideology, so you may be assured Mr Sakai that if you see an anti-clockwise swastika it is a Nazi symbol every time.</font>
  15. I know nothing about flags. BUT I though the Nazi's inverted the swastika when they "adopted" it. any acient use of thaat symbol like that which Iron Chef Sakai is refering to (do not beleive that is from the 2nd world war. The swastika before the nazi's got a hold of it was a universal good luck symbol in many cultures. You can find swastikas in ancient jewish temples) would show an inverted or backwards swastika to the one shown in the photo. No? -tom w
  16. Ooops Lucy!! Lucy you got some 'splain'n to do! -tom w
  17. OK this is priceless Question: "How often do you play Combat Mission?" Answer: "oh, about once a day FOR THE WHOLE DAMN DAY!" now thats the ONLY way to play! -tom w
  18. Yes "The only thing we now hafto to change is that sugar coating on the tank treads. It looks like whip cream instead of the muddy snow in which this mod is based on." Right, we need REALLY muddy Tank tracks, all those whipped cream white flakes on the tracks now don't do justice to that GREAT mod. I agree totally. is there a Mud track mod out there or does it require a another artist's time? (I figure Tom is probably pooped out by now ) -tom w [ February 24, 2002, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  19. In the scenario editor, go to Perameters, and check the box that allows defending tanks to dig in. Then, click on a tank and hit space. This will bring up the menu, which will now contain a "Dig in" command. If you want to simulate tanks that have prepared hull down positions that they can move away from, use a short section of wall in front of the tank. This will have the same hull down effect as digging in, but the tank will still be able to move. </font>
  20. IN some Scenarios when the german's are on Defense one of the options in the set-up for vehicles is to dig-in this is set by the scenario designer. check out the map editor and play with it if you like. I do not know of a specific "last ditch German as the defender scenario" off hand but I'm sure someone here can post a scenario that will let you dig in vehicles. -tom w
  21. OK there is problem with the panthers, true BUT as for the gamey force mix this not a battle it was more like a work of art for me to put some nicely modded winter German tanks together for a photo shoot (this is just me playing around in the map editor making pretty pictures NOTHING more ) REALLY this not a real battle or scenario or anything its JUST a bunch of nice pictures/units/mods I thought I would share since it took ALL day to get Tom's mod to work out right. ALL these mods and all these screen shots are taken with 8 megs of VRAM on a Mac G3 laptop. there are plenty MORE here if you are interested: Its a frame with ALL the thumbnails down the left side, just click a thumbnail and it will pop into the center, the first one does not load correctly when you visit the site for the first time I am HAVING more fun playing with this new mod than actually playing the GAME! this is like getting a WHOLE new game for FREE! BTS should hire TOM!!!!! (The Bulge Mod Tom He should be FAMOUS by now!) -tom w
  22. OK! Thanks for the IDIOT proof instructions! Here is what it looks like now: more new ones here: pics: how's that Thanks for all the HELP!! It looks GOOD now! -tom w [ February 24, 2002, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  23. Thanks for the update What EXACTLY did you do? Rename them? When you say "I didn't change the size of the bmpeez but I just manually changed the bitmaps" what do you mean? What is the EASY way on a mac to fix this problem? Thanks -tom w
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