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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. well I'm happy he was "outed" now I will know who not to play against! thanks for the heads up -tom w
  2. Two things.. #1 What about vehicles? Won't it look odd to see a single soldier when it was a Panther a moment before it went behind that tree line? #17B5 In CMBB there is now a hot key toggle that will disable all game aid graphics which include targeting lines, the compass rose, padlocked unit outlines, TRP's and spotted markers in the action playback mode. Flags and bases can be turned off normally. Madmatt</font>
  3. its in beta phase, OH! I should add here that Bfamily did the work on the mod and sent me the files, I just installed them in my game and posted a few screen shots..... these are pics from playing as the Germans. This is what the Marker looks like now: http://homepage.mac.com/tcw/MarkerMOD_By_Bfamily/PhotoAlbum3.html how's that? -tom w [ April 08, 2002, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. thats a GREAT idea Some one should mod those unit markers into a generic Allied soldier (just one) and a generic Axis soldier (just one) and use them instead of the nationality identifier unit marker. I would assume they would show up WITHOUT a base (I always play with bases on )so they would be immediatly identified as just a marker for "There used to be an enemy unit here" GREAT IDEA!! When will the mod be ready? -tom w
  5. did this issue get mentioned in this thread? if not it should have: Andymdb Junior Member Member # 6169 posted April 07, 2002 02:23 PM hi all, how about waypoints for more than just one unit at a time? It is restricting and the selecting every unit in an area for specific movement is time consuming. It would solve mass movement around larger obstacles. Any takers? If this has been addressed before please accept my apologies. Andy
  6. still a great thread any more hints anywhere from Matt? -tom w
  7. The german 20 mm gun is VERY hard to spot no question about that. What I find interesting is that the game is designed so well as to keep them REALLY hard to spot. They seem to be an order of magnitude HARDER to spot than any other unit on the battlefield. I know ahistoric play balance is not a consideration here, but why don't the allies have some similiar weapon that is THAT hard to spot? Do they? I don't think so. Maybe other guns and weapons should be harder to spot like the German 20 mm gun? It sure is a VERY effective weapon, it has a distinct sound and it scares the CRAP out of me when I play the Allies and I hear that distinctive rat-a-tat-tat!! What do the Allies have that can do what the 20 mm German gun can do? -tom w
  8. good thread but it needs to have AI in the title other wise it is likely to be over looked my most folks here -tom w
  9. in CMBO Tanks will "pop Smoke" right away when threatened by somthing big and dangerous. did the Tac AI just make your Tanks automatically pop smoke and retreat? -tom w
  10. May the Wheel of Good Fortune turn in your favour. Best Wishes and GOOD LUCK thanks for EVERYTHING! -tom w
  11. So I was curious.... hm.. "Boolean Decision Trees" I wonder???? so I look it up in a web search... this page comes up http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/article/31010 OK this stuff looks SERIOUSLY complicated maybe we need some of these Boolean Decision Trees in CMBB???? Yeah Right !? can anyone here make any sense out of this article its seems VERY academic and geeky to me? -tom w Average-Case Lower Bounds for Noisy Boolean Decision Trees William Evans, Nicholas Pippenger Abstract. We present a new method for deriving lower bounds to the expected number of queries made by noisy decision trees computing Boolean functions. The new method has the feature that expectations are taken with respect to a uniformly distributed random input, as well as with respect to the random noise, thus yielding stronger lower bounds. It also applies to many more functions than do previous results. The method yields a simple proof of the result (previously established by Reischuk and Schmeltz) that almost all Boolean functions of n arguments require $\Me(n \log n)$ queries, and strengthens this bound from the worst-case over inputs to the average over inputs. The method also yields bounds for specific Boolean functions in terms of their spectra (their Fourier transforms). The simplest instance of this spectral bound yields the result (previously established by Feige, Peleg, Raghavan, and Upfal) that the parity function of n arguments requires $\Me(n \log n)$ queries and again strengthens this bound from the worst-case over inputs to the average over inputs. In its full generality, the spectral bound applies to the "highly resilient" functions introduced by Chor, Friedman, Goldreich, Hastad, Rudich, and Smolensky, and it yields nonlinear lower bounds whenever the resiliency is asymptotic to the number of arguments. Key words. fault-tolerance, reliability, noisy computation, error-correction
  12. First Off I know NOTHING about programing or AI so to comment here might risk appearing foolish. since that has never stopped me before I won't let it stop me now Would it be possible to program the AI to be more interested in destroying enemy forces then concentrating on holding objective flags? It seems perhaps too simple to just say: i) Scout enemy units, ii)use max available firepower and iii)destroy all enemy units. Again that seems WAY too simplistic but maybe the AI could have a little more "killer instinct" written in to attempt to destroy the opposing force. That said, the AI will defend very well. If you set up the units in a good defensive posture and ask the AI to defend it does defend admirably. -tom w [ April 04, 2002, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  13. you can see some nice Mods here mostly the terrain is Tom's Bulge mod there are all kinds of other vehicle modes in there too check this out I think they are pretty shots: http://homepage.mac.com/tcw/PhotoAlbum2.html -tom w
  14. AND that is a BIG one so that Pillboxes are not treated like Vehciles for LOS purposes. Ever try to hide a unit (AFV or inf doesn't matter) behind a CONCRETE pillbox??? GUESS WHAT? both your units and the enemy's units can see and fire RIGHT through that Pillbox, same for ALL vehicles EXCEPT those on Fire and Smoking, and then only Smoke blocks the LOS you can STILL fire right through that dead AFV as is does not block LOF. Funny this list got this long before anyone mentioned that issue. It would be nice to see turret ring hits modeled too as we know tank gunnners aimed for the turret ring. -tom w [ April 03, 2002, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  15. "Randomize ALL command delay & LOS numbers. And command delay for ALL orders. That is, command delay for a Veteran squad would average 13 seconds. Sometimes, it might be 14 or 15 seconds. Sometimes, it would only be 12 or 11 seconds." I really like that idea More randomness and more fog of war over all. You can sort of get that effect now by playing GREEN troops but a more random pattern to the way orders are giving and acted upon would make the "mircomanagers" and "Min/Maxers" cringe even more so I like it! -tom w
  16. My candidate for the BEST SUGGESTION yet: * More hours in the day BTS get to work on that right away would you -tom w
  17. 1) Terrain Fog of War (and of course relative spotting) 2) Model the Dud rate for all ammo (NOT every round always exploded as they do in CMBO) tom w [ April 02, 2002, 11:42 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. sorry but I could not help myself if you like lego you will LOVE this site: http://www.brickmania.com/gallery_war_machine.html http://www.brickmania.com/gallery/Tiger.html featuring: now thats a Lego Tank Gallery!! -tom w [ April 02, 2002, 07:51 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  19. "Ok i re-downloaded the game" Do you own the game? Did you buy the CD from BTS? enquiring minds want to know? -tom w
  20. you can't just go around it if you can't go around it make another plan -tom w
  21. quickly there is no wind effects at all in CMBO so don't worry about that FOR CMBB it seems that there will be wind effects but the only thing we "think" we understand from what they have already stated is that the wind will blow smoke and make the fires spread in a specific direction now so far there has been no official comment on the wind effects on accuracy and targeting in CMBB?? -tom w
  22. SCREW the Pershing if you suspect HEAVY armour and you are to play the ALLIES you MUST have the 76mm Main weapon and hope to hell you get lots of HVAP tungsten. Take M18's and and M10's and LOTs of them, And lots of M8's and load them up with 'zooks. As the allies you do not need heavier tanks, you need lots of light fast tanks with the 76mm main weapon then you sacfrice a few of them to get flank shots. in a 5000 pt battle against 10 panthers I would LOAD up on M18's (speed and 76 mm) and M8 Greyhounds (speed and 37mm IT CAN kill a Panther with a clean flank shot!) and LOTS of 'zooks, And put them everywhere on every vehicle. Forget slugging it out with the Pershings they are too expensive to be able to get enough of them to do any good against 10 Panthers. -tom w
  23. well I wonder about this....... In CMBO there is special sound only the KT makes when the gears grind to a halt I have never heard it it does not happen very often.... BUT I think it is a real mechanical breakdown? thats why I posted this thread tanks did breakdown during combat but mostly they would break down on the way to or from combat as I understand it -tom w
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