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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. (and David Bowies). I think you should all wish Elvis a happy birthday......not me damnit..I stole my moniker off of Elvis Costello ..I'm talking about the King....Thank you..Thank you very much
  2. I just had the same thing happen to me. I have it saved. Moon, I'll send it to ya if you want....and Torque if you're reading this count yourself very lucky [This message has been edited by Elvis (edited 01-06-2000).]
  3. SOMEONE GIVE THIS POOR GUY A NEW SCENERIO!!!STAT!!It'll keep his hands busy (I could use one too while you're at it)
  4. This guy is putting out about one new post every thirty seconds. That must be some kind of record.
  5. Capt...you gotta calm down dude. Check out Matt and Fionns screenshots on flamethrowers at CMHQ.
  6. Sacrificing of vigins is always fun. The hard part is finding one.
  7. Fionn- That was my biggest fear. We are heading into dark times until the release. And that seems so much further away now than before Christmas (Steve, thanks for saving that update till today so that I was at least able to enjoy Christmas).
  8. Steve, Just read your posts. Hope your well deserved vacation is going well. I am with you, ship no game until its time. Meanwhile how bout throwing us a holiday bone. Like a new scenerio? Thanks for all your work.
  9. SS is right...Peng is just being a fun loving guy. His biggest problem is that he is a cutrate hack and has distracted himself so much with his own taunting that he has been smoked on every field of battle that he has ever entered. Hang your head Peng.
  10. Merry Christmas...God bless us..everyone [This message has been edited by Elvis (edited 12-24-99).]
  11. Nothing gets my Irish up during the holidays more than the crazed whinings of a couple of limp wristed,peace loving bleedings heart liberals. Their kind can really get a guys shorts in a bunch. And at Christmastime no less.......boy do I wish I had a new scenerio for Christmas to keep myself away from those two.
  12. Thanks for watchin my back SS..I would have been stoppin him last night via icq,but he did so much crying after the thrashing he took saturday night that I felt he needed a few days off to decompress. Elvis "I'll be stringing MrPengs entrails on my Chritmas tree" out
  13. ALWAYS turn based dude....as god intended...I wouldn't have it no other way
  14. OK ..now I'm jealous..how do I get geforce?. How much can I expect to pay (US)?Is it just an update for my TNT?
  15. Kid...were you hammered when you typed that?
  16. Like you I got my new system a couple of months ago with CM as the prime motivator. i also have the TNT and it works great. I don't know much about the geforce but if is a lot more money it might be overkill. My thinking when I got my system is get the most tricked out system that is in your budget because if you cut a corner it will be outdated in 4 months instead of 6.
  17. I love you BTS guys!!!...but I really hate Mr. so called NNNIIII PENG (did I just say Ni in a public forum...sorry)
  18. Just got married last June and I am fortunate that my wife not only understands my wargamming ways but has tried her hand at CM. Last night she VOLUNTEERED to give up the desktop to me for CM and use the laptop to write her 30 page paper for school. Doug and Rick last time I was single it I hated it so I know what you're talking about. So count me among those who don't envy the single life. And Doug I'll play ya some PBEM if you want.
  19. I fear the point of my post has been misunderstood. Sorry folks. PS......please give us a new scenerio for chistmas!!!
  20. I MUST have the full product....I was really saying you might not want to give too much away for nothing in the demo. I still haven't gotten tired of playing the demo and I've had it for two months.If the final version of the game came out today and it was just a cleaned up version of the demo it would be the best computer game I ever owned. My head will probably explode when I see the final version.
  21. I am about to say something that will be very unpopular......I have found the current demo to be so replayable that if I was BTS when I released the gold demo I would include no new scenarios at all. The current 3 scenarios have fufilled the purpose of a demo. They have clearly shown everyone who has played it the depth and long lasting playability of this game. I am afraid for BTS that if they give to much that there will be a portion of people that will not feel the need to buy the full version if they get another couple of scenarios to play. The gold demo should be nothing more than a cleaned up version of the beta demo. Having said all that.....I preodered the game a while ago and am chomping at the bit for a new scenario or 2..it would make a lovely christmas present (I know this goes against everything I said before it but just because I see the logic in my initial statement doesn't mean I can't beg for a new scenario. I am a very selfish person.)
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