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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. There is no other reason to own a gun than to have it to blow someone else away. Thats what they were invented for and since they dont dispense candy, compute complex mathmatical calculations, end world hunger, or make Metallica sound as good as the 80's, that is still thier only purpose. And going to the range is fine, but in a combat situation you dont want to switch midway through from say a gun you are comfortable with to something that you cant hit the broadside of a barn with. So when on the range, use what you are planning to use if a situation arises.
  2. There is no other reason to own a gun than to have it to blow someone else away. Thats what they were invented for and since they dont dispense candy, compute complex mathmatical calculations, end world hunger, or make Metallica sound as good as the 80's, that is still thier only purpose. And going to the range is fine, but in a combat situation you dont want to switch midway through from say a gun you are comfortable with to something that you cant hit the broadside of a barn with. So when on the range, use what you are planning to use if a situation arises.
  3. Only reason to go to a range is to get more proficent with that weapon. If the gun you prefer is a SIG, why get comfortable with a weapon that is going to throw off your balance and accuracy. This can affect you in that time you need it most.
  4. Only reason to go to a range is to get more proficent with that weapon. If the gun you prefer is a SIG, why get comfortable with a weapon that is going to throw off your balance and accuracy. This can affect you in that time you need it most.
  5. Only reason to go to a range is to get more proficent with that weapon. If the gun you prefer is a SIG, why get comfortable with a weapon that is going to throw off your balance and accuracy. This can affect you in that time you need it most.
  6. What is the point of buying a gun for the range? You should just buy another SIG for that as there is no point if you dont find the new one to be as accurate. And spending $880 for a used weapon you find heavy isn't so smart. Buy your wife something and stick to what you know and trust.
  7. What is the point of buying a gun for the range? You should just buy another SIG for that as there is no point if you dont find the new one to be as accurate. And spending $880 for a used weapon you find heavy isn't so smart. Buy your wife something and stick to what you know and trust.
  8. What is the point of buying a gun for the range? You should just buy another SIG for that as there is no point if you dont find the new one to be as accurate. And spending $880 for a used weapon you find heavy isn't so smart. Buy your wife something and stick to what you know and trust.
  9. A banana? A mans fruit I hardly think there Steve. You have been in the woods too long.
  10. A banana? A mans fruit I hardly think there Steve. You have been in the woods too long.
  11. A banana? A mans fruit I hardly think there Steve. You have been in the woods too long.
  12. Cabe, First off welcome aboard. Second, its apparent you are a newbie just for your lack of thin skin. This community can get rather heated at times. I didn't from Jasons post think he was being an ass, he just told you what you somewhere deep down already knew. I mean this is your first game against a human. Did you think you would be Rommelistic and win 95-5? But keep playing. Lots of the games here end in draws or near draws, which in a certain respect is the best way to go.
  13. You may be able to get it cheaper. Its a nice weapon, better than your USP. I would suggest you atleast hold it to make sure it fits comfortable and you feel the balance.
  14. You may be able to get it cheaper. Its a nice weapon, better than your USP. I would suggest you atleast hold it to make sure it fits comfortable and you feel the balance.
  15. You may be able to get it cheaper. Its a nice weapon, better than your USP. I would suggest you atleast hold it to make sure it fits comfortable and you feel the balance.
  16. Thanks Scott I appreciate the feedback. And I agree with you on viewing skills. Some planes are outfitted with escort skills or bomber interception skills in some of the camps but its just a matter of luck if you pick the right one.
  17. The manual is going to be sweet? Will it be made of candy? I want mine in a caramel and chocolate flavor please!
  18. Now in CMSF, that would just make your day to have a barrage hit like that!
  19. Even being in the near vicinity of an arty barrage at Ft Campbell when you arent the target elicts the oh **** comments. Cant even fathom what it must have been like on the Eastern Front in WWII with the Stalins Organs (The commie one, not our resident sheep accoster )playing on your fortification if you were the target.
  20. Dont they make you sign the general NDA when you become a tester? And if you do this "one day a week" in real life, how is it you think people who place bombs to terrorize non-combatants are not evil? If they placed a WMD instead would that upgrade them in your eyes? Yes I am a beta tester I wonder if I am allowed to say that? No one else seems to have mentioned it! Hope im not saying something im not Anyways, I think I took offense to your comments too easily. But I just dont like generalization comments where one side is good and one side is bad Even in Iraq this is not true. You see on the news where a car bomb kills scores of innocent people. But that does not nessacarily make the side that placed the bomb evil. It is a chaoitc confused situation where desperation has taken hold and some men are doing what they think is right to grab power. Power in that part of the world means your ethnic/tribal/religious group is not being slaughtered by another thnic/tribal/religious group that is in power. That is a very hard thing to understand in the West but I think we have to understand it since we are now directly connected to that part of the world. Even if we do not understand it, we have to understand that it is making some men whom under normal circumstances are pretty balanced intelligent men into men who will take up arms and kill. That is a very powerful thing. And since I do not understand it I have to try and get control of my gut reaction and western upbringing and not declare such a thing as 'wrong' or 'evil' Anyways I dont want to get this off topic which I think I already have I guess since this is what I do at work at least one day a week it carries over into other parts of my life </font>
  21. Who says this is going to be a cakewalk? If you think like that, then the Germans would have walked over everyone in CMx1. Remember according to all the information, the Syrians have quite a lineup to make up for your percieved deficencies in quality of equipment. Also you have to remember that most scenario designers are going to have the Blue Forces on the attack which means that the Red player is going to become a very good ambusher. Add that to liberal force specific objectives and this game isnt such a cakewalk. Plus I am betting the AI is going to be improved, especially if the AI is a player who knows how to use the IED's. Yeah... Even if the vast majority of the encounters in a given conflict are extremely one-sided, we can always play the exceptional ones. The interesting ones. The great thing about the new victory conditions is that they can level the playing field a great deal. To win a scenario a "vastly superior" force won't just have to win, it'll have to get a vastly superior win. </font>
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