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Everything posted by Mace

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I think it's time for an executive council meeting of the Committee on UnCessPudlian Practices<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I am not a Communist!!! Whoops, sorry! Wrong witch-hunt. Mace
  2. Oh fer fugs sake!!!! (notice the clever use of phonetic spelling here). I'm sorry, I must have confused the members of the MBT with a fuedal order of Kinnigets where a tourney was frequently used for entertainment (something about decapitation and limb loss to draw the babes)! The majority has spoken! Shame that the majority are perhaps a few bob short of a quid, and collectively have less IQ than a moronic maggot. Mace
  3. This is a nice challenge, well sort of: ******PROPOSAL******************** Are you men/women or a you...? (umm too obvious) I propose a right royal cesspool joust, the winner of which will be declared Chapter commander for a period yet to be determined! Some points (like the ones on your heads): ii) I will administer it (hence I am exempt), X.X) Lorak will publish the results 4.6) the competition will be by knockout alpha) opposing players will be determined by my administrative staff (my two daughters who are of course quite intelligent and attractive because they come from good stock, me!!) twelve) Scenarios will be developed for this purpose, those involved in scenario development will be exempt. XVI) Participants must have at least one record of combat on Lorak's tombe. 2.7.8a) Any SSN or Serf who wins the overall tourney will be kiniggitted because we all dont want a smug SSN/Serf, but we can tolerate smug Kiniggits. That's it! What say you cesspoolers? Mace
  4. ******PROPOSAL******************** Are you men/women or a you...? (umm too obvious) I propose a right royal cesspool joust, the winner of which will be declared Chapter commander for a period yet to be determined! Some points (like the ones on your heads): ii) I will administer it (hence I am exempt), X.X) Lorak will publish the results 4.6) the competition will be by knockout alpha) opposing players will be determined by my administrative staff (my two daughters who of course quite intelligent and attractive because they come from good stock, me!!) twelve) Scenarios will be developed for this purpose, those involved in scenario development will be exempt. XVI) Participants must have at least one record of combat on Lorak's tombe. 2.7.8a) Any SSN or Serf who wins the overall tourney will be kiniggitted because we all dont want a smug SSN/Serf, but we can tolerate smug Kiniggits. That's it! What say you all? Mace
  5. The Peng Challenge threads are the A movies of this board. This spin off is a B grade movie, but it is a Peng Challenge and thus I must appear, as the viewing public and my many fans demand (not to mention the big fat royalty cheque coming my way shortly)! Mace [ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: ARE WE CLEAR GENTLEMEN?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, I'm more opaque, and the gentlemen bit threw me, but..... I think we all understand that our existance is based on the rules of (psuedo) good taste...so can we agree to leave expletives and other topics that could construed as being in poor taste to our alternative cess, or for private email. Mace
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: Besides - the Orzies already did a spot of genocide all on their own without having to lose Bundy..........when was the last Abo hunt???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whoops, someone overstepped the fine line between good and bad taste by a good several thousand miles! Mace
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle: Mace and I have finally seen some blood, all his. However I’m sure he has pleasant plans for my allied hordes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'd like to thank PukeFender for his fine work as chief journalist for the News of the World (NotW) and producing his delightful article 'I drew first blood'!! However, in the interest of journalistic integrity (yes, which is an oxymoron when applied to NotW, and to Pukey's writings), I'd just like to indicate that first blood was in fact 'drawn' when a jeep of his 'sploded during the first couple of turns. I of course look forward to PukeFender's follow up article 'DukeFender: I was the love child of Aliens from Alpha Centuri, and the 3 stooges!' Mace
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: More famous than me?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Who?
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: I'm afraid we will have to get medieval on your blossomy little behind, and turn the real Australians loose on you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *Dusts off favorite Sheep costume* May I? Mace
  11. My research into historic VF relocation Continues: Operation Citadelle, Kursk, 1943 The real reason that Hitler called off the offensive and shipped key Panzer Divisions to the Mediteranian is because the Soviets had the major VF moved from the town of Kursk to Sicily. Unfortunately for the Germans, it was also a high valued VF for the Western Allies, and they happened to be a lot closer to it at the time. In the meantime, the soviets aidropped two smaller VFs to each side of the Kursk Salient and then commenced their counter-offensive. Mace
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Idiot wandering Into The MBT: Gets beaten to death with the snake by angry (are there any other kind?) Poolers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Careful , we don't want to harm dumb animals, the RSPCA (translation: ASPCA) may be watching! Mace
  13. Actual evidence of a VF being moved: BTS, please fix or do sumfink!!! *edited for the Hallibut* [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman: Nabelfloobleflagenwurfengewehr!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gesundheit!!!
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: It is worthy of note that the grand plan of MacArthurs to defend the mainland of Australia was to give half of it away! Oh yes kiddies, long may you stare open mouthed at your monitors as the little known tale of the 'Brisbane Line' is recounted to you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yah, it was proposed that since vital key resources lay roughly south of the proposed line, Half of Australia could be sacrificed. That MacArthur forsaw the arrival of a vital key resource south of the Brisbane Line in the late 50s (ie me), shows the man to be the great visionary he was. Mace
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Oh I think that the rest of the world, particularly the USA, has been CARRYING Australia for some time now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually, Australia *Kneels*, is not only the centre of World, but the centre of the Cosmos! In fact, the Cosmos revolves around Australia! At least it seems like it when ya'v downed a few (translation: partaken of too much beer). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We kept them from being overrun by the Japanese in WW2 after the Australian Middle Command (let's not give them more credit than they deserve) decided the best way to defend Australia was to send all their guys to NORTH AFRICA!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ya nong (translation: You stupid person), We had to slap around the Vichy French at Syria, then stop Jerry in the Western Desert (gave him a clip around the ears at Tobruk, and then stomped on Rommel's corns at El Alemain), then lickity split rush back to Australia to bash Tojo around the ears as he tried to Capture Port Moresby (what the 'ell for, it's a hole?!!). We then found out that the American's wanted to get into the war in a big way, so we said "yeh, alright mate! You do do the hard slog and we'll take it easy downing a few down the beach". (translation: Ok. You attack all the well defended, heavily defended, Japanese held islands. We'll buy a few bottles of beer, enjoy the sun and the beaches, and let YOU do all the fighting) <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We have propped up their economy by watching (with more or less interest) the three (THREE for the love of Gawd) Crocodile Dundee movies and the interminable Crocodile Hunter series on TV (Crickey mate, I've got to be VERY careful here, she's a naughty little girl she is ... Terri ... can you change the baby's diaper?)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Crocodile Hunter is old hat! There is a new force out in TV land and that person is Russel Coight. We look forward to recieving more economic stimulus as the North American's stay glued to the telly (translation: Watch the tube) to see the glory that is Russell! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We here in the CessPool have done our part by allowing people like {shudder} Mace into the Pool ... I'd mention the others but it's a bit early in the day here and my stomach can't handle much upset.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And the Australian Community would like to thank you. If it wasn't for the MBT, there would be a band of Aussie CMers wandering the streets and harrassing the populace while looking for a PBEM. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm ... a little confused right now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm disappointed..that..that is so easy to respond to that I won't even try (However, I'm sure some of my collegues may wish to, and I won't stand in their way). Mace (editted to fix those stupid little HTML thingies) [ 08-05-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: Unlike MG's, VF's are made of light materials with a portable pole, so that one or two men should be able to transport a VF rapidly, and even run with the VF for a considerable distance on the battlefield.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Even now, military technology has miniaturised the VF. However, I would like to see it shrunk even further so that it can be 'inserted' into a 'volunteer' (ie, someone you really, really hate). You can then frustrate the enemy as they try to locate it (QM: "Can't seem to put a finger on it, but the boys on the front are calling for more laxatives"!) , and readily smuggle it through customs when entering another country. ..err...umm...sorry, I always get VFs confused with illicit drugs. Mace [ 08-05-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  18. Correction: It's brewer's droop, not whisky droop, ya nong! Mace
  19. Lorak?! Lorak, get your face out of your dinner and pay attention! Mace: Draw (50 points) Speedbump: Draw (50 points) It has shown that I am as capable as the Brits in getting most of my Armour shot away from underneath me, but still pressing on regardless in the face of adversity (and two Tigers placed to best advantage on top of a hill commanding almost the entire battlefield). However, my "Sh*t, the game's almost over and I haven't done a thing" last 5 minute attack on the 3 VLs resulted in me wresting 2 under my total control, and a combined team of 1 bren gun carrier and M3 h/t were in the prossess of storming the last one when time ran out (oh for 1 minute more). Anyhow, anyone interested in purchasing scrap metal? Mace
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: Perhaps Mace is already dead and has been consigned to MBT Hell for eternity. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My dear Lawyer, I am totally in agreement. I believe that once I descend to its very depths, hanging a left at the river Styx, and bidding a hi to Minos on the way through - "yes Minos i'd prefer the quick sin processing if you dont mind: I have sinned, coveted the neighbour's wife, blasphemed, committed adultery, stole, etc etc etc yadda yadda yadda - can we get a move on with this, I want to check out the debauchery on the 12th level of hell and Parrrrty" I am convinced that he will look at my list of sins, and he will note, with a tear of compassion running down his cheek: "Mace..Macey...mate! You have come to blows with Peng and lost your signature to him; you have been subjected to the posts of Seanachai; you have had to put up with the inane discussions of the various SSNs; you have had to decipher the musings of OGBFABCD; you have worshipped at the catlitter of Kitty; and most importantly you have wallowed in the MBT!!! In all its eternity, there is no punishment here in Hell that can match that amount of self-inflicted suffering...Hell would seemeth liketh a holiday to you! Move along, there is nothing for you here"! So yes I am in hell, and you are the Evil-one's (hi Berli) council!!! Edited to forwarn Berli I am about to retire for the night. He can remind me I am another day closer to my demise tomorrow! Mace [ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  21. 76-2-1) are the other games working (do you play other games)? Sqrt(alpha^x) ) did you delete your old 'combat mission bynd Ovr Pref' file? woot) aren't we glad we're not you! Mace (at bday+1)
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars: BTW, Happy Birthday Mace, did you get the cake with the dancing ewe inside? Check this link and let me know if you need any particular pics. http://www.cafsmw.org/AirPowerDisplay/aircraft01.shtml <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, thanks for the dancing sheep. Mmmmmmmm...grog-porn, I just want to be left alone for a few hours. OK? Mace
  23. I just like to draw your attention that I, now being another year older, *BLAH*, am finding it a bit harder to run with a MG. Why? Because I haven't got one. Anyhow, while good wishes will be appreciated, cash donations will be more so! Mace
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Elvis, you missed 4) Because I Am Psychotic. Or was it Neurotic? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> and add 5) An*l retentive! Mace
  25. Hey Lorak, If Stuka can get a freebie victory against PeterNZ (ex-CMer *shudder*), how about one for the Mace/Check6 battle that has now been in limbo some 3 months? He challenged me here in the pool, I accepted, he has since ceased to both help me with my almost daily CMBO fix and continue to be an annoyance here. Hence I demand a (cheap) victory! Mace
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