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Everything posted by Mace

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Persephone: I give you Beaver Croda. OK, he's not really ugly but he does look like a dork. Persephone<hr></blockquote> If thats what my inner Croda looks like I'm off to see my priest to get that demon fried! btw YK2, been on the turps have you? Mace
  2. IT takes me on average about 2 months to complete 1 kit, and you do it in about 15 minutes! Harumph!!! Mace
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Now, I find it interesting that Janis Joplin was voted ugliest and least talented girl in her school year book.<hr></blockquote> Funny how she continued with these traits until the day she died! btw, Slap, can I point out that Janis is not a Kinnigit of the MBT and thus should not have her name bolded. In fact, she's just a lowely SSN who has a further 7 feet on all the other lowely SSNs. Mace
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: Actually, I've put on a few pounds this year, but I'm still a "whole lotta of lovin' law".<hr></blockquote> Oh, was that YOU working the street corners? Mace
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jd: It is with sadness and trepidation I announce my return..(to deafening silence no doubt.) <hr></blockquote> It is with great trepidation, loathing, gnashing of teeth and wailing that we note your return! I'm not sure whether to welcome back a comrade in arms, or to give the right royal cesspool welcome of SOD OFF? Now excuse me, I have to speak with the serf who was in charge of changing the locks to the front door. Seems he's been a bit remiss in his duties. Mace
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: I am trying to find kits of the rare stuff like Italian AFVs etc. <hr></blockquote> Italeri have Italian AFVs listed in their catalog (probably because Italeri is based in Italy - a bit of national pride). I think the kits are still readily available if you do a hunt. Mace PS Panzer Leader, nice work mate! - have you ever considered given the AFVs a wash with a burnt sienna oil paint/black enamel mix thinned down with white spirit? [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  7. I foresee the casting of a glance by one of the enlightened ones here, and he who is knowledgeable will say "Yea verily, this is interesting but is not for the likes of this forum", and with mighty powers he will move this to the general forum, and the posters and lurkers will, in worship, collectively say: HI MOM!!!! Mace [ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon: .... look, just an observation, but can't we all get along? <hr></blockquote> This is the MBT! We're not supposed to get along. Mace
  9. I of course vote for the one and only Peng who through his antics and drinking, would be an aussie except he's a yank. Mace PS Mr Happy, was the surgery after your run in with Kitty a success?
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: I discovered that all right thinking Australians support the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center and feel the US had it coming<hr></blockquote> Wrong! [seriously]The majority of aussies were appalled by it, so much so that Prime Minister's popularity rating (and he needs all the help he can get) went up when he offerred to send our SAS to Afghanistan. Of course our loony - hard - left immediately held anti-war rallies, set up information booths on why this war is a 'bad thing', established a tent-city and did all the other useless things they do, hoping for the Halcyon days of the Vietnam anti-war movement. The peace march ended up with a low attendance, and they were probably from 'rent-a-protester'! <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Mace seems to be the only Aussies who like us.<hr></blockquote> I have a higher tolerance level then most of my countrymen - probably from prolonged exposure to a yank who attended my high school and become one of my best friends (Hi Brian). I think this is called 'Brain washing'. Mace
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Runyan99: What I really want to know is: will the German tank be able to go head-to-head in a frontal shootout with the Russian tank? Or will the German player be forced to try for side shots? <hr></blockquote> The 50mm equipped PzKpfw III Ausf J is going to have a lot of trouble penetrating the front of a T34/76 A. This was one reason why it's stable mate the PzKpfw IV was upgunned to a (longer) 75mm. Mace
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: any preferances?<hr></blockquote> The stenographers would be nice! Mace
  13. I could read of the wisdom of the Olde Ones for days! So... ...when does it start? Mace
  14. Why do we need a Justicar anyhow? Any decent Kiiniggit knows how to address SSNs, Serfs and Squires correctly. That is with vitriol, scorn and utter contempt, and I for one certainly don't need some future pompous Hitlerite riding my back just because I did A when I should have done B (I got married for that)! Easy Squeezy - let's do away with the job, it's a wanky one anyhow. We, however, do need a trial. I don't care what reason as long as I get to see the stenographers bend over to change their recording tape! *drools* Mace
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Abn_Ranger87: "Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" I offer this response... They are Air Force airplanes, so the above adjectives do not apply to said aeronautical conveyances.<hr></blockquote> I wonder about things. I wonder about the start of the Universe. I wonder why the sky is blue and the Cesspool a icky, yucky brown. I wonder if there's other sentient life out there. But most of all, I wonder how different 'now' would be if something alternative transpired in the past. Dear SSN, you can help me find out by next time jumping out of a plane without a chute. Mace
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Does anyone else picture a bassett hound tugging on the pant leg of a gnome?<hr></blockquote> Frequently! (Hey it's an image I have to maintain. Not a nice image but there you go) Mace
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lorak: 256MB PC800 RDRAM (2 RIMMs)<hr></blockquote> Only 256MB? Must be dreadful being one of the disadvantaged. Mace
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Big Time Software: To do that would create a whole bunch of problems for us, including a major distraction from work on CMBB. And we can't have that now can we?<hr></blockquote> No! We can't have that! Not at all! Back to work! Now! No time to chat! Go on, get!!! *cracks whip* Mace
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mensch: oh ya I forgot that I'm making a scenario for Loudmouth and Stinky here.<hr></blockquote> That's not a very nice thing to say about OGSF. It's true, but it's not nice. Mace
  20. I run around in a multiplayer (well 2 of us, ok?) game of Ghost Recon going "where did that come from?" and then end up bleeding profusely from multiple entry holes! This is soon followed by a sudden demise. Mace [ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  21. I would suggest one way to let AFV modellers know about the competition is for CMers to contact any local model club and let them know about the competition. Also, most model/hobby shops have a notice board handy and if approached will probably be quite happy to display information about the competition. (I've talked the hobby shop I deal with to do an email out to their customers - I've spent so much money in that shop they owe me big time anyway, and it may generate more sales for them anyhow ) Mace
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mensch: wankers<hr></blockquote> No time for that for you, young man! OGSF and I are still waiting for that scenario you promised us a couple of months ago!!!! Mace
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: Bags I the top bunk!<hr></blockquote> Only if you got over your bed-wetting problem. Mace
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns: They're useful for inflating Mace's inflatable sheep. I heard he get's all jealous at the size of the air stem and bites it off when trying to deflate them though. BTW,<hr></blockquote> Time to put things straight! Contrary to rumors spread by some of the community, I don't do 'Inflatable'! Thankewe Mace
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