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Everything posted by Mace

  1. ummm... 6) AC/DC (good) 7) Air Supply (yucky, but at lease we got them out of the country) 8) Little River Band (yucky) 9) Bee Gees (yucky again) 10) INXS (good) 11) Olivia Newton John (what a shiela) Inventions 11) Lawn Mower (hand powered - you don't need it tho really because it's better to sit and have a beer than mow the lawn) 12) Utility motorvehicle (the one with the tray on the back, good for holding lots of beer) 13) Refrigeration Plant (for chilling lots of beer) 14) Electric drill (for making shelving to stand the beer on) 15) Aspro (for helping with the day after) 16) Car Radio (to sing along with, while driving under the influence) 17) Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (probably to analyse the chemical structure of beer) 18) Black Box flight recorder (it was initially designed to be a place to store beer during a flight) 19) Inflatable aircraft escape slide (was really working on inflatable sheep, but was drunk at the time) to be continued (for annoyance value) Mace
  2. Woofers will always be welcomed in the Mace household, especially if he continues to bring beer. Mace
  3. Put your reading glasses on you nordic nong, I said CMBO! And MrSqueeker, that would have to be the worst Kitty impersonation I have ever witnessed. Why I have a good mind to dob you in to her so she'll rip you asunder in that charming way of hers that just warms the cockles of my heart. But I digress, here's a bonza welcome to Roxy (bolded because any shiela who dares to post in the MBT is to be respected for her bravery). Over time you will find there are some wonderful people here that will fill your days with joy - Wonderful people include us Aussies, the Old Uns*, YK2, Persophone and especially that uber-shiela Kitty with whom I find the utmost pleasure in grovelling at her feet, yelling 'oh mistress, hit me once more with the whip, and walk on me with those stilleto heels like the time you...'...Oh, err, sorry got carried away. Yet there are those here that you learn to hate and despise (ie everyone else not listed above). Again, welcome. * yes I respect authority but am also a sycophant. Mace
  4. Miltary gamer online is holding a vote on the most eagerly awaited wargame. CMBB is already ahead, but we really want to leave the others for dead, so cast your vote for CMBB! Mace PS Some folks at a certain competitor's forum have 'fessed up to voting more than once. We don't need to do that now do we? [ August 04, 2002, 05:43 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  5. T34/76 C. It was the variant produced circa 1943. Mace
  6. Mus have been the same bug that affected the outcome of our game as well. *ponders* btw, welcome back, you big brimstone-blowing, hope-destroying, soul-claiming, evil dude, you. Mace
  7. Someone pissed off Warphead so he got mad and showed his teeth. Mace
  8. That would be your southern hemisphere, and the result of too many beans the night before. Mace
  9. Sorry but are you someone worth paying attention to? Probably not. *shrugs* Please direct all concerns re the sheep to my squire, Simon. He will then be only too happy to clean up those 'prairie oysters' (and no doubt serve them up to the others as 'saltanas') Mace [ August 01, 2002, 04:06 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  10. We Aussies are fortunate. We can express all our disgust, despite, contempt, bile and venom in one word only ..... that word being POM! By the way, 'Potential squire'. Quite the little sycophant, aren't we? Mace [ July 30, 2002, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  11. Something you repeat every morning to yourself in the mirror? That's very understandable. Mace
  12. Seanachai, Stuka in a mutual sweaty grope-fest. No wonder I'm having difficulty keeping my dinner down. Mace
  13. I dewe? umm, and I thought you were the one being tardy. Mace
  14. I was wondering what you were doing here myself because it's quite an embarrassment to be singled out and criticised for a lack of spelling acumen. *singles out and criticises* It's wander, you nong!!! Mace
  15. What as, a paperweight? btw, we never employed the ruckus or the spat, we did have numerous punch ups though. Mace
  16. Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi (added solely for annoyance value, to counter good squire's Simon's cheerful and pleasant *shudder* good morning. Simon is such a happy go lucky squire, I do my best in tutoring the lad. 'Fluff my sheep up' I tell him, and he smiles. 'go change the Kitty litter for her next appearance', and he still smiles, even as the fetid fumes waft up to him. But this terrible cheerfullness. Crikey, he's a pom! What does he have to smile about? Can anyone tell me? *sigh*) Mace
  17. Obvious by the Essendon colors. btw. Note the label, Speedy kills. Quite apt. Mace
  18. I just get up, hungover from a Friday night's carousing, and I suddenly have a mental image of Jane Hathaway. Not nice. Not nice at all. Damn you, Boo-Radley. Mace PS btw convention dictates that Jane's name should not be bolded, she's just a SSN as far as the MBT is concerned.
  19. There was discussion about this guy and his 'views' in the newsgroup track-link.news.general about 6 weeks ago. General comments were 'Nice models, but the guy's politics are wacked!' Mace
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