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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Yep, it's a highly trained member of the Special Soviet Seafish unit. Mace
  2. Oh I don't know, I had it down to a fine art with Kitty. Mace
  3. No, but you should return the demo because it does have one fatal flaw.....you posting here! Mace
  4. Justicar Joe Shaw, MrSpkr, all you two seem to do is whinge and whine about the lack of rules. Let's look at this intelligently (I know it's a struggle but do try to keep up): Pi) Outsiders who don't like the MBT aren't going to post here. In fact, they've probably never even going to venture here out of fear of being traumatised and suffering ongoing nightmares as a result. Epsilon) Those that do like us are going to venture in here regardless of the rules, mainly to go look at me, I've posted in the MBT. Aren't I clever and witty! w00t! What's the point of the rules? I for one don't bother reading them and if I ever start another MBT, I'm not even going to waste my time posting them. So........ *RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZ* oh yes, by the way, I'm the person who pointed out our good scribe's Website to Barbella. And from discussions I've had with her, I'm convinced that she is a lady (albut a non CMBO or CMBB playing one) and thus should be welcomed here as much as Persephone and YK2. btw, may your chooks turn into emus and kicky your dunny door in. Mace
  5. It took me a few hours to get used to it during beta testing, but to be honest I think it's one of the better interface innovations of CMBB, and no way do I want to step backwards to the CMBO system. Mace
  6. errr....No. Us movie junkies want to play the action movie over and over again, mainly because there's so much happening on the battlefield (especially relevant on the larger map) and you can't take it in all at once. Disabling the continue button makes it impossible to rewind. Mace [ September 03, 2002, 07:28 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  7. Hell, if they wan't a kick in the yarbles I'll be happy to give them a hand....or is that a boot? Anyhow, It's part of the morale building and good-deeds type thing expected of we Knights of Peng. Mace
  8. Nah, I prefer the CMBB explosion modelling myself. Mace
  9. What's wrong with that? You've been a fake bloke all this time and no one's complained. Nah, I'm betting Barbelle's a she and therefor has the Mace sign of approval. I think the matching paper bag for your head is worth getting. Mace [ September 02, 2002, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  10. HAHAHAHAHA...HAHAHA...HAHAH...EH? He/She/It's kidding, right?</font>
  11. No, but I do run them through the sheep dip on occassion. Mace
  12. And while on the subject of vermin, it's Nesting Let's all give our special MBT welcome to Nesting! .........SOD OFF!! Mace
  13. Sorry, but that's a matter of personal opinion. I think they're great myself. Mace
  14. Thanks for dropping in, Wererabbit, but this place is currently infested with mixamotosis and calicivirus...very dangerous for wee bunnies like yourself. Bye! Mace [ September 02, 2002, 08:35 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  15. *picks up Barbella by the scruff of the neck, stares and ponders* Hmmmm. Ummmmmm.. Aaahhh... Hey, you wouldn't be some shiela would you? Mace
  16. Sorry....I have no idea what you said, must be your accent. Mace
  17. Surprising you had that book. Even more surprising that someone in New Zealand actually stayed long enough at school to learn how to read. Mace PS Noba, I've just put you on my card list so I can ...*scribble scribble*... cross you off.
  18. No. We've all been shipped off to the Eastern Front. Mace
  19. Don't laugh, he's got Telstra bigpond (like me), It explains it all. Mace
  20. Dan would never say that since: 23.7) he's an Aussie himself, and w00t) We'd run him out of town if he did. Mace PS how's the crusade going btw? I hope you get it done by the close of this millenium (although I don't think that's likely).
  21. It's a lovely -50 outside, why don't you leave and take advantage of it. Yep, you had to go post and spoil it for everyone. Mace
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