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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Some here won't be invited though, unless fulfilling an (burning at the stake) entertainment role. Still this isn't bad as it means more booze for us. Mace
  2. I think you may have been more effective by employing 1000 monkeys, buying them 1000 typewriters, and giving them 1000 years to produce that one gem. Mace
  3. That is, if we choose to pay attention. Me? I normally choose to ignore the rantings and ravings of the Justicar (much like one ignores that mewlings of the religious nutcase who yells from the street corner that the end is nigh). Oh..except for this one time. I had to pay attention so I could respond, otherwise I wouldn't be paying attention and thus wouldn't responding because I wouldn't be aware what was said. But I did respond so I had to pay attention in this case. Ahh, there was no confusion on my behalf, my dear Justicar. I knew exactly what I was doing. I was positioning myself to be an annoyance to many of my peers as possible. btw Why do you list your supporters? A sum of zeros is still zero. Mace
  4. Damn your Cabbages!!! You mark my word, we will make coleslaw of your cabbages! Mace
  5. dress wearer! You have left me no option but to use a smiley. Take this you cad: Mace
  6. Sorry to disturb this post, but just hiding out here to catch my breath. There will be a lot of blood letting and distruction and gnashing of teeth in Peng castle and nothing good will come of it! oh my!! Mace [ January 18, 2003, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  7. Crikey, it looks like all the boring, lowly run of the mill, everyday type kinnigets are lining up behind the Justicar (not surprising, bloody useless lot they are anyway). As for the senior kinnniget OGSF, methinks his sporran has cut off circulation to his brain, or whatever he thinks with. The lords and old ones Peng, Seanachai and Berli are the soul of the MBT. The coronation of his most RH, Meeks is their idea. Hence my sword and that of house Mace is with HRH Meeksy. Now, Sir Simon, I expect you to go deal with this riff raff and put down this revolt immediately *shoves Simon forward* Mace
  8. <font size = 1> ..."and then she said, how did you do"... Oh excuse me a minute guys, I'll be right back. Someone at the door. </font> <font size = 7> *GRUNT* </font> Mace smells prey! *drags knuckles along ground* Mace will smash fluffy SSN, unless fluffy SSN looks like little fluffy sheep, then Mace will hug and squeeze and then squeeze and hug fluffy SSN. oh you don't look like a fluffy little sheep! Ok then, <font size = 7> SOD ORF!!!<font> Mace
  9. Hmm. On one hand we have YK2 with feathers ruffled. On the other, we have a tyrant who no doubt now controls the mechanism of governance and is not afraid to use torture and beheading to push through his reforms. Guess YK2 wins (never argue with a female). Mace [ January 17, 2003, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  10. <font size = 7> *CHOMP* </font> <font size = 1> Ewwuuuuu, this hand tastes like ... Malakowski </font> Mace [ January 17, 2003, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  11. He has a Mace and he's not afraid to use it ...errr... me! Alright. Malakovski, you piece of squire horsey doo-doo, why the hell don't you just learn to show respect to your betters. Especially our own very tyrant! *THWACK* oh by the way, my MBT HRH, can you issue an edict that every sanctioned member record their title/status in their signatures. Makes life so much easier sorting the riff-raff from the rabble. Mace
  12. Hmm. On one hand we have the honor of the MBT On the other, we have a tyrant who no doubt now controls the mechanism of governance and is not afraid to use torture and beheading to push through his reforms. Guess his most Royal Highness wins. Mace
  13. He's not? Damn. *thinks* My Liege, can't we just take him down to the lower depths of the dungeon and throw him in the Iron Maiden for half an hour...all in good fun of course. Mace
  14. Sycophant. Btw, my Royal Highness, enlightened one, glowing entity who's intelligence knows no bounds, yada yada yada, where's my estate? Perhaps the Pacific, with the keys to the Royal Sheep Pens? Mace
  15. Not as nifty as the gallows in the background. Can we use it, huh? Can we?!!! Mace
  16. Hasegawa (look at the bottom of the list - was a very nice kit for 'toy' scale) Mace [ January 16, 2003, 03:20 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  17. That's some mighty fine grovelling there. This is an example to all you others how a SSN should behave. Mace
  18. Correction: The SSN's are posting so frequently the rest of us can't get a word in. btw grovel scum. Show some respect for those of a higher cesspool social status. Mace
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