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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Don't look at me. My bladder might be busting but i have common sense enough to give the idiot tree a miss. btw what is a tabpub? does is provide free alcohol? Mace
  2. You guys are great! (oh and the ladies more so) But I'm currently very drunk so I think the alcohol is talking for me. Group hug? Mace
  3. Man...that was beautiful! I've got tears welling up in my eyes! *sniff* What's even more amazing...an ex-marine with the mental capacity to string words together!!! Mace
  4. Crikey! I didn't realise there were Kiwis still living in New Zealand! [bolded in respect to our fellow Anzacs] Mace
  5. Might have cheered up MrSpkr, but it bloody well scared the bejeebers out of me. *sniff* I must have been extremely drunk that night. Mace
  6. Only a poor, deluded Aussie would drink Fosters. (after which real, fair dinkum Aussies would beat the cr*p out of him for touching that swill and being un-Australian). Mace
  7. Excellent news about you mum, Seanachai! Mother's are such understanding people....yours doubly so. Mace
  8. You mean.... us lot is related to you lot?!!! *gack* *gulp* *ggggggaaaAAAAAAAaaaaack* *gulp* Sorry, just trying to swallow the bile that keeps repeating on me. Mace
  9. A charming gentleman, an entertaining conversationalist, well read... these words could be used to be describe Noba...but this would go against convention of us Eastern Coasters ragging on our Western Coast brethren, so I wont use them at all. Honestly though, Noba has once again proven that the typical Cesspooler is a cut above the rest, and it was my pleasure to meet him. Mace
  10. I've now have my Western Australian Colleague, Noba, looking over my shoulder as I type. We will now plan the demise of Seanachai, and look at tanks at Puckapunyal as well. Oh and visit a pub...or two. maybe three Oh and by the way, isn't it dreadful that the rest of you lot don't live in the greatest country of all! Mace
  11. $hitting? Is that an American term meaning physical abuse for money? Mace
  12. Rune, you nong, the use by date in that movie was 30!!!! Mace
  13. You mean this?..... *ponders* I always suspected that Seanachai was easy. Mace
  14. Well I would have spewed my fosters but decent, forthright Aussies don't drink that horses p*ss (nor do I). And I must admit I love my real beer too much to let it escape the confines of my digestive system except via the more conventional way. Regardless, I am now somewhat traumatised and will require psychiatric care for the rest of my life, no doubt. I do enjoy the online company of my USA mates (special g'day for Kitty) as much as I enjoy the friendship of those from other countries (hiya Emma) and the support offered by my friends at such times is warmly recieved and welcomed. Hmmm, I feel a group hug coming on. Mace [ July 17, 2003, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  15. I personally found the previous thread lacking, and the Seanachai sponsored taunts and digs at Australia a disapointment with not one remark causing me any ire. You certainly made up for that with this one comment. HARUMPH In fact, I now hate you so much I've added you to my Christmas card list so I can.... *scribble, scribble* ... cross you off! *cross cross* By the way, our educational system is far superior. So there! Mace
  16. Mr SirReal has learnt the value of not being seen. However he has chosen to reveal his location. <font size = 10> KABOOM!!</font> Mace [ July 15, 2003, 06:47 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  17. Mr. SirReal of Sweden, has presented us with a poser. We do not know which bush he is behind, but we can soon find out. <font size = 10>KABOOM!!!</font> Yes it was the middle one. Mace PS. Isn't blatant plagirisation and theft of intellectual property fun?
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