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Everything posted by Mace

  1. They shop at Walmart for insects, but only if they can't feed off the brains of the living. Mace [ February 08, 2004, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  2. *Runs* <font size = 7> I <font size = 6> bags <font size = 5> the <font size = 4> Saloon!<font size = 3>!<font size = 2>!<font size = 1>! </font> Mace
  4. Yah, it's called a Rose Tattoo concert!!! GAARGHHGRYHHHGRGHGHHHHHHHAAHARHHHRHRHHHRHRR *ears bleed* HGHHGHRGGHGHGHRGHG :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  5. I don't live at the bottom, I live at the top! It's just that some nongs printed the world map upside down!!! Mace
  6. Thank you Michael...I just spritzed a glass of vodka and orange juice all over my monitor! *cleans* Mace [ February 07, 2004, 12:08 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  7. Axel's a limp wristed poof (not that there's anything wrong with that) But here's a real band.... Any band that has an album title TNT should be worshipped!!!! AAAAAAAAAARGHGHGHGHGHGhghghghghghGHGHGhghGhgH! :mad: :mad: \m/ :mad: \m/ :mad: :mad: Mace
  8. Fortunately, your 'thumb over lens' obscuring half the photo adds to the effect. Mace
  9. Ummmmm.... You've never stayed away for a week before...why would you start now? Mace
  10. You know what I think. I think Seanachai's turned into a big girly sook. I also think the sniping between two of the ladies has to stop, both here and elsewhere. Mace
  11. Kitty, you sure made Nevermind complacent!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace [ February 05, 2004, 02:31 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  12. Is this your post mid-life crisis crisis post, or just an extended mid-life crisis post? I guess I should prepare my application for old one, since there seems to be a vacancy now open. Mace [ February 04, 2004, 03:25 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  13. Just purchase the weapon, give me your address, and rent me a car. I promise it'll be quick. =)</font>
  14. Hey!!! I happen to be rich from experience, and I sail the seas of life!!! That counts for something, doesn't it? Mace <font size = 1>yeh, well I've sprung a few leaks at times...but I'm still afloat...sorta!</font>
  15. Seems a constructive use of time (not) ...especially when all he has to do is go out and find a fly-blown sheep, and then enjoy the sight of 1000s of the wee buggers tucking into a bit of sheep flesh. Mace
  16. Assuming he's masculine or human. Axe, I guess you have nothing to worry about then. Mace [ February 02, 2004, 02:20 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  17. AAAAAAAAAAAGHRGHGGRGHGHGRHGHRGHRGHRGHRGHRGRGHGHGRGHGRH!!! Allow me, you festering puss oozed apartment home for retired maggots! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  18. I invited the waffle 30ot6 around for tea, crumpet and a challenge. Especially due to the glowing report he gave us. Perhaps one of you with a lower status would be so kind to oblige? Aces? I think the uber-babe Kitty had a chore for you. Please deal with this 30ot6 in your typical Marine way. And don't forget to chuck some molten TNT his way! He likes that. Mace
  19. This from Mr 'oooh, I made all of 33 posts SSN and think I am therefor great and worthy enough to lead the waffles!' Pffffft! The only challenges we face from the likes of 30ot6 is how to remove his remains from the hard-to-reach crevises of our boots when we unknowingly stomp on him, and whether to acknowledge 30ot6's terminated existance by feeling pitty for his squished maggot-infested carcus after the event! However 30ot6, here's an invitation to drop over to the MBT and challenge someone (Keep away from we seniors kinnigets however. We have better things to do like be pretentious and egocentric). I'm sure someone there would like to decorate the castle wall with your head! Mace
  20. I'll have to disagree with you. you eat a ham sandwich or tuck into roast lamb and you normally don't associate it with a living animal - someone posts a picture of intestines and again, there's no direct association back to the animal it came from. But when you post the picture of the whole animal then there's a 100% association with the animal, and a lot of people get uncomfortable dealing with dead animals. So when some idiot has gone to the effort to make a bad taste joke out of a dead cat in a box by arranging it and taking a photo, it becomes more distateful. Shame you can't understand this. Mace
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