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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Men Of War came on my radar a week or so. Will be interesting to see how it plays. It sure looks nice enough.
  2. Well, QBs sure aren't the greatest introduction to the game. There's plenty of good scenarios, on disc and on CMMODs. Keep a special eye out for Red v Red.
  3. This thread is like an itch you just have to scratch. John, re-read in full the link you posted last. Seriously? You meant to post that? On purpose? :eek::eek: What ever else an article may contain, that digs a shallow grave and shoots rationality in the back of the head.
  4. Okay, that's my patience with the village idiot running out. Kettler, I'm not sure if you are really that stupid and gullible or if this is a trolling exercise but I've had enough of your dishonesty and loopy links. Either way I feel insulted every time I read your garbage. Time to discoversee if that Ignore feature works.
  5. *sigh* John, DU is about as radioactive as a Chinese toy. It's considered pretty poisonous though. Again, like a Chinese toy. I believe it is indeed chiefly responsible for the ill health affecting the soldiers and civilians that were near DU use. But radiation is not what did the dirty deed. Have you read your own 1st link? It's written in complete ignorance of DU or is scandalously deceitful. Seriously, what's up with your bullsh!t filter? And that's the part where the author calls them a bit like mini atomic bombs, later on he calls them that outright. And you surely must now that is bullsh!t. If you ever get annoyed by the ignorance of the general populace, take this opportunity to strike a blow for knowledge and delete that link.
  6. Yeah, any country with "Democratic" in its official name is almost certainly not. If I was given the choice to relocate to one of two countries, Murderania and the Democratic Republic of Daffodil, I'd be applying for Murderanian citizenship with hardly a thought.
  7. Too many variables for such an arc to make sense, Medlinke. Effective with what weapon, with which ammunition type and against what target? Results would differ so wildly it would be unusable even as a general guideline, IMHO. It's perhaps a bit newby unfriendly but I think the new player will just have to learn weapon efficiency from use and observation.
  8. Could've fooled me, Moon. How long since we've had any real info on this? Three years! I find that a bit lacking.
  9. Do you have a surround sound system? Have a look at the settings on your surround system or your software settings. If my stereo gets put in surround mode, directional sound gets goofy on me too.
  10. And there is Generation Kill. That'll inspire a few people. I reckon there's truth to what you say. Especially as there are people on the boards ready to say: "hang on a minute, I was there, and this, that and the other is all wrong." That must be intimidating for a designer. A fictional Syrian scenario would be so liberating by comparison. Besides, there are only a handful of battles that got any airplay in the general consciousness at all. And the popularity of the Iraq war has gone down a lot. It is perceived as 'tainted' and as such it must be hard to motivate yourself to make a scenario for a war everyone is rather embarrassed about and would rather forget. also the fictional war has cooler kit.
  11. LOL, he fell for it, good job everyone. There really is one born every minute. Looking forward to it. I always expected a large proportion of the user made scenarios to be set in Iraq but it never materialized.
  12. I just pause and have a look round, I don't really need what you suggest. I know what's what 90% of the time anyway. I wouldn't mind your suggestion if it was easy to do. If it got in the way of my pet feature though, I'd swim the North Sea and throttle you while you slept.
  13. Hehe, why do you even use that image? We all have it memorized by now, Andy.
  14. While you can not move waypoints you can change their type. Click on the movement you want changed and select a new movement order. The old movement order will be replaced.
  15. Actually Pandur, the demo was set up for Red to take the dive. While it's possible to play as Red and even do well, it's not an accurate insight in typical Red v Blue balance.
  16. 1) What version demo was that? It should say which version it is on the splash screen. The really odd behaviour was rooted out a while ago. Haven't seen anything too weird in a while now. 2)Sadly, that feature is missing and, indeed, much missed too. BFC said this feature would return someday. 3) C'est la guerre. 4)Can't remember the victory conditions. Was there any opposition at that location?
  17. My opinion is that QBs are typically more trouble then they are worth. You can get some fun games out of them, and there are some really good maps available but more often then not forces are not that good, even with 1.08, especially if you want small battles. You can get arty if the force OOB has it, which means larger scale battles. In larger scale battles, balance is typically better too. So a battalion sized battle will have arty if the battalion has arty integral to it's OOB. Which also means no CAS, aircraft not being a big feature of US Army OOBs.
  18. Well, it won't show the 'not updated or read at since your last visit' for me either. And the forum does remove the unread tag even if I haven't read it yet.
  19. 1)They US haveve got by far the better gear and it shows. Doesn't mean the Syrians don't stand a chance, but they have a hard time of it. The real equalizer is in the scoring. There is a greater loss tolerance for the Syrians. Doesn't mean playing as Syrians can't be frustrating. Sometimes you think you are catching the US player with his pants down when lethality accuracy and optics will let you down in the face of a withering US reply. The real gold is, IMO, in Red v Red. Death does not immidiately follow upon being sighted by the enemy, which is a nice change. 2)WEGO works just fine, used to play mostly in it, but recently I am playing more in RT. Just so much more flexible and hands on. Just teach yourself not to be shy of pausing. Initially I found RT too overwhelming with all the things going on. With greater use of the pause button and a better key config, I'm doing fine now in RT. Vastly prefer it for it's pacing. 3)No comment. I rather play then watch a video. Sorry all you video makers, I'm sure they are lovely. 4)Gosh, so many things at launch. If I had to pick one it's going to be infantry not being 'smart' enough to deal with the situations it found itself in. That's been very much improved with minor tweaks here and there. Though I think it's also fair to mention universal disappointment with the QB system, which is still very poor. 5)MOUT? A fair bit better then CMx1, I would say. Buildings are now modelled so much better, greatly enhancing the exprience. Downside is greater detail leads to greater expectations. We've gone from 3 man squad visuals representing 10-12 men to people wanting to see troops peek around corners. House to house fighting it does great. Room to room fighting is not so hot.
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