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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. The Harrier can hardly be called a fast mover. It's used in a CAS role, and as such should be allowed to fire its cannons. The A-10 still does too.
  2. Yup, that's the important thing IMHO. The information is already there, it's just a bugger to interpret. TBH, I want tooltips everywhere telling me everything.
  3. Whoohoo!!! Pirates have started shooting amongst themselves, with three dead reported. Pitty they are muslims, or rum would also be a feature.
  4. Like Shockforce we'll have the choice of real-time and the good old WEGO turn system. There isn't a lot of hard info on it at the moment that I can give you. It's expected to see the light of day in the coming year, though that's not confirmed. Modules will expand it to include Commonwealth and then go beyond the Normandy fighting. Market Garden, maybe Ardennes.
  5. Echo, you have asked when 1.10 was coming before, though I guess you didn't like the answer. Here's a suggestion: why don't you just leave and spare us your negative attitude. You and I both know you won't be pleased by anything at this point, so what's the point of you hanging out here and spreading bad vibes.
  6. Have you tried Marco Bergman's font mod? And might I add it is just a few posts below so I'm thinking the trouble reading isn't just the fault of the font.
  7. Customer 1: WTF, why is that vehicle following the road!!! Customer 2: WTF, why isn't the vehicle following the road!!! BFC: GAH!
  8. The next CMx2 title is going to revisit normandy '44. US v German initially.
  9. How about the ultimate: nigger Well, that's a surprise. About the crudest word I could think off gets a pass? It's not like we discuss rap music around here.
  10. Are you sure that's the DL code and not the e-license code?
  11. Yeah, that was more or less what I was thinking. It would've been better if the meteorite was a more "Oops, didn't see that one coming" size. Something that big was a bit overkill.
  12. Uhm... that's what the buddy ais system is there for. Park a unit close by and they'll most likely pick up any weapons they fancy. As to the likelihood of Javelin crew getting shot first, this has been mentioned before. I strongly suspect it's people taking more note of Javelin crew losses then ordinary losses. but I'll keep an eye out for it. Truth is, I don't lose a lot of Javelin operators. I forgo the specialist bonus and give Javelins to my MMG crews and the HQs. The MMGs should be in some form of overwatch position at the back with reasonable LOS. The HQs with Javelins supply AT firepower up front but since they are operating behind their squads they run fewer risks.
  13. Nope, modules won't be released retail. You can chose to purchase it via snail mail. You might want to consider pre-ordering to save some money, though with imminent release you'd better be quick. Or just purchase the download only version. It's cheaper.
  14. Special as in rubber walls and a padded helmet, I assure you.
  15. I would've thought that Mac users would have gotten used to paying more then they should.
  16. Wow, that's quite an illegible post you have there. Try dialling it down?
  17. Don't be silly RuhrRiver. That'll never work outside of an election year. BFC would have just a few weeks to hire thousands of people and run up a debt of tens of billions of dollars. Any debt lesser then that and the feds won't cough up. It has to be tens of billions. Sorry. Maybe in four years, eh?
  18. Errrr, yes you could. You guys included Crete as a separate theatre, remember? Get some sleep Steve.
  19. Correct, there was a building skin that showed builings as damaged. In CMSF, before a collapse occurs there is typically a hole in the wall before there is a collapse.
  20. The destruction of buildings is much better then in CMBO/BB/AK . You can now destroy different floors. Destroy the top of a building only or shooting out the bottom or middle section, the building will be damaged in different ways and may or may not collapse fully.
  21. cabal23, you are very unclear. What do you mean, unsupported? They'll not go patching it forever, no. As I understand it, CMSF2 would simulate modern combat in a temperate climate. Want a sim that does desert warfare, there's this neat little game that does that. It's called CMSF. Not the opensource chesnut again. I don't see why BFC would want to compete with an open source version of their own engine. And in anticipation of "It worked for Valve", I will pre-emptively point out that's an entirely different and colossal market. Only CMx1 might not actually compete with new CM products. But what's in in for BFC? I doubt it will generate enough sales to make it worth their effort of getting CMx1 ready for open source. And all the work that would go in to that won't go into CMx2 products. People may wonder why I argue the BFC side of things. Well, it's not because I'm a beta tester lackey. It's because I love the Combat Mission franchise, and if BFC can't get a return on investment, they'll go bust and we'll never see a new CM.
  22. Sadly no, troops don't gain any experience. Define effective. People tend to have overly optimistic expectations of what snipers can/should do. They want their snipers to kill left right and centre. Yet that isn't really what they are there for. Their chief function is to provide suppression at extended ranges and to a lesser extent take out high value targets, without getting embroiled in heavy fighting. Basically, if all your sniper is doing is keeping the enemy at a distance it's a success. There's a bit of a problem in 1.08 in that the spotter is too eager to get stuck in with his M-4.
  23. Modules and new games demand different resources from BFC. New titles require extensive programming, new modules relatively little. So the skinners and modellers are kept busy on modules while programming progresses on the next title. It's a little bit more complex then that, but as a rough guide it's adequate, I reckon.
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