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Elmar Bijlsma

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Posts posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I'm sorry for that snarky comment. I'd been trawling a dozen forums just to see if someone would say something financially unsound. :D

    Exactly C3K. Us wanting something isn't enough. BFC have to be able to get a good return for investment. Three quarters of the "Why don't BFC do X" thread can be answered by considering what BFC would want, instead of just the customer.

    Vapourware? That's typically used to describe a product in the works for so long that it's existence is deemed mythical. CMSF2 is hardly vapourware as it's a recently announced idea for a game, to be worked on at some point in the future. CMSF and CMSF2 use the same base code, ergo same engine. (CMx2) That CMSF and CMSF2 aren't on speaking terms is neither here nor there. CMSF2 will probably add things to gameplay that CMSF wouldn't know what to do with. It would truly suck if CMSF were compatible, because that would mean the CMx2 engine hadn't evolved much over time. And that was the whole idea of CMx2, to have an engine capable of change so it could over time evolve in to something better, unlike CMx1, which was pretty nearly more of the same each new release.


    that's pretty much what seems to be the release schedule. CM:Normandy then CMSF2, with modules of the previous title released around the next. Though where this leaves Space Lobsters of Doom is uncertain.

    I'm not sure why you don't understand why modules are being released. Firstly: *ka-ching* and secondly: Why the hell not? I'm dying to get my hands on some Brits. Just because the next title will be better, why not "make do" with what we've got. In ten years time CM will be even better, so why not stop releasing games until then? That essentially is what you are saying.

  2. Bunkers great for tourism? Don't look like they are anything special. I know of two exactly the same bunkers, plus a bunch partially buried ones that might be the same right where I live, in IJmuiden. That plus a bunch of connected pillboxes, 15cm bunkers, FLaK bunkers etc etc. And there's the hard to miss E-boot bunker{1}, which is so huge I'm surprised it's not a U-boot bunker.

    My point is, on the Atlantic coast your bunkers need to have something special to stand out from the crowd, because there are a godawful lot of them. These are so boring even the locals forgot about them. :)

    {1} say hard to miss because the Brits demolished one with Tallboy bombs, the other still in use as a battle scarred part of an industrial plant.

  3. What's there for an American to detect?

    Here in the Netherlands you have a fair chance to find something medieval or Roman era, if you manage not to kill yourself digging up the copious amounts of WW2 stuff. Heck, I found several pre-historic hand axes (still sharp!) digging up my fathers vegetable patch, along with a piece of a 5cm mortar round and 20mm and .303 casings.

  4. I don't think it speaks volumes. After the threads went anti-Semitic there was limited time to put ones oar in. I did, and I reckon RMC would've too, had he had the opportunity. Disagreeing with you on some issues does not make us Evil fanboys of anti-semitism.

    Oh, and was the GF ever any different? Acrimony has always been part and parcel of these boards. Remember the delightful days of Frunze? The memory that we use to hang out here holding hands and singing "Kumbaya my lord" is false.

  5. You wanna shoot down your own planes with it? There's no Luftwaffe left in 1944 that can really oppose what the Allies can put in the air, so there's no need for those!

    Sure, the Luftwaffe was already in serious decline in mid '44, but I believe BFC are probably going to include a few German strike aircraft. So we need a few toys to counter. And Crusader AA 2x20 or 40mm are just such neat toys. And they needn't be limited to the AA role.

    And if you are going to bother with the Ostwind, like every developer always does, you have no excuse to exclude the Crusader AAs.

  6. Elmar may forget the general level of unhappiness with the point system, but we don't

    Wait a minute! I though I was the one living in a country with a reputation for tolerance towards mind altering substances? General level of unhappiness? There was undoubtedly some pissing and moaning, grogs being grogs. But general unhappiness? I rather thought wheedling the best bang for your bucks out of the points allotted was near universally liked. I think you are quite wrong in how (under)appreciated the old QB points system was.

    There's this saying you Americans have: "I hate to tell you I told you so but..." Well, I don't. I LOVE to tell anyone that I told them so. I'll claim I told them so even if I didn't. This is me telling you so. And I will take an obnoxious amount of pleasure in reminding you if you screw the pooch.


    Irrelevant but fun fact about Dutch anti-smoking laws: The owner of a coffee shop can get a hefty fine for allowing a customer to light up a blunt inside the premises, but only if there is tobacco in the blunt. If you role a pure one, no one can touch you. Dutch law is so awesomely weird it may well turn out to be some sort of performance art.

  7. heh... because we didn't like how the first system worked As I've said several times before, I'd rather work at Burger King than go through another couple of years of people bitching and complaining about the science behind our point value system. Since there isn't a Burger King anywhere within 45 minutes drive, I'm putting my efforts into not having to live up to my threat

    The new system will be a hybrid between the old (cherry picking) and the new (formations) methods. This will allow people to have forces that are militarily sensible if they want, or completely crazy stuff like in the old days. In other words, getting the best of what both has to offer.


    Bitching about the science behind it, bitching about it's absence... you really think us lot are going to behave? Hah! Oh, and you don't have to like how it works. Us customers (and I mean me, really) like it. So that's decided then? :)

    Seriously though, I don't remember the complaints about unit pricing being all that bad aside from some HMC M8 spamming. CMBB and CMAK values were pretty much uncontested IIRC. I can understand why you dodged it for CMSF. Who'd want to assign a value to a Javelin equipped infantry squad? But WW2? I'd say you guys have done the bulk of that balancing act already.

    A hybrid system that offers the best of both? You'd have to point out anything good about the CMSF QB system first because I can't think of any. It just doesn't work right. Getting a fun battle out of it is far too rare.

    In terms you understand:

    Say you own a Aston Martin Vantage and a Trabant. You would not, repeat NOT want to make a hybrid car from the two. You take the Vantage and drive it, and use the Trabant for target practise. The CMSF QB system is that Trabant. Shoot the Trabant Steve, shoot the Trabant. :cool:

  8. And I thought I was going to win the "Nong of the Month" award for going in the 9/11 thread to give my opinion on the competitive remembering and honouring. But here's CoFarmer saving my bacon.

    Even disregarding your worldview, and it's pretty damn hard to do so, you are a dumbass. You get the lock thrown on you twice. Somehow you thought this an invitation to continue that line. Unlike everyone else, who took on board and obeyed the STFU that the two locks implied. Bye now!

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