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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Posts posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Why have a FP rating when you've got the actual bullets calculated? What would that actually add. It's like having a car with a horse tethered in front.

    I think we'll see 'Hide' in the face of enemy fire fall out of fire as players can saturate the area where targets were last seen with rounds that won't be artificially gimped like the FP rating was. They rounds be just as deadly as aimed fire when they plough up the targeted area.

  2. Will the missions be more realistic this time around? Most TOW missions were gruelling battles where both sides slaughtered each other until a handful of lucky troops (usually the survivors from some disabled tanks) finished of the last remaining enemy.

    I hope that there are at least a few maps where the fighting is less brutal, with victory possible without the annihilation of one side or both.

    I think back with great fondness of CC2:A Bridge Too Far, where many a battle ended because I ran into stiff opposition and decided advancing further wasn't worth it. Or those battles where after bloodying an opponent I retreated before my troops were overrun.

  3. I'm not sure were tuned to the same radio channel, Moon.

    What if I'm looking for posts about the A9? It's not on Sergei's list. Do you take requests? Merely adding the US aircraft designations would keep you busy for a while. And then there are the Germans with their wacky designations.

  4. Moon, while your offer is an example of the good service BFC want to provide, I ask myself (an now you) how realistic a solution it is. The military acronyms, unit and vehicle designations are near inexhaustible. And then there are those that fall outside that category but really need to provide a hit too, like the aforementioned 'bug'.

    No chance the old search engine can come back? It was quite good.

    As a workaround I've had some success searching with Google for forum posts. It's a bit hit and miss but for those searches the current system can't deal with, it's better then nothing.

  5. Well, I agree the system isn't dynamic enough to be a realistic representation. In real operations there will be a constant back and forth of query and feedback between the aircraft and the controller, making adjustments as needed.

    Then again, what you are asking for is equally unrealistic. It would essentially mean the aircraft would be let of the leash to do as they please. Given the somewhat chequered history of CAS, letting CAS pick it's own targets would result in very nervous troops.

    It's my understanding nothing gets shot at without someone on the ground giving directions. In CMSF that is you. Expecting the AI to adapt to to changes on the battlefield is asking too much. Given the incidents that occur with actual human controllers, one dreads to think what job the AI would do. I think it's best to let human players be the dominant factor. Us players have a long and justified dislike of the AI improvising on orders we give. It rarely does what we had in mind.

    Though if the "adjust target" would be a tad bit quicker I'd be very happy.

  6. Btw. are Soviet mine dogs command detonated or enemy detonated?

    As you well know Sergei, Soviet mine dogs had a famous penchant for crawling under their own sides tanks due to unfortunate training practises. Ergo the answer to your question is: Both!

    Begs the question, what were the NKVD dogs doing as all this happened?!

  7. Editor placed claymores would probably work. Placement during a game would probably be incredibly fiddly to get to work right/realistically and would probably be hideously abused by us.

    I'm speculating here, but I'm thinking BFC, realizing it's more trouble then it's worth, have the following explanation ready: "The US are waging a war of manoeuvre and are far to busy for mines." You may or may not agree with that, but I reckon it's the smart thing to do. Do not open the can labelled 'worms'.

  8. Hey! You said last question. ;)

    CSAR? Combat Search And Rescue? No, not really. The game doesn't do helicopters transport, so that'll be tricky. I'm sure some clever designer could cook up something fun along those lines but it would have to be an improvised "use your imagination" type of thing.

    About the models: Go ask Dan. I believe the Spanish are driving around in Leo 2s so they might be of some use. not sure what else they have that the German/Nato module might use.

    Irregular troops are in. IED, VBIED, triggermen, dickers and your basic ME militia. The militia doesn't have any special ability though.

    Depends. While CMSF was released to retail, chances of you running in to a copy is slim. Best use the web to order it.

    Hinds are not available, though there's been some speculation Red might get some air assets some day. You could always lend the Syrians an Apache helicopter.

  9. Oh, there's still the blamegame, the lawsuits and White House keyboards missing the E,H,O and P keys. Oh, and here's the acceptance speech now.

    Congrats to the US-ians. I didn't think your nation was up to the task of electing a coloured man named Barack Hussein Obama. Now, let's see how he actually does. Try not to shoot him, would you?

  10. Since this game simulates all those command levels, why can't we get a system to notify the player?

    I do not think CMSF simulates any command level at all. It simulates the battles. Some command gets modelled, but as a means to and end. I'm pretty sure Steve has said something along those lines.

    And for those who don't want it, make it an optional toggle.

    Ah, but is that simple? I'm not opposed to implementation of this because I am a meanie. Time spend on this feature will take time away from some other feature. If you get this, I don't get better QBs. And I happen to think this is a fairly irrelevant feature, at least for me. So a single dude in some far off corner of the battlefield gets shot and you don't get to hear about it. Is this important? Not really.

    If troops are dying by the platoon load, yeah, that'd be bad. But then again, if that can happen unnoticed then you are a poor commander, and deserve what you land yourself in, and no amount of reporting will help you.

    95% of the battles I play, I get along just fine without unit X telling me it got wiped out. In the 5% of cases that don't go well I blame myself, not the in-game reporting of casualties. I pay attention to the wrong battle, I get deservedly punished for it.

    Besides that, I've never seen a game with reporting system I was happy with. I got told too much or told too little. Even systems where you could de-select certain message types failed to give me what I want when I wanted it. I'm far better at retrieving useful information from a game then any system Charles could ever put together.

  11. Elmar Bijlsma,

    He may be, but I sure wasn't. One would expect, all other readily observable things being equal, the nearer tank would've been targeted. Obviously, this doesn't always hold.

    I should've added a "all things being vaguely equal" in there. Probably a point blank rear shot of a regular is going to get priority over an across the map shot at a frontal angle at a veteran. Wouldn't want to nail my colours to the mast on how the targeting routine weighs things though, it's been a while. But definitely unit cost is a major factor. Since unit cost factors in usefulness in most occasions it's a useful guide for the AI to calculate threat and/or desirability to KO targets.

    Note, HQs are slightly more expensive then regular vehicles. So even if both tanks are regular, the HQ tank will get top billing on the hit list.

    It took me a while to realize what was going on, which shows me how useful a routine it is. It wasn't till Wet Triangle in the ROW (V?) tournament that I identified it clearly. Until then I always chalked it up to sods law myself. But seeing my T-34/85s get KO-ed in order of how good they were really was obvious in that scenario.

  12. *cough*



    Meanwhile, further diplomatic egg on your face in the region. Mission uncomplished.

    Wanted the guy dead? US should have improved diplomatic relations with Syria and offered a trade deal. And then slide in a note with the whereabouts of the AQ member. Make a certain hand signal if you must. Within 24 hours the dude is chained to a wall if he's lucky.

    You catch more flies with honey then with vinegar.

  13. It depends on the situation, but essentially it has a longer reach then most other small arms so for optimal effect keep it out of the range of enemy AK. You definitely want to keep them a little behind the troops, and in cover as the MMG isn't a very capable of defending itself when suddenly confronted with the enemy at short range.

    Also, don't be shy about using them. I fire at every likely looking target for a bit, then the main threat before the troops even move. Typically I burn 1/2 my 7.62 before I see all that much of the enemy. Not only good for suppression and even a few kills but will frequently draw return fire which you can crush with whatever means you have at your disposal. Obviously it's better to have this happen with your MG in cover a long distance away then with exposed troops nearly on top of the enemy.

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