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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Posts posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Does turning down the graphical quality help at all? Might just be that it's too high. Turning off shadows is my favourite for getting a smoother game at minimal eyecandy loss. Dialing down anti-aliasing is good too, especially if you are using a high resolution.

    Also, try controlling the camera with the mouse by pressing down the left or right button to move the camera.

    Hope that helped a little.

  2. Erm, the Serbs had a VERY recent history of violent oppression and genocide when the Kosovo conflict began. The Georgians are pretty tame by comparison. Note also that in Georgia it were the separatist that started ethnically cleansing their eras. The Serbs were complete douchebags for almost a decade. And then the chickens came home to roost. They had themselves to blame. Not that I won't admit NATO got suckered by the KLA. But it took very little convincing.

    Believing witnesses? Hell no! Not in a politically charged environment like this. Remember, that Romanian mass grave during their revolution? Random people dug up from their churchyard graves. Babies dragged out of their incubator in Kuwait? A lie told by the daughter of their ambassador. And I wouldn't believe any news from the Palestinian Territories if I were you.

    People are playing the long game for high stakes. Shoving a few persons with a tale in front of the camera is childsplay. Ask yourself: All that destruction and mass death yet even Russian propaganda can't get images of it, does that sound right?

    Georgian democracy and human rights record not so hot? Try the Russians! No? How about the South Ossetians? Abkhazia? No again? Gosh! Saakhasvili is a serious improvement on Shervernadze, though that's not hard by any standard. He seems to be setting news standards for the region though, from what I hear.

    And with the Russian bully next door, I'd want to be in a powerful defence pact too. Almost every neighbour of Russia does too. and why is that a problem for you anyway. NATO members buy their own guns btw.

  3. There's a world of difference between shipping a CD and book/DVD. You'd be amazed. Also international shipping is pretty expensive. Compare the price BFC charges with the price this large Dutch website charges. Notice the difference between CD and DVD/book shipments. And the big jump in price when it needs to cross a border. If the biggest Dutch media story (with access to the top notch Dutch infrastructure for international trade) can't do better, I'll give BFC a pass too.

  4. Sorry, that post was more aimed at Red Rage then you. I still hold that Russia is pulling the string. The Russians and their proxies kept needling till the Georgians reacted. Rather crudely and short-sightedly I might add.

    As for the amount of dead in the shelling... There are about 70.000 people in the entire region, probably even less. With that in mind killing 1400 in one go seems like l33t skillz. Haven't seen images of the town that shows widespread devastation either. Oh, I don't deny something ugly just happened, but I scoff at the claims of 1000+ dead. Not even close, I reckon.

  5. You could ask BFC if they can help you. IIRC there is a special e-mail for dealing with e-licence questions/requests.

    May I also recommend to you and anybody else to create a Gmail account (if you don't already have one) and email such licence numbers to yourself? Store them in a separate Gmail folder and you can wipe your HD every day of the week and you can still access those registration/licence numbers.

  6. Uhm, the Russian forces in South Ossetia have to my knowledge never been part of a UN force. There's UNOMIG in Abkhazia which is a few observers only. No large scale deployment of forces.

    Flag in the picture doesn't look like UN flag, too dark and lacking the logo. And hanging below the Russian flag? Big no-no. Nor are the troops displaying a UN logo.

    Good to see the good old propaganda machine of Mother Russia hasn't unlearned it's lessons. If you think Russia didn't pull the strings on this conflict you are incredibly naive.

  7. IIRC the Canadians were indeed one of the three frontrunners up for inclusion. This because they, like the Dutch, aren't afraid of getting their hands dirty on the international stage. And between the three of them they share a lot of kit. FN MAG, C-7 and C-8 used by the Canadians and Dutch, Leo's by everybody and the Dutch and Germans share the Fennek, Fuchs and PzH2000. And remember that the Canadians are major LAV users, who'll enter the CMSF fray with the US Marines module. BFC would be fools not to include the Canadians.

  8. I wonder if that is what the object of the Russian excercise was? Random thought...

    Why would they want that? I don't think that's a major Russian concern.

    I think they are more interested in letting the Ossetia situation continue, thus nixing Georgian NATO membership. Probably also why Georgia took the bull by the horns. If the Georgians get the South Ossetia issue sorted, they'll find doors open at NATO HQ. Once in, they can finally tell the Russians to go feck themselves.

    Or the Russians might just go whole hog and try to take back all of Georgia.

    I wonder what the Ukraine will do?

  9. So it's obviously better for the most part of the world to wait for the final release. Doesn't makes much sense to pre-order anyway, since I will have the DL-version as fast as my internet connection allows, while a hardcopy of the game is one of the most senseless things in the world!

    It needs some weeks to arrive in Germany - and can only be used as a dust catcher, since I don't need it to play at all. Beside the possibilty that the CD will contain just an outdated version of the game/module, if I think about the update-feast after the release of CMSF.

    And that's perfectly fine.

    But if you don't want to pay for the stuff that comes with the pre-order physical shipment, then don't ask for it to be given to you for free next time.

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